Trolling and shit, perma I guess
(Long) logs courtesy of JamJam66
Join: olson []
<olson> …
<olson> is there any staff here active?
<DoubleNegative> I'm going to say no. Not at the moment.
<olson> ok
Quit: Athena_Grey [Quit: ajax IRC Client]
<@kaktus> Heyo
<DoubleNegative> I'm going to say yes, at the moment.
<@kaktus> I'm staff and here and active
<olson> kaktus
<olson> i have a question
<@kaktus> Watap
<@kaktus> Shoot
<olson> why is SCP-173 euclid?
<@kaktus> Because is unpredictable, but not actively attempting to break containment
<@kaktus> It mostly just sits in there
<olson> ok and why does he snap the neck
<@kaktus> Idk. Maybe he has a fetish.
<DoubleNegative> Why does anyone do anything…
<@kaktus> That's just how it was written
<olson> is the SCP foundation real?
<@kaktus> No
<DoubleNegative> It sure is.
<olson> ok
<olson> it is not real
<@kaktus> It's a creative writing community, so I guess it's real in that way
<olson> anyways
<DoubleNegative> …Or IS it?
<olson> no horror suspence
Kick: DoubleNegative by kaktus [you're not helping, mate]
<olson> …
<@kaktus> It's not real.
<olson> ummmmm
<olson> ik
<olson> now
<@kaktus> ?
<olson> why did you kick negative
<@kaktus> Because he was interfering with this discussion
<@kaktus> And not being helpful
<olson> hail mother russia
<@kaktus> Alright
<@kaktus> Do you have any other questions?
<olson> why is there no site for the germans about the SCP foundaiton
<olson> well?
<@kaktus> I'd imagine it's because nobody has made one yet
<olson> who is the main admin
<@kaktus> Translation sites aren't managed by this wiki
<olson> …
<olson> ok but who is the main admin
<@kaktus> The master admin here is Mann
<olson> the wiki main admin is dr. gears right
<@kaktus> Gears hasn't been active in a long time
<@kaktus> So not really
<olson> …
<olson> are you mlg
<@kaktus> TroyL is in charge, basically
<olson> ok
<@kaktus> I don't know what that means
<olson> look it up
<olson> on google
- TroyL punches Kaktus.
<olson> ?
<olson> the hell just happened
<&TroyL> I am, though I hate actually saying it, kind of the main admin of the wiki.
<@kaktus> No, I'm not major league gaming, I guess
<&TroyL> Gears hasn't been here in two years.
<&TroyL> Mann is the 'site owner.'
<olson> wow
<&TroyL> Is there something I can do for you?
<olson> can you tell me what is the meaning of scp
Join: Hachiro []
<olson> i forgot it and i have been here for 2 years
<&TroyL> The meaning of the acronym or the concept?
<olson> ummm i guess concept
<&TroyL> We have a FAQ for that:
<olson> ok brb
<olson> i know what it means now
<&TroyL> Good show.
<&TroyL> If you don't have any other questions, I'm going to go buy a bicycle.
<olson> ok
<olson> im slowly clapping
<olson> cause hachiro has not said anything
<@kaktus> Alright. Do you have any other questions, mate?
- Siestasheep is now known as Fiestasheep
<olson> screw this im gonna watch youtube now
Quit: olson [Quit: ajax IRC Client]
<@kaktus> Bahahahahaha what the living fuck
Join: CoDPro []
<CoDPro> …
<CoDPro> ermmmmmmmmmmmmm
<@kaktus> Lol
<CoDPro> …
<@kaktus> I know it's you, dude
<@kaktus> I can see your hostname
<CoDPro> nope
Kick: CoDPro by TroyL [I thought you were gonna watch Youtube, mate? What happened to the YouTubes?]
