- SCP (ten.elbacwahs.nv.FD0A1977-CRInys|tibbiM#ten.elbacwahs.nv.FD0A1977-CRInys|tibbiM) has joined #site19
<tahulaptop> Yu wanted to be hip, right?
<Vince> ops
- Pig_catapult (~ten.tsacmoc.ac.1dsh.5568146F-CRInys|alliztahc#ten.tsacmoc.ac.1dsh.5568146F-CRInys|alliztahc) has joined #site19
- ChanServ sets mode +a #site19 Pig_catapult
- ChanServ gives channel operator status to Pig_catapult
<Jabonicus> He's totally hip guys.
<tahulaptop> oh hey lookit that
<Riemann> hey hey hey
<Riemann> Hellooo SCP
<Roth> Jabonicus: that pained me to read
<Eskobear> Hi.
- Scantron has quit (Ping timeout: 184 seconds)
<Eskobear> could not for the life of me find where the ping had come from
<Jabonicus> Roth: I spelled his name wrong didn't I
<tahulaptop> Palagius Septim? That souunds… vaguelly familiar for some reason?
<MrAnakinSpecter> skyrm
<Riemann> oh nooo
<Vince> tahulaptop: skyrim
<MrAnakinSpecter> Skyrim*
- Roth shrugs
<tahulaptop> Vince: oh
<MrAnakinSpecter> SCP: why?
- resure (~ten.noitadnuofpcs.erdam-arreis|eruser#ten.noitadnuofpcs.erdam-arreis|eruser) has left #site19
<Djoric> Yep.
- tahulaptop doesn't have a neck, cannot look behind them
- weitoobusy has quit (Ping timeout: 182 seconds)
- TombGames is now known as Tuomey
<Djoric> that is a bookshelf right behind me
<Djoric> mighty fine bookshelf
<Jabonicus> tahulaptop: He's the mad Emperor of the Septim Imperial Dynasty
<Djoric> 's got books on it
<tahulaptop> There's a floor behind me
<ProcyonLotor> SCP, no roleplaying in this room, and also, SCP is not allowed as a nick. Please, change that.
<Vince> MrAnakinSpecter: it's a quest item on the Sheogorath quest chain
<Jabonicus> And it's from more than Skyrim >:l
<tahulaptop> Jabonicus: Oh that dude you kill?
<MrAnakinSpecter> there's a quest in Solitude where you go into the castle
- Riemann has kicked SCP from #site19 (Might want to watch your back if you're going to roleplay in here)
<Roth> Solitude <3
<Vince> wait, is SCP my neighbors?
- SCP (ten.elbacwahs.nv.FD0A1977-CRInys|tibbiM#ten.elbacwahs.nv.FD0A1977-CRInys|tibbiM) has joined #site19
<MrAnakinSpecter> that's 2spoopy4me
<Roth> I lived there
<Jabonicus> No, he's really old. Older than the Oblivion Crisis
- Scantron (erafraw.ssalc.ytud.fo.ll|c#erafraw.ssalc.ytud.fo.ll|c) has joined #site19
<TheGameFreak> ops
<Riemann> Are your neighbors that regular, Vince?
<Vince> I could see a couple of the teenagers living next door doing this
<Riemann> TheGameFreak, we're here
<Jabonicus> His hip bone was an item during Oblivion
<TheGameFreak> oh
<ProcyonLotor> SCP, change your nick.
<Riemann> If we were just taking care of him, we're still here
<ProcyonLotor> This can be done by typing "/nick newnick" with no quotes.
<tahulaptop> Roth: <insert snarking about you being alone i.e. in solitude>
- Riemann has kicked SCP from #site19 (once mooore)
<Vince> Riemann: the teenagers next door work at night
<tahulaptop> Ew.
<MrAnakinSpecter> Jabonicus: It was?
- SCP (ten.elbacwahs.nv.FD0A1977-CRInys|tibbiM#ten.elbacwahs.nv.FD0A1977-CRInys|tibbiM) has joined #site19
- Roth snrots
<Riemann> Next time it's a ban, SCP
<ProcyonLotor> SCP, one more time.
<ProcyonLotor> Stop roleplaying, change your nick.
<Jabonicus> Next you people will be saying you can't wait for "The Elder Scrolls V: Skyim 2"
<Pig_catapult> SCP, change your nick and stop role— yeah, that.
<ProcyonLotor> Preferably in that order.
<Roth> tahulaptop: I lived in solitude because a dead dragon glitched out of no where everytime I came out my house.
