Came in, was immature, age-prompted. Discovered that he/she is 10. Banned.
- lindo8977 (oc.ten.mpe.A389450C-CRInys|tibbiM#oc.ten.mpe.A389450C-CRInys|tibbiM) has joined #site19
<MacLeod> Djoric: Momoko.
<theworstninja> FlameShirt: What is your point?
- agentbuck has quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
<Metaphysician> I say as a dirty socialist living in the states…
<lindo8977> what is this page?
<Djoric> MacLeod: an excellent choice
<MacLeod> Momoko catgirl best catgirl.
<theworstninja> Best catgirl is Josie
<theworstninja> From that band
<AndyHalo> .def based
<Alexandra> AndyHalo: based: adjective: founded on; having a basis; often used in combining forms. "That was a soundly based argument." verb: 1. past tense of base. 2. Being derived from (usually followed by on or upon).
<FlameShirt> theworstninja: u were engaging Scantron while asking questions that showed you weren't able to empathise with his position
<theworstninja> Next best catgirl is the one Batman likes
<Live2Die> :|
<MacLeod> lindo8977: a discussion chatroom for a writing website.
<Live2Die> catgirl is shit in Batman
<Metaphysician> :/
<Live2Die> lindo8977 your worst nightmare
<FlameShirt> theworstninja: i was trying to provide a bunch of words with i hoped you would begin to google and learn and then be able to do so
<MacLeod> Djoric: If I recall correctly, Tomi is kinda naïve.
<Sharptoe> catgirl is shit. Catwoman's ok
<theworstninja> FlameShirt: No I didn't? I was trying to understand, but I never showed a lack of empathy
<Sharptoe> Although she could use work
<Live2Die> AKA the official SCP chatroom
<Djoric> MacLeod: na, that's Hana. Tomi just don't give a shit
<lindo8977> ok my worst nightmare is cristiano ronaldo
<lindo8977> cristiano ronaldo is SCP-CR7????
<Live2Die> lindo8977 that was a joke
<Sharptoe> … wat
<Alexandra> Djoric: Wonderball 101 - Tables Turnover (Quad City DJs vs Platinum Star Games feat. Fort Minor) - length 3m 50s - rated 4.97/5.0 (4662) - 256 621 views - botanicsage on 2014.02.18
<lindo8977> yes
<lindo8977> i was joking
<FlameShirt> theworstninja: i don't mean a lack of empathy, sorry, i mean a one of you has concepts that the other hasn't encountered before, and so can't follow the thought processes of the other
<Sharptoe> alright then
<lindo8977> so what is this page then?
<theworstninja> Djoric: Good link
<Sharptoe> chatroom for the site
<theworstninja> Djoric: Great remix
<Sharptoe> that's about it
<AndyHalo> cr7?
<FlameShirt> it's that kind of empathy i mean, theworstninja. not that you don't care or anything
<MacLeod> As I said, it's a chatroom for a creative writing website.
<Metaphysician> That sounds rather condescending.
<lindo8977> are they going to track me and kill me??'
<Metaphysician> And presumptuous.
<Live2Die> no
<Sharptoe> It ain't real
<Djoric> Shit's fake, lindo
<Live2Die> this is all fiction
<Djoric> We wrote it
<theworstninja> FlameShirt: Ah, I get what you're saying, very different things
<Sharptoe> It's all made up
<Deci|Games> this is a creative writing website
<Live2Die> none of this is real
- blithely (ten.nozirev.soif.dmmtlb.B3D12235-CRInys|tibbiM#ten.nozirev.soif.dmmtlb.B3D12235-CRInys|tibbiM) has joined #site19
- MacLeod wrote two of them,
<Sharptoe> Neither is slenderman
<Djoric> I mean, I bloody just posted a link to a canon about cyborg catgirls
<Sharptoe> or the rake
<lindo8977> maybe ayman al zawahiri is leading this page
<FlameShirt> theworstninja: yeah, it's something that's hard to say in a single words
<MacLeod> Not very good ones, but I did in fact write two of them.
