6:38 AM <SynGuest431> lul
6:38 AM How
6:39 AM SynGuest431 → postman
6:39 AM
<postman> /nick personman46
6:39 AM postman → personman
6:40 AM
<ihp> >
I am not a fucking furry
6:40 AM AbsentmindedNihilist: the more I read of your work, the more I doubt that statement. :P
6:40 AM
<personman> yes you are
6:40 AM <•AbsentmindedNihilist> it's a line from a skio
6:41 AM lol
6:41 AM
<personman> Nigga
6:41 AM Whoops
6:41 AM ← personman (PI.7B9746B2.13B95D06.E9AF9F5E|tibbiM#PI.7B9746B2.13B95D06.E9AF9F5E|tibbiM) was kicked by •AbsentmindedNihilist: no slurs
6:41 AM
<Bjonk> ಠ_ಠ
6:41 AM <•AbsentmindedNihilist> ihp i'm not full on fursuit furry
6:41 AM i'm more like "little bit beastly"
6:41 AM → ADream_ joined (~if.teni.pchd.3355E9AF-CRInys|criigc#if.teni.pchd.3355E9AF-CRInys|criigc)
6:41 AM <•AbsentmindedNihilist> like i don't like full on anthropomorphic animals
6:42 AM but i lvoe girls with wings, or antlers, or cat ears
6:42 AM
<•Athenodora> meow
6:42 AM
<•soulonphone> So
6:42 AM → SynGuest431 joined (PI.7B9746B2.13B95D06.E9AF9F5E|tibbiM#PI.7B9746B2.13B95D06.E9AF9F5E|tibbiM)
6:42 AM
<•soulonphone> Niles is into monster girls
6:42 AM
<SynGuest431> Sorry about that
6:42 AM
<•soulonphone> The way I’m into monster boys?
6:43 AM <•AbsentmindedNihilist> …maybe
6:43 AM
<SynGuest431> I got autocorrect3
6:43 AM
<•soulonphone> Ayyyy
6:43 AM ^5
6:43 AM Monsters > humans
6:43 AM <•AbsentmindedNihilist> SynGuest431: yeah no. autocorrect doesn't correct to literal slurs.
6:43 AM don't lie to us, man.
6:43 AM
<SynGuest431> No I typed in nibba but it changed it
6:43 AM <AwayTeethMothWork> SynGuest431: Just stop
6:43 AM
<ihp> SynGuest431: that's still a slur. :|
6:43 AM <•AbsentmindedNihilist> i highly doubt that.
6:43 AM AwayTeethMothWork → RockTeethMothEyes
6:44 AM <RockTeethMothEyes> SynGuest431: It's not hard to just stop.
6:44 AM
<SynGuest431> lul
6:44 AM ← SynGuest431 (PI.7B9746B2.13B95D06.E9AF9F5E|tibbiM#PI.7B9746B2.13B95D06.E9AF9F5E|tibbiM) was kicked by •soulonphone: nah it’s 7 am I don’t wanna deal with you, perms
6:44 AM •soulonphone banned synguest431!*@* (+b)
Then they tried to evade that ban, leading to a prema.
→ Cyclc joined (~PI.7B9746B2.13B95D06.E9AF9F5E|tibbiM#PI.7B9746B2.13B95D06.E9AF9F5E|tibbiM)
6:55 AM <CuteGirl> .ch nap, crosswords
6:55 AM
<•Secretary_Helen> CuteGirl: nap
6:55 AM <CuteGirl> Thx helen
6:55 AM <•taylor_iOStkin> Cyclc: I mean now it’s a perma Van
6:55 AM
<•ChaoSera> Helen is wise beyond her years
6:55 AM
<•Athenodora> *ban
6:55 AM <•taylor_iOStkin> You know what I meant
6:56 AM
<Cyclc> hello
6:56 AM •taylor_iOStkin banned *!*@E5F9FA9E.60D59B31.2B6479B7.IP (+b)
6:56 AM ← Cyclc (~PI.7B9746B2.13B95D06.E9AF9F5E|tibbiM#PI.7B9746B2.13B95D06.E9AF9F5E|tibbiM) was kicked by •ChaoSera
They tried to appeal in 17, and was denied.
→ SynGuest431 joined (PI.7B9746B2.13B95D06.E9AF9F5E|tibbiM#PI.7B9746B2.13B95D06.E9AF9F5E|tibbiM)
5:29 PM
<SynGuest431> Hey
5:29 PM I’d like to repeal a ban
5:32 PM Hello?
5:32 PM → rattles joined ↔ SynGuest431 nipped out
5:34 PM
<•bluesoul> SynGuest431 i don't know the nature of your ban, what nickname were you using, what did you do, etc
5:34 PM
<SynGuest431> Hey I said a slur using this account and used another one to circumvent it
5:34 PM This morning
5:34 PM Name Potwats
5:36 PM My other account I used o circumvent was called Cuclc
5:36 PM Cyclc*
5:38 PM ↔ SynGuest431 nipped out
5:41 PM
<SynGuest431> So is it done yet or
5:42 PM
<•bluesoul> i don't see any reason to reverse this ban, no
5:43 PM
<SynGuest431> I was only justifying what I did the second time I joined after I was kicked
5:43 PM Then I got permanent banned
5:44 PM
<•bluesoul> that is not sufficient for me to reverse a ban, and frankly your contributions to 19 provide negative value to the place
5:44 PM you can check back in a year
5:45 PM
<SynGuest431> What do you mean I was trying to be funny but the staff took it too far and I was trying not to do it again
5:46 PM
<•bluesoul> there's really nothing more to say here beyond check back in a year
They just recently tried another appeal in 17 despite being told to try again in a year.
<SynGuest431> Hey it’s been a while since my ban and I would like a second chance since this irc is important to me.
7:27 PM
<•CorvusCaurinus> And your username is?
7:27 PM
<SynGuest431> Agent Potwats
7:27 PM For the scp wiki account
7:27 PM I was banned for the slurs
7:28 PM
<•CorvusCaurinus> And when was this? Nobody appears to have logged this and I am just liquored up enough to not want to bother finding out on my own
7:28 PM
<SynGuest431> Yesterday
7:29 PM
<•CorvusCaurinus> And you were banned for how long?
7:29 PM
<SynGuest431> 1 day
7:29 PM But I was a permanent ban so
7:30 PM
<•CorvusCaurinus> One moment
7:30 PM
<SynGuest431> k
7:31 PM
<•CorvusCaurinus> Okay. My records show you already tried to appeal and were denied.
7:31 PM SynGuest431 → man
7:31 PM
<•CorvusCaurinus> You are not allowed a second attempt.
7:31 PM Come back in a year.