User tomode posted the following in the comments to a recent skip:
It's just a fucking wolf-boy, it's just a fucking furry kid hahaha!
Sorry for the troll post but…. hahaha it's just a fucking otherkin, go on Tumblr you can find hundreds of these guys!
Kaktus modposted:
A couple of things.
For starters, trolling is against the rules, especially if done maliciously.
Second of all, this kind of post is unacceptable. All it does is belittle the author and anybody else who considers themselves furry or otherkin, and is not cool. Rule #1 is don't be a dick, and this is being a dick.
Please don't do it ever again. Additional behaviour such as this will result in disciplinary action.
Logging here for kaktus who's on the phone.