<tahulaptop> Roth: >not a zombie dragon
<tahulaptop> also
<Roth> I named him and gave him food
<tahulaptop> "Snrots"
<Roth> :|
<Roth> shut up
<SCP> …
<Jabonicus> MrAnakinSpecter: Yeah, in the Shivering Isles of one of the two cultists group lairs
<tahulaptop> NEVER
- Roth snrots on tahulaptop
<Vince> Jabonicus: tbh a skyrim expansion pack that fleshes out the time period more would be awesome
<tahulaptop> …
<tahulaptop> ew
<tahulaptop> :(
<ProcyonLotor> SCP, type "/nick newnick"
<ProcyonLotor> No quotes.
- tahulaptop wipes off on Roth
- SCP is now known as newnick
<Roth> it was mine anyway
<Jabonicus> Vince: You're expecting Bethesda to flesh out /older/ time periods? PFFT
<Dr_Leonard|Writing> haha
<ProcyonLotor> There you go.
<Dr_Leonard|Writing> I love it when that happens
<ProcyonLotor> Now try an actual nick.
<newnick> lol
<MrAnakinSpecter> … well he changed it
<Riemann> Good enough
<Jabonicus> Yeah, because that actually happens.
- newnick is now known as Mommy> <Metaphysician> Dragonborn was a pretty fantastic expansion.
<tahulaptop> :I
<TheGameFreak> what
- Mommy\ is now known as Mommy
<Vince> Jabonicus: to be fair, they went back in time with TESO
<tahulaptop> Soooo many easy jokes
<Roth> tahulaptop: skyrim glitches pissed me off tho
<MrAnakinSpecter> I love the slimyness of Apochrypha
<Dr_Leonard|Writing> r u mi mommy?
<Jabonicus> TESO isn't canon.
- Denri has quit (Quit: Denri)
<tahulaptop> Roth: Needs more model mix ups
<Riemann> Mommy, I have your IP ready to ban. You can get in maybe one line that breaks the rules before you're out of here :)
<Pig_catapult> Well, that's an extremely awkward nick.
<TheGameFreak> What is my mom doing here in chat?
<Roth> tahulaptop: needs more astronauts
<Decibelle> guys, let other op's handle it please
<Vince> I'm honestly starting to wonder if a new Warp will occur in skyrim, with all the possible questlines
- Riemann sets ban on *!*@synIRC-7791A0DF.vn.shawcable.net
<Riemann> oh noooo
<Metaphysician> NO!
<ProcyonLotor> but Riemann
<Metaphysician> I WANTED COOKIES
<tahulaptop> Roth: Space sphere
<Riemann> Yeah, sorry Mommy.
<ProcyonLotor> maybe I wanted some cooki-
<ProcyonLotor> damn it Metaphysician
<Riemann> We did warn you
<Roth> tahulaptop: 999?
- Riemann has kicked Mommy from #site19 (goodbye)
Perma, barring a coherent appeal.
- Mommy (ten.elbacwahs.nv.FD0A1977-CRInys|tibbiM#ten.elbacwahs.nv.FD0A1977-CRInys|tibbiM) has joined #site17
<ProcyonLotor> Hello, Mommy. Would you like to appeal your ban?
<Mommy> ?
<ProcyonLotor> You were banned from site 19. As such, you're only allowed to be in here if you have a policy question, or if you would like to appeal your ban.
<ProcyonLotor> If neither of those things are your intention, you need to leave.
- Mommy has quit (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client)
<ProcyonLotor> well
<ProcyonLotor> that was one of the simpler appeals I've handled
- weitoobusy (dnuora.nur.annog.aven.nwod.uoy.tel.annog.aven.pu.uoy.evig|nnog.aven#dnuora.nur.annog.aven.nwod.uoy.tel.annog.aven.pu.uoy.evig|nnog.aven) has joined #site17
- ChanServ gives channel half-operator status to weitoobusy
- murphy_slaw has quit (Ping timeout: 183 seconds)
- SCP096 (ten.elbacwahs.nv.FD0A1977-CRInys|tibbiM#ten.elbacwahs.nv.FD0A1977-CRInys|tibbiM) has joined #site17
<Riemann> Oh cool
- SCP096 is now known as games
<ProcyonLotor> Would you like to appeal your ban, games?
<games> sure?
<ProcyonLotor> Well, you don't have to. But if you wouldn't want to, this will be quite a short conversation.
- games is now known as BANNED
<ProcyonLotor> Accurate, but I've seen better starts to appeals.
- Gaffsey has quit (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
- whyzhong has quit (Ping timeout: 182 seconds)
<ProcyonLotor> Now, why should we unban you?
- BANNED has quit (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client)