This actually began back on May 3rd, where they indicated that due to a variety of reasons including laziness; their friend's computer; bad captchas; and their cell phone, didn't want to register an account on the wiki, and wanted us to post their skips for them and credit them.
Athenodora, god bless them, tried for about half an hour to explain the process to register.
[07:44] <Thecoded> Forget about it.
[07:45] <Thecoded> Its never going to be seen anyway.
[07:46] <%Athenodora> it's your call
[07:46] <Thecoded> Why did i even bother.
[07:46] <%Athenodora> do whatever you feel is most suitable for you, I suppose
Then they had a change of heart, and applied without including the passcode, then asked us to subscribe to their youtube channel. We did not subscribe to their Youtube channel.
They have been back every day since, still haven't managed to find the passcode, and have sent two applications, one apparently rude. Roleplayed in 17 on Saturday morning (was slapped by taylor), on Saturday afternoon had this great exchange with multiple ops present.
[12:06] <Thecoded2> Hopefully it gets accepted this time. Im probally not going to be this calm if it is declined again.
[12:14] <Thecoded3> Do i have your attention.
(Why are they thecoded2 and thecoded3? Because they joined three times with different nicknames.)
Finally, tempbanned.
[12:16] * Theanimatronic (~PI.75544BD2.4B9BBD55.6C8D09A2|tibbiM#PI.75544BD2.4B9BBD55.6C8D09A2|tibbiM) has joined #site17
[12:16] <Theanimatronic> HeLlO
[12:16] <%taylor_itkin> we know you're literally the same person
[12:17] <Theanimatronic> oBvIoUsLy
[12:17] <%taylor_itkin> you have 10 seconds to convince me you aren't a troll before I kick you from the room dude
[12:17] <Theanimatronic> Why would a troll want to create scps
[12:17] <%taylor_itkin> alright cool, bye
[12:17] * taylor_itkin sets mode: +b *!*@2A90D8C6.55DBB9B4.2DB44557.IP
[12:17] * Theanimatronic was kicked by taylor_itkin (taylor_itkin)
Got kicked again yesterday for excessive bugging about the application while still not knowing what to actually put in it. Came in again today.
[08:08] <Thecoded> Well. I had a rude 2nd application. When i went to delete it to put everything in it. I couldnt delete the application
[08:08] <@bluesoul> so, that was stupid on your part
[08:08] <@bluesoul> the admins are human
[08:08] <@bluesoul> why are you being rude to them when you fucked up the first one?
[08:08] <@bluesoul> in any event, you can't delete it
[08:08] <@bluesoul> you have to wait for it to be rejected first
[08:09] <@bluesoul> then you can delete it and try again
[08:09] <Thecoded> Could you just tell me how to send it properly
[08:09] <@bluesoul> no, read the guide
[08:09] <@ChaoSera> Thecoded: This is the third or fourth time you've been here asking for help with your application
[08:10] <Thecoded> It says i need a password
[08:10] <@ChaoSera> If you haven't figured it out by this time we can't help you
I told him not to come back until he's read the guide and knows the passcode. This dude can take a long walk on a short pier.
Wikidot user Theanimatronic
Currently no chat bans, but probably a foregone conclusion.