This is a disciplinary thread addressing the behavior of an administrator. Because this thread is not calling for demotion at this time, all staff may comment and respond. Votes regarding the warning should be clearly indicated by members of the Disciplinary Committee and the Administrative staff. Users may send PMs regarding this issue to be considered by staff, but those should not be posted in this thread.
This is specifically in reference to the following post on a deleted SCP, as referenced in this thread:
Bluntly, the only reason it's not deleted yet is because you farmed the upvotes of a small assortment of users who will upvote literally anything if it's by someone they critiqued in 19 and generally like (plus some CI wiki users), and if it doesn't have any serious errors.
The error involved in this post has already been discussed in that same thread. Moose has acknowledge his error and has apologized. If I were to characterize this in terms of a violation of site rules or staff expectations, there are many references in site rules to "behaving respectfully towards users", not to mention our general fondness for quoting Wheaton's Law. I have been urged at various points in the past to avoid characterizing errors such as this as "rule violations" when they fall more generally into the category of "dick moves", in the Wheaton's Law sense, so this post is not going to reference "rule violations" as much as one would expect. Our rules are deliberately written in a positive "do this" rather than "don't do this" terms anyway (which I support), so that's hardly effective.
I believe Moose has made several major errors of this type, largely in the form of massive and unwarranted aggressive or abusive behavior towards other staff members and users. I likewise believe that if another user or staff member had behaved in this way towards other users or staff members, especially if it was a frequent occurrence, it would have been documented on 05 by this point. We document events like this on 05 for a reason: so that when incidents like this happen again, we can look to establish a pattern of behavior. I think this pattern exists with Moose. I believe Moose has apologized for his involvement in some of them (though not all); however, that doesn't change a need to document what happened for the future.
I'm avoiding names and logs because I don't want to drag other individuals into this who may not be willing to participate, but names and logs exist. Additionally, these are literally just the issues that I was present for or have received complaints about from users. Furthermore, these issues are excluding anything involving #scpguntalk or any users inside of it, simply because there are several staff members who are still pissed about them in general and I don't want to murk up the waters with those.
All of these actions were warnable. Many of them were accompanied by private condemnations, conversations, and/or apologies. However, I feel that since the average user doesn't get to decide whether their errors are documented on 05, the same standard should apply to staff. If it seems like this has not happened in the past with staff errors, I can assure you, it will be happening in the future. I apologize personally for the fact that this has not happened; I should not have allowed these to go undocumented at the expense of the people who were wronged, and I'm sorry for that.
I am calling for a formal warning for conduct unbecoming an administrator. I am also calling for this warning to be a final warning prior to demotion from Administration. I am doing this in my capacity as the captain of the Disciplinary Team, and as such, the person whose responsibility it is to make sure that behavior such as this is documented and corrected.
Edited to add a more accurate date for the second incident after one was provided by a third party. —Eskobar