Insisting this shit is real, setting as perma in Alex because probably underage, but may be revoked upon coherent appeal
01:01 * AgentMaliki joined #site19 moc.rr.ser.ows.2F95794-CRInys|tibbiM#moc.rr.ser.ows.2F95794-CRInys|tibbiM
01:01 Jabonicus TF2 Lore is hilarious. Australians are, by definition, mustached supermen due to Australium. And New Zealand is an underwater civilization.
01:01 qntm 2,000,000 dollars/minute / 60 seconds/minute * 12 seconds = 400,000 dollars
01:01 TheGameFreak qntm: going by game logic, dude.
01:02 TheGameFreak Though, story logic works too
01:02 DolphinSlugchugger yeah, if he fired 4 bullets 10 times per seconds that would be 5 seconds of straight firing
01:02 * Korppi joined #site19||ypeiragmj
01:02 TheGameFreak Oh
01:02 DolphinSlugchugger with the 200 bullet cache
01:03 AgentMaliki hello
01:03 Metaphysician
01:03 AgentMaliki I just registered
01:03 TheGameFreak Hello AgentMaliki
01:03 Decibelle hello!
01:03 DolphinSlugchugger willkomen
01:03 AgentMaliki Does anyone know of site 19?
01:03 DolphinSlugchugger it is here
01:03 Mdnthrvst it's this IRC channel you're in.
01:03 Decibelle yes, you're in the channel right now
01:03 Metaphysician This is site 19.
01:03 AgentMaliki OH
01:03 MrAnakinSpecter that's what the channel is called
01:04 AgentMaliki Oh
01:04 AgentMaliki ok
01:04 qntm gasp
01:04 Metaphysician
01:04 qntm plot twist
01:04 Decibelle Metaphysician: thats so cool wtf
01:04 qntm Moomins?
01:04 DolphinSlugchugger goasties
01:04 Metaphysician Snow + glowsticks;p
01:05 Mdnthrvst I gotta say, literal big-head-small-body grey aliens in a gothic Victorian setting is a very /original/ mashup
01:05 * LHI quit (Quit: better get back to the judo range) ~ten.tsacmoc.nt.1dsh.4D622BA7-CRInys|ihl#ten.tsacmoc.nt.1dsh.4D622BA7-CRInys|ihl
01:05 AgentMaliki Whats yalls favorite scp
01:05 Decibelle SCP-093
01:05 Alexandra Decibelle: SCP-093 (Red Sea Object, Originally written by far2, rewritten by NekoChris, Rating:+840) -
01:05 * Light-off is now known as Light
01:05 Decibelle this awesome thing right there
01:05 Metaphysician 093 was my first favorite but at this point, I'm not sure.
01:05 DolphinSlugchugger .sea to end all wars
01:05 Alexandra DolphinSlugchugger: To End All Wars(SCP-186, Rating:378) -
01:05 Metaphysician But you can probably tell its a major inspiration for my own writings, which, are also long>.>
01:05 Metaphysician .au Metaphysician
01:05 Alexandra Metaphysician: - Metaphysician has written 7 SCPs and 0 tales. They have 487 net upvotes with an average rating of 69. Their most recent article is SCP-2191(Rating:58)
01:05 MrAnakinSpecter 460
01:05 AgentMaliki I know a phone nunber to the scp foundation
01:06 AgentMaliki It says that the person is agent smith
01:06 DolphinSlugchugger the foundation does not, in fact, exist
01:06 Silber Decibelle: I'm playing that 14-cent Steam game
01:06 Silber and
01:06 Silber it's odd
01:06 MrAnakinSpecter then they're lying, lol
01:06 DolphinSlugchugger any phonenumber is a hoaxer
01:06 Silber it's an odd little game
01:06 DolphinSlugchugger is it bad rats
01:06 qntm The Foundation ARG
01:06 Decibelle odd how?
01:06 Metaphysician "Hey, this is Agent Smith of the Foundation! HOW CAN I HELP YOU TODAY?"
01:06 DolphinSlugchugger augmented or alternate
01:06 AgentMaliki 9525722602<call this
01:06 DolphinSlugchugger nah
01:06 Decibelle AgentMaliki: any phone numbers you see claiming to be for the foundation are fake
01:07 Decibelle the foundation doesn't exist, and this is a creative writing website.
01:07 AgentMaliki Foundation is just a cover up
01:07 AgentMaliki ya know
01:07 DolphinSlugchugger for telemarkiting
01:07 AndarielHalo .y Bob's Burgers oh god
01:07 Alexandra AndarielHalo: Literally Every Time Bob Says 'Oh My God' On 'Bob's Burgers' - length 2m 15s - rated 4.95/5.0 (4057) - 395 853 views - huffingtonpost on 2014.07.02 - [TITLE: Literally Every Time Bob Says 'Oh My God' On 'Bob's Burgers' VIEWS: 395853 FAVES: 0 RATING: 4 RATERS: 4057 UPLOADED: The Huffington Post ] [TITLE: Literally Every Time Bob Says 'Oh My God' On 'Bob's Burgers' VIEWS: 395853 FAVES: 0 RATING: 4 RATERS: 4057 UPLOADED: The Huffington Post ]
01:07 Metaphysician We get this a lot, so, if you are just joking around…
01:07 * Smaugnolia is now known as SMAUGNOLIA
01:07 Metaphysician We are used to this and it gets old:/
01:07 AgentMaliki The things in the foundation on this site is just a cover
01:07 Tuomey AgentMaliki: Y'know, you can get those fucking voicemail services set up pretending to be whatever
01:07 * SMAUGNOLIA is now known as Smaugnolia
01:07 DolphinSlugchugger they want to sell you snorkels at ludicrous prices
01:07 Metaphysician Except for many of us here write those things.
01:07 AndarielHalo my new response to it [TITLE: Literally Every Time Bob Says 'Oh My God' On 'Bob's Burgers' VIEWS: 395853 FAVES: 0 RATING: 4 RATERS: 4057 UPLOADED: The Huffington Post ] [TITLE: Literally Every Time Bob Says 'Oh My God' On 'Bob's Burgers' VIEWS: 395853 FAVES: 0 RATING: 4 RATERS: 4057 UPLOADED: The Huffington Post ]
01:07 Alexandra AndarielHalo: Literally Every Time Bob Says 'Oh My God' On 'Bob's Burgers' - length 2m 15s - rated 4.95/5.0 (4057) - 395 853 views - huffingtonpost on 2014.07.02
01:07 Metaphysician Hell, I linked my own author page;p
01:07 Tuomey AgentMaliki: also if you continue to tell us that the site is real, you will be banned
01:07 DolphinSlugchugger a cover for the creative writing website
01:08 AgentMaliki There is a actual scp foundation
01:08 Decibelle AgentMaliki: the foundation is not real. please stop claiming it is such, and read the guides to the site, or you'll be removed.
01:08 AgentMaliki The sites scp foundation does not house the real life scp's
01:08 * AgentMaliki was kicked by Decibelle (you were warned.)
01:08 - ChanServ has banned *!*moc.rr.ser.ows.2F95794-CRInys|tibbiM#moc.rr.ser.ows.2F95794-CRInys|tibbiM