User Sebastien Dean has asked for a chance to rewrite SCP-2114. Told him to get permission and copy the source. Over to the Rewrite Team.
I have to ask, is there not a way to consolidate all of these requests into one thread? Or post the requests on the Rewrite team's 05 hub? We get a lot of these requests, and it seems a little cluttering to make a new thread for all of them.
Actually, immediately after posting I thought the exact same thing. A single thread would be fine I think.
Edit: and this would be the thread.
User Chork does not match any existing user name has asked for the chance to rewrite this article.
Got it. Can we make it customary to include a link to the articles in question?
Contacted. As a note, I also sent them the full text of the article at the same time. Feel free to roll on the deletion.
User Agent Leonardo has also requested the opportunity to rewrite SCP-2520 and been granted permission by the original author. Warned them that the Rewrite Team might say no, or that Mikealike might beat them to it.
User EnigmaticProdigy has requested to rewrite SCP-449. Personally, I'm leaning towards not, since they voiced the request as:
I want to feex. Just give me a few weeks for feedback and ideas.
Also, they've got an O5 record.
Unless this is an article with some significance to the site I'd say go ahead and grant the rewrite request, but delete as normal. If it does have significance, staff should probably handle the rewrite, or appoint someone we know will deliver.
Rewrite Team, has a decision been made on whether to grant the rewrite? Note that two more members have since asked for permission to rewrite. I'd appreciate a speedy solution, cause the deletion vote's just kinda left hanging. ;)
Using the rewrite mind meld to confer right now.
That's one long-ass mind meld. So…the outcome is?
Assuming that weizhong has indeed PM'd the original to the rewrite offerers, deletion shall go as planned.
His post!
This is a tanking coldpost, so both have the right to "rewrite" the article so to speak. It's deletion range, and doesn't really require much of our attention. Don't stop the deletion counter.
We're not going to? This thread exists so the Rewrite Team can actively reach out to those wanting to rewrite
The difference is that this is a coldpost, and we're really trying to move away from our involvement in those, because they have zero site presence, and it's not like anyone will notice if they're missing.
Every time we've contacted those wanting to rewrite coldposts, it just goes into "Hey, here's a copy of the article, you don't really need our intervention because this article was made a day ago."
That's why we don't really do a ton with these.