<ImissJoergentheSecond> anyone know much about the RPC
11:27 PM RPC Authority?
11:27 PM S<Simartar> Like 173, 096, 3008, 999, 049, a bit of 079, etc.
11:27 PM <%taylor_iOStkin> Nope.
11:27 PM ⇐ supersnail quit (~moc.rr.ser.lacos.018EF8FC-CRInys|criigc#moc.rr.ser.lacos.018EF8FC-CRInys|criigc) Quit: CGI:IRC
11:27 PM M<@MrAnakinSpecter> ImissJoergentheSecond: i know that it sucks and i hate it
11:27 PM <%taylor_iOStkin> Move on.
11:27 PM Please.
11:27 PM I<ImissJoergentheSecond> oof
11:27 PM E<edna> murdermenow1200: None of it is true.
11:27 PM I<ImissJoergentheSecond> um sooo
11:27 PM A<@Athenodora> okay, we do have a couple of separate conversations going here
11:27 PM M<murdermenow1200> Thank god
11:27 PM I<ImissJoergentheSecond> lol
11:27 PM E<edna> ImissJoergentheSecond: best not to talk about them.
11:27 PM A<@Athenodora> may I finish addressing the Licensing stuffs first?
11:28 PM I<ImissJoergentheSecond> yes
11:28 PM M<@MrAnakinSpecter> you can talk about it, just not when a staff member has explicitly asked you not to, like now
11:28 PM A<@Athenodora> anyway, to finish up on the Licensing inquiries
11:29 PM I<ImissJoergentheSecond> ok
11:31 PM A<@Athenodora> ImissJoergentheSecond fundamentally, the CC BY-SA 3.0 licence is meant to be fairly open to people sharing and/or adapting on the works under said licence, but it does have clear terms and rules governing it https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/
11:31 PM ImissJoergentheSecond → Scpooper
11:31 PM S<Scpooper> ok thx u very much
11:31 PM M<murdermenow1200> I want to create an scp that would involve the rpc authority and the foundation working together, and maybe bridge a gap for the two sides to get along
11:31 PM A<@Athenodora> https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/legalcode
11:31 PM S<Scpooper> I will take a good look at that and the licensing guide on the SCP site
11:31 PM murdermenow that is a good idea
11:31 PM <%taylor_iOStkin> murdermenow1200: the RPC wiki has officially asked our wiki to not contain any media referencing it.
11:31 PM E<edna> murdermenow1200: Don't
11:31 PM <%taylor_iOStkin> It is not a good idea.
11:31 PM S<Scpooper> ok
11:31 PM anyways
11:31 PM M<murdermenow1200> Aww
11:31 PM S<Scpooper> 1. I will look up the licensing stuff
11:31 PM M<@MrAnakinSpecter> murdermenow1200: you can write whatever fanfiction you want, just don't expect it to be on our site
11:32 PM S<Scpooper> 2. Next question
11:32 PM <%taylor_iOStkin> .s licensing guide
11:32 PM S<%Secretary_Helen> taylor_iOStkin: Licensing Guide (Rating: +46. Written 6 years ago By: DrClef) - http://scp-wiki.net/licensing-guide
11:32 PM S<Scpooper> Is this like an authoritarian type dictatorship site
11:32 PM E<edna> :|
11:32 PM <naepicfael> Not…really?
11:33 PM <%taylor_iOStkin> Scpooper: no?
11:33 PM A<@Athenodora> .s The Dummy's Guide to Licenses
11:33 PM S<%Secretary_Helen> Athenodora: The Dummy's Guide to Licenses (Rating: +37. Written 140 days ago By: Uncle Nicolini) - http://scp-wiki.net/guia-licencias-de-archivos
11:33 PM S<Scpooper> wow
11:33 PM M<@MrAnakinSpecter> only if you want it to be
11:33 PM <%taylor_iOStkin> Scpooper: that other site has asked us not to incorporate them.
11:33 PM We are respecting that.
11:33 PM D<djkaktus> .au
11:33 PM M<murdermenow1200> I understand
11:33 PM S<%Secretary_Helen> djkaktus: djkaktus - (http://www.scp-wiki.net/djkaktus) has 131 pages. (80 SCP articles, 32 Tales, 3 GoI Formats, 15 others.) They have 31486 net upvotes with an average of 240. Their latest page is SCP-4489: Apologies at 94.
11:33 PM S<Scpooper> ok guys I understand everything
11:33 PM moving on lol
11:33 PM <%taylor_iOStkin> I don't see how that's anything like an authoritarian or dictatorship
11:33 PM E<edna> Scpooper: Third time you've had a username with SCP in it.
11:33 PM S<Scpooper> I just wanna know how strict this place is, kinda scares me ya know
11:33 PM M<@MrAnakinSpecter> everything already, huh? that's a new record
11:33 PM S<Scpooper> should make this chat site an SCP for all I care
11:33 PM M<@MrAnakinSpecter> Scpooper: sure that's a cool idea
11:34 PM S<Scpooper> ok
11:34 PM ⇐ WrongJohnSilver quit (moc.duolccri.nevahenots.C3CAA292-CRInys|727301diu#moc.duolccri.nevahenots.C3CAA292-CRInys|727301diu) Quit: Connection closed for inactivity
11:34 PM M<@MrAnakinSpecter> there was a tale series a while back about something similar
11:34 PM where the chatbots were actual AIs from in-universe sites
11:34 PM S<Scpooper> How popular is the SCP Foundation site
11:34 PM M<@MrAnakinSpecter> i don't remember what it was called but it was neat
11:34 PM <%taylor_iOStkin> we hit over 2 million unique site views a month.
