22:12 * cats joined #site19 ten.labolgcbs.algrtb.deepsthgil.D280E9DE-CRInys|tibbiM#ten.labolgcbs.algrtb.deepsthgil.D280E9DE-CRInys|tibbiM
22:12 Amuness Don't critique it. I'm re-writing it right now
22:13 Tuomey Sharptoe: we don't do that because we don't want to kick people for liking SCP stuff
22:13 Amuness And I don't wanna be putting in new stuff
22:13 qntm built by a group of eight-year-olds in class, then left in the elementary school basement for 50 years
22:13 Tuomey Sharptoe: the bot already sends them a "pls fix ur name message"
22:13 AllieM (y wont u fite meh)
22:13 Sharptoe fair enough
22:13 Tuomey Welcome back, cats, thanks for fixing your name
22:13 Amuness http://scpsandbox2.wikidot.com/dr-smith-s-personnel-file OK here. Just read it.
22:13 Tuomey hey, AllieM
22:13 Tuomey ( ゜▽゜)=◯ )‘ν゜)
22:13 Dr_Leonard AllieM Because I’m only 16, so you'd probably win, and also, we likely live in different countries
22:13 Vivax We like cats
22:13 AllieM Whazzzup?
22:13 qntm found on a landfill in Malaysia
22:14 cats [TITLE: Pokemon Theme Song 'Gotta Catch Em All' For Orchestra (iTunes link below!) VIEWS: 213039 FAVES: 0 RATING: 4 RATERS: 3401 UPLOADED: ForOrchestra ] [TITLE: Pokemon Theme Song 'Gotta Catch Em All' For Orchestra (iTunes link below!) VIEWS: 213039 FAVES: 0 RATING: 4 RATERS: 3401 UPLOADED: ForOrchestra ]
22:14 Alexandra cats: Pokemon Theme Song 'Gotta Catch Em All' For Orchestra (iTunes link below!) - length 3m 15s - rated 4.97/5.0 (3401) - 213 039 views - fororchestra on 2012.01.31
22:14 Sharptoe omg dat's assault imma sue
22:14 AllieM lul
22:14 AllieM why?
22:14 Dr_Leonard Amuness if you're roughly my age and within my area, I'd gladly kick the shit out of you with a smile
22:14 Amuness Dr_Leonard WHY!? Dude, please….
22:14 AllieM LOL
22:14 Dr_Leonard AllieM Bwah!
22:15 AndarielHalo http://stream1.gifsoup.com/view4/1135905/oh-snap-o.gif
22:15 AllieM KARMA
22:15 * Vivax quit (Quit: ChatZilla [Firefox 33.1.1/20141113143407]) rewsna.na.rof.gnitiaw.ydobon|gniklaT#rewsna.na.rof.gnitiaw.ydobon|gniklaT
22:15 Dr_Leonard AllieM a polite "nice doing business with you" as I picked up your teeth and gave them to you
22:15 Amuness inhales
22:15 Amuness Dr_Leonard I just need a form of recovery. Do you have any ideas, please?
22:15 cats [TITLE: Tea Time (a creepy short film) VIEWS: 91928 FAVES: 0 RATING: 4 RATERS: 1184 UPLOADED: minimystery ] [TITLE: Tea Time (a creepy short film) VIEWS: 91928 FAVES: 0 RATING: 4 RATERS: 1184 UPLOADED: minimystery ]
22:15 Alexandra cats: Tea Time (a creepy short film) - length 3m 20s - rated 4.78/5.0 (1184) - 91 928 views - minimystery on 2009.05.05
22:16 cats :)
22:16 qntm Police department evidence locker
22:16 qntm Attic of a French castle
22:16 * Cycloneblaze joined #site19 ~ten.mocrie.ogils.dtr.2sar-b.08F3A4E2-CRInys|lbenolcyC#ten.mocrie.ogils.dtr.2sar-b.08F3A4E2-CRInys|lbenolcyC
22:16 Sharptoe Amuness: we've been spamming them for minutes now
22:16 Sharptoe just pick one
22:16 Amuness qntm They need to find out how it is anomalous.
