[22:00] <tranq> SCP 3421: Niggatron 9000
[22:00] <Sharptoe> I don't see much difference between the Soviets and the Nazis
[22:00] * SlackFA_ (~SlackFA@1E00CDA9:E71DE54F:FCBFBD81:IP) has joined #site19
[22:00] <Vince> …
[22:00] <Sharptoe> omg that sounds racist
[22:00] <Dr_Leonard> …
[22:00] <Vince> ops
[22:00] <Dr_Leonard> ops
[22:00] <@Eskaway> hi
[22:00] <tranq> Spec ops
[22:00] * tranq was kicked by Eskaway (yeah, stop doign that)
[22:01] * tranq (ten.nhb.ser.3D8D3278-CRInys|tibbiM#ten.nhb.ser.3D8D3278-CRInys|tibbiM) has joined #site19
[22:01] <Sharptoe> At the same time
[22:01] <tranq> lol
[22:01] <Baby_Boo> So… is Series IV soon to begin then?
[22:01] <Sharptoe> and/or partial alliance
[22:01] <Dr_Leonard> Baby_Boo nah
[22:01] <Dr_Leonard> not really
[22:01] <Decibelle> Baby_Boo: not until series 3 is all filled up
[22:01] <Voct> as the old woman in eastern berlin said to the american reporter after the wall came down:
[22:01] <Dr_Leonard> maybe within a year or two
[22:02] <%ProcyonLotor> Tranq: Next time you pull that kind of shit, you get a ban.
[22:02] <Voct> i have under nazism, and i have lived under communism. the difference is that with communism, the *idea* is nicer.
[22:02] <Baby_Boo> Ohhhhh duh
[22:02] <@Eskobear> Yeah, tranq, there's a level of common sense involved in being here, and you didn't just demonstrate it right then.
[22:02] <Sharptoe> Pretty much, Voct
[22:02] <Sharptoe> Think about
[22:02] * ProcyonLotor is now known as ProcyonBRB
[22:02] <Sharptoe> *think about it this way
[22:02] * salvagebar (~ten.enilnotpo.nyd.541074C8-CRInys|abegavlas#ten.enilnotpo.nyd.541074C8-CRInys|abegavlas) has joined #site19
[22:02] <tranq> l0l
[22:05] <tranq> capture all black people, put them in containment, and label them SCP 3490. proceed to starve all of them. You have contained a dangerous anomalous entity equivalent to Keter
[22:05] <Vince> oh goddamnit, who woke scantron
[22:05] <Scantron> i like how y'all are entry level
[22:05] <Baby_Boo> I've been fhunned
[22:05] <Hexi|Aspire> tranq: are you stupid or something? ops
[22:05] <Sharptoe> because either the communism breaks or the anarchy breaks
[22:05] <Djoric> Anything that is not what is currently being talked about
[22:05] <Scantron> all y'all by constantly pinging me with "communism"
[22:05] * Eskobear sets mode: +b *!*@synIRC-8723D8D3.res.bhn.net