11:34 PM S<Shio> Enough.
11:35 PM <ROUNDERHOUSE> .s aiad
11:35 PM S<%Secretary_Helen> ROUNDERHOUSE: AIAD Homescreen (Rating: +357. Written 4 years ago By: LurkD) - http://scp-wiki.net/aiad-homescreen
11:35 PM <ROUNDERHOUSE> MrAnakinSpecter:
11:35 PM S<Scpooper> oh neat
11:35 PM what about the RPC Authority
11:35 PM <%taylor_iOStkin> Less.
11:35 PM A<@Athenodora> okay, guysiefolks
11:35 PM S<Scpooper> k
11:35 PM M<murdermenow1200> You mean the guide right? That thing was eating pieces of my soul every freacking time i reread it
11:35 PM A— @Athenodora op hat on
11:35 PM M<@MrAnakinSpecter> Scpooper: we technically have millions of fans, but most of them are literal eleven-year-olds that only know us from shitty videogames and youtube funnymen
11:35 PM S<Scpooper> lol rekted
11:35 PM jkjk
11:35 PM E<edna> I think people still use Jarvis, despite Jarvis not being used anymore.
11:35 PM M<murdermenow1200> Kgkfld
11:35 PM A<@Athenodora> can we pause the other convos for about 5 seconds
11:35 PM <%taylor_iOStkin> edna: f in peace
11:35 PM M<@MrAnakinSpecter> edna: jarvis lives on in our hearts
11:35 PM S<Simartar> Is there like two different communities, then?
11:35 PM S<Shio> And our writings sometimes get readings done on YouTube.
11:36 PM <%taylor_iOStkin> Simartar: the on-site community and the outer fandom are technically separate I guess
11:36 PM D<DrChandra> Hey can someone look at this Herman Fuller Theme me and Stormbreath have been working on? I think it's ready. http://topia.wikidot.com/component:hf-theme
11:36 PM <%taylor_iOStkin> Hey let's let Dora talk
11:36 PM S<Scpooper> guys I am 16
11:36 PM <ROUNDERHOUSE> congrats i guess
11:36 PM <%taylor_iOStkin> congrats?
11:36 PM S<Simartar> …that's great?
11:36 PM M<@MrAnakinSpecter> congradulations
11:36 PM <ROUNDERHOUSE> taylor_iOStkin: ayy
11:36 PM +ROUNDERHOUSE was voiced (+v) by %taylor_iOStkin
11:36 PM S<Scpooper> and apparently only "Shitty" 11 year olds know about teh SCP Foundation
11:36 PM it is congrats
11:36 PM ROUNDERHOUSE was de-voiced (-v) by %taylor_iOStkin
11:36 PM S<Scpooper> wanna know what else
11:36 PM M<@MrAnakinSpecter> happy birthday
11:36 PM S<Shio> Oh, sorry Dora. I didn't mean to overshadow you.
11:36 PM <ROUNDERHOUSE> wow okay
11:36 PM S<Scpooper> 1. I got a job this summer
11:36 PM <%taylor_iOStkin> Scpooper: you realize you have to literally be over 15 to b ehere
11:36 PM M<@MrAnakinSpecter> what's your job?
11:36 PM S<Scpooper> 2. I am getting my license
11:37 PM neat
11:37 PM M<@MrAnakinSpecter> aw sweet
11:37 PM S<Scpooper> anyways
11:37 PM <%taylor_iOStkin> these are all things 16 year olds do yes
11:37 PM M<@MrAnakinSpecter> do you have a car?
11:37 PM S<Simartar> That's cool
11:37 PM S<Scpooper> nah
11:37 PM my generation is fucked
11:37 PM sorry no bad language?
11:37 PM idk
11:37 PM M<@MrAnakinSpecter> no it's cool
11:37 PM <%taylor_iOStkin> fuck is fine
11:37 PM we're chill dudes with chill agendas
11:37 PM S<Scpooper> anyways, I supposed that everyone here is or was in their 30s+
11:37 PM Channel mode set to +m by @Athenodora
11:37 PM <%taylor_iOStkin> watch this: fuck
11:37 PM oh
11:37 PM A<@Athenodora> okay, guysiefolks
11:38 PM I know I'm a slow typer, and I do need to take my time looking up the relevant Guides and info and stuffs
11:38 PM Scpooper → SCP-173
11:38 PM <%taylor_iOStkin> SCP-173: we don;'t allow SCP-# nicks.
11:38 PM SCP-173 → SCP-173SCP-096fanfic
11:38 PM <%taylor_iOStkin> change back please.
11:39 PM M<@MrAnakinSpecter> come on kid you were cool before
11:39 PM ← SCP-173SCP-096fanfic (~ac.lleb.lsd.0D74C991-CRInys|criigc#ac.lleb.lsd.0D74C991-CRInys|criigc) was kicked by %taylor_iOStkin: ok rejoin when you do then
11:39 PM A
11:39 PM ← SCP-173SCP-096fanfic (~ac.lleb.lsd.0D74C991-CRInys|criigc#ac.lleb.lsd.0D74C991-CRInys|criigc) was kicked by %taylor_iOStkin
There's the host mask. Was kicked, not banned.
Logging for posterity's sake and because this is..weird.