22:16 Amuness Sharptoe ^^^
22:16 * Cycloneblaze left #site19 ~ten.mocrie.ogils.dtr.2sar-b.08F3A4E2-CRInys|lbenolcyC#ten.mocrie.ogils.dtr.2sar-b.08F3A4E2-CRInys|lbenolcyC
22:16 Dr_Leonard Amuness A civilian residence?
22:16 qntm You didn't say that!
22:16 Dr_Leonard Amuness a workplace
22:16 Dr_Leonard ?
22:17 AllieM (dude I'm only 15, and I'm a girl, you'd win bruh
22:17 AllieM )
22:17 Dr_Leonard AllieM not likely, brah
22:17 Dr_Leonard er, sistah
22:17 qntm where's your draft
22:17 Tuomey AllieM: being a girl doesn't mean you're bad at fighting
22:17 Amuness Dr_Leonard But I need to know how? How would an agent, of a secret organization, find an old rusty box anomalous?
22:17 cats [TITLE: Le cochon danseur - el cerdo bailarín - dancing pig VIEWS: 552121 FAVES: 0 RATING: 4 RATERS: 2740 UPLOADED: monixa ] [TITLE: Le cochon danseur - el cerdo bailarín - dancing pig VIEWS: 552121 FAVES: 0 RATING: 4 RATERS: 2740 UPLOADED: monixa ] :D
22:17 Alexandra cats: Le cochon danseur - el cerdo bailarín - dancing pig - length 2m 25s - rated 4.91/5.0 (2740) - 552 121 views - o0monox0o on 2007.07.06
22:17 Sharptoe That ain't recovery, that's discovery
22:17 Mondegreen thank you Tuomey
22:17 JamJam66 Let us test this fight
22:18 Tuomey AllieM: it means you pretend you're bad at fighting to confirm someone's shitty expectations, then shove their nuts in their mouth while they're off-guard
22:18 Dr_Leonard AllieM a girl one year younger than me could very possibly knock my lights out, because a) as Tuomey said, being a girl doesn't make you bad at fighting and b) I'm weak as shit
22:18 JamJam66 .ch Leonard, AllieM
22:18 Alexandra JamJam66: AllieM
22:18 Mondegreen (not that I'm any good at fighting)
22:18 JamJam66 AllieM wins!
22:18 Amuness faceplams to what Sharptoe said
22:18 Sharptoe I know a girl I've got a hundred pounds on who can lift and throw me
22:18 Mondegreen what's a faceplam?
22:18 Dr_Leonard .def facepalm
22:18 Alexandra Dr_Leonard: facepalm: noun: A gesture of bringing one palm or both palms to the face, with various interpretations. verb: 1. To bring the palm of one’s hand to one’s face as an expression of mixed humor and disbelief or disgust or shame, for example, when one is caught off-guard with a particularly bad pun. 2. To bring one’s face down to one’s cupped hand or hands.
22:18 Amuness I get it now. Sorry, Sharptoe. Didn't really know what the difference was
22:18 Sharptoe I got da flu. my brain is non-optimal22:18 Tuomey .gis facepalm
22:19 AllieM really?
22:19 Alexandra Tuomey: http://img3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20130305053659/imotwom/images/f/fc/FACEPALM.png
22:19 Vince facepalmed so hard they scrambled the letters
22:19 AllieM LOL
22:19 Dr_Leonard Facepalmed so hard you leave a visible hand-shaped scar across your face
22:19 Sharptoe s'all good
22:19 Amuness Well, I'll go back and write. Sharptoe, Dr_Leonard, and qntm thank you.
22:19 Mondegreen haha Vince
22:19 Dr_Leonard You're welcome
22:20 Dr_Leonard is embarrassed, doesn't get Vince's joke
22:20 AllieM No, what I'm saying is that, I would loose because I have no idea how to attack a person. I don't even like people
22:21 Amuness i'll…try to think of a way for the affects to be found. Von Pincier told me for my recovery for the archive library one wasn't good.