<Sharptoe> Although I'm still hoping we find bigfoot
<Live2Die> lindo8977 no
<Sharptoe> hells no
<Live2Die> he really is;t
<theworstninja> FlameShirt: Everyone has valid views, wasn't hatin on that at all :)
<Live2Die> isn't*
- Pig_catapult (||alliztahc) has joined #site19
- ChanServ gives channel operator status to Pig_catapult
<lindo8977> alqaeda is behind me?
<Baby_Boo> you no fool me Sharptoe I know you really bigfoot
<Sharptoe> ops
<Live2Die> what the hell
<Live2Die> ops
<theworstninja> ops
<MacLeod> Pig_Catapult, can you do the op thing?
<weizhong> Hello
<Live2Die> talking about random terrorist groups is not cool
<Metaphysician> Yeah, I didn't really see anything where they flaunted ignorance and required to be called out like the capitalist pig dogs.
<Metaphysician> ;p
<MacLeod> Flameshirt is busy doing the op thing in another direction.
<weizhong> lindo8977: What are you talking about?
<theworstninja> Yeah, terrorist groups have rights too
<FlameShirt> theworstninja: yeah, i know. i mean, i'm sure there are concepts out there that would radically alter my understanding of others, their thought processes and myself
<FlameShirt> but i don't know them yet
<FlameShirt> so oh well
<lindo8977> weizhong
- SoundChaser has quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
<Pig_catapult> What op thing where?
<FlameShirt> i will try to understand when i do encounter them
- Dmatix has quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
<Sharptoe> Wei's got it
<lindo8977> thought my dad was SCP-666
<Sharptoe> Flame's got the other one
<theworstninja> FlameShirt: I just try to be aware that I'm ignorant, then just not care about it until I'm confronted with a reason to understand and care
<Live2Die> SCP-666
<Alexandra> Live2Die: SCP-666 (Spirit Lodge, Written by far2, Rating:+86) -
<weizhong> SCPs aren't real, so that's not really possible.
<Live2Die> :|
- Baby_Boo goes back over to the shallow end and plays with the pool noodle.
- Dmatix (||enocS) has joined #site19
<weizhong> Can you stop spouting nonsense?
<theworstninja> FlameShirt: Otherwise I'd go crazy trying to have a broad view and understanding
<weizhong> Also, SCP-666 is a tent.
- Live2Die eats Baby_Boo's pool noodle
<weizhong> So that doesn't make any sense.
<Djoric> Quick, for people who aren't Macleod - your favorite catgirl
<MacLeod> Djoric, if you're still about, I can talk about catgirls in 18.
<Metaphysician> Recognition of ignorance is important, for everyone; the more humility here the better.
<Live2Die> Djoric Momoko
<theworstninja> The lady from KND
<theworstninja> That one who had a shitton of cats
- MacLeod is now known as NotMacLeod
<Metaphysician> I hate them across all iterations of existence.
<NotMacLeod> It's all about Boss.
- NotMacLeod is now known as MacLeod
<lindo8977> oh ok
- Baby_Boo hits Live2Die with the boogie board.
<weizhong> lindo8977: How old are you?
<lindo8977> but are the ufo phots real?
<Live2Die> :c
<theworstninja> Metaphysician: Why dat?
<Live2Die> y u do dis
<weizhong> I have no idea what photos you're referring to
<lindo8977> im 10
<Live2Die> lindo8977 what ufo photos?
<Live2Die> oh
<weizhong> Alright
<weizhong> Well
<theworstninja> ooooooooooh
<Metaphysician> Honesty is a virtue.
<lindo8977> i know i m young
<weizhong> The minimum required age to be in our chat is 15
<lindo8977> ok
<weizhong> So I'm afraid you'll have to come back in 5 years
<lindo8977> so goodbye guys
<theworstninja> Metaphysician: So yeah man, how you doin?
<MacLeod> Laters, buddy.
<Sharptoe> bye
- weizhong sets ban on *!*Mibbit@*
- lindo8977 has quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
<Live2Die> did you just ban mibbit
- weizhong sets ban on *!*
<weizhong> Nah
<Sharptoe> lol
<MacLeod> How does a ten-year-old even find this site.
- weizhong removes ban on *!*Mibbit@*
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