9:12 PM <Sodium21> there will be a day where feminism complains about gay people not being attractd to women
9:12 PM <Elisabeans> Hello.
9:12 PM <BlueJones> Ah okay
9:12 PM <+Crashington> musical trailer :D
9:12 PM <%JazSleep> Sodium21: fuck off
9:12 PM <Metaphysician> https://youtu.be/zvgZtdmyKlI
9:12 PM <%Secretary_Helen> Metaphysician: Nazikeule im Dritten Reich - length 1m50s - 24519↑2544↓ - 649256 views - Bohemian Browser Ballett - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zvgZtdmyKlI
9:12 PM <Metaphysician> There we go.
9:12 PM <@AbsentmindedNihilist> sodium21 that's ridiculous and we're moving on.
9:13 PM — BlueJones does a saxophone solo to change the mood!
9:13 PM <Metaphysician> Also, there are terfs… just don't lump feminism as a whole with those types.
9:13 PM — BlueJones does it badly and everyone is free to mock him
9:13 PM <Metaphysician> Ah, sorry
9:13 PM <Metaphysician> Will move on
9:13 PM — TheMerchant backs up the hot, steamy sax with a violin
9:13 PM <Sodium21> sorry sorry, i retract my statement
9:13 PM <dentix> i was gonna mention that that is one of my genuine fears bc of internalised bs but topic changed
9:14 PM <%MaliceAF> Sodium21: you should, and (as mentioned) we're moving on.
9:14 PM <DrLycus> so for 2020 i think we need to bring back jaz music
9:14 PM <Elisabeans> Jazz music should remain where it is.
9:14 PM — BlueJones continues to play sax with TheMerchant's Violin, welcoming everyone to join in
9:14 PM <TheMightyMcB> jazz music never left lycus
9:14 PM <%MaliceAF> I'm assuming you mean jazz music and not just getting JazSleep to make music for us
9:14 PM <TheMightyMcB> go to NYC
9:14 PM <Elisabeans> Being far too loud some where else.
9:14 PM <TheMightyMcB> youll find more jazz clubs per square mile than like anywhere else
9:15 PM <DrLycus> MaliceAF you are incorrect, i do mean JazSleep
9:15 PM <%JazSleep> o.o
9:15 PM <+Crashington> speaking of jazz music have you seen the other borderlands trailer
9:15 PM <+Crashington> lmao
9:15 PM <TheMerchant> Someone shouldf do for jazz what Lil Nas X did for country
9:15 PM <+Crashington> https://usercontent.irccloud-cdn.com/file/mNI4UPPi/
9:15 PM ↔ TheBlueHour nipped out
9:16 PM <Sodium21> oh, and, before I go, look at the periodic table, find sodium and place it before my 21 in capital letter
9:16 PM <BlueJones> Yes. This is what the people need
9:16 PM <+Crashington> https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/919205213202150536/87CD71230A3B1F3D72C871A54487CA947EEA4AA1/
9:16 PM <+Crashington> this should be better
9:16 PM <BlueJones> YES~
9:16 PM <@AbsentmindedNihilist> Na21?
9:16 PM <%MaliceAF> Sodium21: very clever. Is that an insinuation that you're a nazi, or just that you're edgy and have poor taste in humour?
9:17 PM <NamelessMediocre> I don't get the reference
9:17 PM <%MaliceAF> NamelessMediocre: not a reference, the joke is that it spells nazi
9:17 PM <Sodium21> i don't get to laugh at what i want?
9:17 PM <NamelessMediocre> ah
9:17 PM <TheMerchant> No, no you do not
9:17 PM ⇐ DrBovdin quit (~eb.nevueluk.tenluk.A13D726B-CRInys|nidvoB#eb.nevueluk.tenluk.A13D726B-CRInys|nidvoB) Ping timeout: 180 seconds
9:17 PM <TheBlueHour> Why would that be funny?
9:17 PM <NamelessMediocre> now I see
9:17 PM <%MaliceAF> Sodium21: listen, you've already mocked feminism and right now you're on thin ice
9:18 PM <@AbsentmindedNihilist> Sodium21: hey - this shit you're pulling? doesn't fly here. it's unacceptable to make light of nazis and to mock feminism. don't like it, you can leave.
9:18 PM <%MaliceAF> "nazi lol" is not a valid joke
9:18 PM <TheBlueHour> Er… do you really want people to think your a Nazi?
9:18 PM <Sodium21> think what you like, i like to be hated
9:18 PM ← Sodium21 left (~ac.cq.vuog.qtm.C4D65367-CRInys|criigc#ac.cq.vuog.qtm.C4D65367-CRInys|criigc)
9:18 PM <TheMerchant> Back to the depths of 4chan from whence you came, fell memer
9:18 PM <TheBlueHour> Weird.
9:18 PM <@AbsentmindedNihilist> and nothing of value was lost
Banned for 24 hours for the anti-feminism comment/joke, name being a crude play on the word "nazi", and then doubling down on the edge.