Ban Appeals
Changing up the appeals process a little after extensive input from the newly created chat admin "council". This idea was initially brought up by TroyL.
The major changes here are as follows:
- The operator who handles the ban appeal should be a different person from the person who banned them in the first place, in all circumstances. If there's no other op around, link them to the Chat Guide and tell them they can send a Wikidot PM to any other operator. (Note: This usually happens naturally anyway, but it should happen this way in every situation.)
- Chat admins act as a further rung of appeal, instead of the chat owner. (For more on chat admins, see this thread.)
- There's no need to send an appeal higher than the "another chatop" level if it's cut-and-dried. Chat admins don't need to hear frivolous appeals from trolling newbies.
Making this its own thread, because we may be changing how appeals work further besides this. Feel free to reply to this thread if you have thoughts on further changes.