I was linked to a user's post on SCP-1926 by Ihp last night. It was a post that claimed it had sourced the images- upon investigation, not only had it done that, but it had also revealed that large portions of article's text and concepts had been lifted wholesale.
From the article, posted March 28th, 2013, currently rated +257:
Meet the Mewts.
The Mewts are magical creatures from a place that is so far away, it's right next to your dreams. They don't have mouths, so they can’t speak. They don’t have arms, so they can’t hug. But they are full of more love than any creature you've ever known. They exist to watch over us, with their big, knowing eyes. They are protectors of everything we hold dear. We are what they hold dear.
From the linked etsy auction, which dates back to November 27, 2007:
Meet the Mewts.
The Mewts are magical creatures from a place that is so far away, it’s right next to your dreams. They don’t have mouths, so they can’t speak. They don’t have arms, so they can’t hug. But they are full of more love than any creature you’ve ever known. They exist to watch over us, with their big, knowing eyes. They are protectors of everything we hold dear. We are what they hold dear.
If there are any differences at all between the text, I haven't noticed them.
Nowhere in the article's comments does Berggren provide even the slightest hint it is not original content. I've messaged the user, but I think it's a fairly cut and shut case of plagiarism.
While the original link to the source may not have been the etsy auction itself (Soulless, who provided the image, says it might have been a flickr page), there is still significant text and ideas ripped from the artist's content.
Staff is still determining a course of action with regards to the article. In addition, should the article be preserved, there may possibly be stuff both licensing and image team needs to look at, but personally, I feel it would be prudent to handle the more pressing matter first.
e: User VAE found a flickr page that includes one of the images, also named Snoozee, dating back to 2009. This also has links to the artist's etsy page.