- FATJOE (PI.31650A83.767DC213.DC1E5307|tibbiM#PI.31650A83.767DC213.DC1E5307|tibbiM) has joined #site19
<TheGameFreak> Still coughing but I'm recovering from a cold I had two days ago.
<TheGameFreak> Hello, Fatjoe
<Waxx> now that's a name i can get behind
<Waxx> hello fatjoe
<FATJOE> do you want to paly.
<Waxx> yeah man
<Waxx> what do you want to play
<AndarielHalo> we pals, ya?
<Baby_Boo> I'm gonna guess "the fool"
<TheHangBang> Cool
<Eskobear> we're totally looking, before you start pinging us, by the way
<Eskobear> just hanging out
<AndarielHalo> 0pz, yo
- Baby_Boo grins at Eskobear.
- Goomy has quit (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client)
<TheGameFreak> Hey Eskobear
<Eskobear> so you're just gonna ping me specifically, then
<Eskobear> that's okay
<FATJOE> scp scp scp O)_(O
<Eskobear> i can take it
- Scantron has quit (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
<Baby_Boo> And there it goes.
- AndarielHalo climbs on top of Eskobear
<AndarielHalo> ride
<Waxx> http://mdwaxx.tumblr.com/post/113373273557/all-done-giving-this-to-a-friend-for-his
<Waxx> i refinished an old lunchbox for a friend
<Eskobear> FATJOE, you're coming in with a bad name to start with, so you're gonna have to up your coherence to really actually coherent like, right now.
<Baby_Boo> Waxx: Ooh, vintage.
<Waxx> Eskobear
<Waxx> it grieves me to inform you that you are being trolled
<Waxx> you should just get rid of him now, even though he has a pleasing name
<Eskobear> yes, waxx, i have determined this via careful analysis
* Eskobear has kicked FATJOE from #site19 (That's not the coherence that I meant. Try again. Last chance.)
* FATJOE (PI.31650A83.767DC213.DC1E5307|tibbiM#PI.31650A83.767DC213.DC1E5307|tibbiM) has joined #site19
<Waxx> http://mdwaxx.tumblr.com/post/112892296747/cleaning-up-a-vintage-lunchbox-for-a-friend-ive
<Waxx> there are some before pictures, boo
- Hexi has quit (Quit: Leaving.)
<Baby_Boo> Nice refinishing job. :D
<Waxx> thank you
<AndarielHalo> graet jorb
<Waxx> i refinish antique objects whenever i have nothing better to do
<AndarielHalo> 11/8
<Waxx> usually fans
<Baby_Boo> Sounds like fun.
- Hexi (~PI.298F853E.7D3CE24D.179AB21F|ixeH#PI.298F853E.7D3CE24D.179AB21F|ixeH) has joined #site19
<FATJOE> hahahahahhahahahhahahahhahahhahahhahahhahaha i am back i am jeff the killer iknow were you live i know who you are now go to sleep hahahahahhahahaha
- DrYucatan has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)
<Waxx> it passes the time
* Eskobear sets ban on *!*@7035E1CD.312CD767.38A05613.IP
- ApolloSolaris (moc.rr.ser.lacos.A6293A5B-CRInys|tibbiM#moc.rr.ser.lacos.A6293A5B-CRInys|tibbiM) has joined #site19
<Waxx> fatjoe you need to step up your trolling game
<Waxx> kids these days
- DrYucatan (~ten.enilnotpo.nyd.412FD5D4-CRInys|natacuyrd#ten.enilnotpo.nyd.412FD5D4-CRInys|natacuyrd) has joined #site19
Overt trolling. I'm putting it in as a 24, but we're all good with perma, right?