<@kaktus> That YouTube dedication
Join: olson []
<olson> ok screw youtube
<@kaktus> What about the youtubes
<olson> its a website
<olson> where you can watch videos
<@kaktus> You don't say
<@kaktus> Listen, olson, this has been enlightening
<@kaktus> But this is a help channel
<olson> ok
<@kaktus> Not a chat channel
<@kaktus> So if you don't have any need for help
<olson> there is noone on the chat one lel
Quit: olson [Quit: ajax IRC Client]
- Fiestasheep is now known as Siestasheep
<SCREW-AMERICA> what is scp 178
<JamJamAFK> Ops
- You are now known as JamJam66
<@kaktus> Bahahaha
<@kaktus> SCREW-AMERICA: I can see your ip address
<@kaktus> I know it's you, olson
<SCREW-AMERICA> wait wtf does it say
Join: Cimmerian [A2862803.13A4794.C070E130.IP]
Mode: [+v Cimmerian] by ChanServ
<SCREW-AMERICA> its just a nickname my real one is
<@kaktus> Give me one reason I shouldn't ban you for trolling
<SCREW-AMERICA> i asked what is scp 178
<@kaktus> Because I'm going to ban you for trolling
<@kaktus> Go fucking read it jesus
<@kaktus> How hard is that
<@kaktus> Nice
<@kaktus> Very mature
<SCREW-AMERICA> fuck yourself
<&TroyL> lmfao
Mode: [+b *!*] by kaktus
<&TroyL> lmffaooo
<&TroyL> This is awesome.
<@kaktus> Now get
<@kaktus> The
<&TroyL> I love this guy.
<@kaktus> Fuck
<@kaktus> Out
<&TroyL> Kaktus.
<&TroyL> Kaktus, my friend.
Kick: SCREW-AMERICA by kaktus [lata]
<@kaktus> TroyL
<&TroyL> I want this guy to be the new consuelo.
<@kaktus> Hahahahaha
<JamJam66> Wow
<&TroyL> Ahahaha
<JamJam66> Kaktus you're the best
<@kaktus> I hope you're grabbing those quotes
<JamJam66> We should swap you with that TroyL dude
<+Cimmerian> Is it weird that I saw the nick and thought "What about a dimension where the most powerful country in the world is full of people made of of inclined planes wrapped around a cylinder"?
<JamJam66> Yes
<Hachiro> Whatjusthappened
<Hachiro> o-o
<%TombAway> a person was trolling and got banned
<%TombAway> also we all got a few minutes older
<%TombAway> those things aren't really related tho
<JamJam66> Also some babied were born!
<JamJam66> Congrats to the parents!
<JamJam66> *babies
<@kaktus> Lol
<%TombAway> more like commiserations amirite
Quit: TombAway [Quit: ajax IRC Client]
Mode: [-b *!*] by kaktus
Join: Tuomey [trolliet.ipsos.trollides]
Mode: [+h Tuomey] by ChanServ
Quit: Bouncl [NickServ (GHOST command used by Bouncl_)]
Join: Bouncl [Bounce.Bounce.Bounce]
Mode: [+h Bouncl] by ChanServ
<@kaktus> Oh, shit. Tuomey, can you log that?
<%Tuomey> my internet just derped so I can't really log it properly
<%Tuomey> one of my housemates is downloading some gigantic file
<%Tuomey> so my internet is pretty derpy atm
<%Tuomey> I could log the guy saying things but not quits, bans or kicks
<%Tuomey> or joins for that matter
<JamJam66> Oh noes
<%Tuomey> so uh
<%Tuomey> you might wanna see if someone else here has more complete logs
<%Tuomey> incomplete logs build poor dams
<@kaktus> Nah, it's no biggie.
Join: olson []
<olson> this aint funny
<%Tuomey> We know you're not. Do you have a serious question, olson?
<olson> screw you bitch
<%Tuomey> That's not a question or a coherent response.
<olson> go fuck yourself
<%Tuomey> That one is more of an imperative.
<%Tuomey> Last chance for a serious question.
<olson> or what you'll ban me again
Mode: [+b *!*] by Tuomey
<%Tuomey> No
<%Tuomey> Definitely not
Join: Decibelle []
Mode: [+v Decibelle] by ChanServ
<%Tuomey> Would I do that?
<%Tuomey> You wound me, sir
Quit: olson [Quit: ajax IRC Client]