22:21 Amuness BYE!
22:21 Dr_Leonard AllieM Then we are more or less equally matched
22:21 * Amuness quit (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client) ten.tsacmoc.am.1dsh.77BB2A82-CRInys|tibbiM#ten.tsacmoc.am.1dsh.77BB2A82-CRInys|tibbiM
22:21 Mondegreen Dr_Leonard I was making a dumb comment cos Amuness mistyped facepalm
22:21 Dr_Leonard Mondegreen ah
22:21 cats https://encrypted-tbn2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQRLYUHbFAZ77zGdQ4naVnnlLDUPpaNTotOovuT7w3XJEvwM2Bc
22:22 Mondegreen then AllieM continued the silliness
22:22 AllieM yeahhhhhh!
22:22 Dr_Leonard mhm
22:22 AllieM (fite meh den bruh)
22:22 Tuomey AllieM: not liking people is a pretty good start to attacking them
22:23 Tuomey I mean, it's harder to attack something you like
22:23 Dr_Leonard AllieM I wouldn't want to fight a girl… or anyone
22:23 AndarielHalo I'll fight a girl
22:23 Sharptoe Fight dirty
22:23 Sharptoe go for the nuts and the eyres
22:23 AndarielHalo not only because I am one, but because I'm really bad at it
22:23 Sharptoe *eyes
22:23 AllieM I'll fight with mud then
22:23 AndarielHalo as Bas Rutten says
22:23 AndarielHalo "Everyone underestimates the kick in the groin"
22:23 AllieM Dirty!
22:23 Dr_Leonard AllieM I went to a karate class recently
22:23 * Mondegreen quit (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client) ten.mnigriv.elbac.F6CF9CDB-CRInys|tibbiM#ten.mnigriv.elbac.F6CF9CDB-CRInys|tibbiM
22:23 Sharptoe I'll fight a girl under the same circumstances I'll fight a guy
22:23 Sharptoe I ain't sexist
22:23 * cats quit (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client) ten.labolgcbs.algrtb.deepsthgil.D280E9DE-CRInys|tibbiM#ten.labolgcbs.algrtb.deepsthgil.D280E9DE-CRInys|tibbiM
22:23 Dr_Leonard AllieM Dear God, I was dreadful.
22:24 Scantron Sharptoe: that's really brave of you
22:24 * fuck joined #site19 ten.labolgcbs.algrtb.deepsthgil.D280E9DE-CRInys|tibbiM#ten.labolgcbs.algrtb.deepsthgil.D280E9DE-CRInys|tibbiM
22:24 * fuck was kicked by Alexandra (Your nick contains inappropriate language, please use '/nick newnick' to change your name to something more appropriate. You may rejoin with a different nick after 10 seconds.)
22:24 - Alexandra has banned *!ten.labolgcbs.algrtb.deepsthgil.D280E9DE-CRInys|tibbiM#ten.labolgcbs.algrtb.deepsthgil.D280E9DE-CRInys|tibbiM
22:24 - Alexandra has banned fuck!*@*
22:24 Dr_Leonard Sharptoe Dad told me a while back that my aunt and her female friend were beaten up by a group of girls in town
22:24 Sharptoe Pretty much, lol
22:24 - Alexandra has unbanned *!ten.labolgcbs.algrtb.deepsthgil.D280E9DE-CRInys|tibbiM#ten.labolgcbs.algrtb.deepsthgil.D280E9DE-CRInys|tibbiM
22:24 Dr_Leonard Their male friend did nothing
22:24 * Zyn joined #site19 aw.in.ikust|ka#aw.in.ikust|ka
22:24 +++ ChanServ has given op to Zyn
22:24 JamJam66 Well then
22:24 Dr_Leonard And just kinda stood back watching
22:24 Scantron tips his fedora
22:24 Zyn Marp.
22:24 AndarielHalo lol "fuck"
22:25 * brb joined #site19 ten.labolgcbs.algrtb.deepsthgil.D280E9DE-CRInys|tibbiM#ten.labolgcbs.algrtb.deepsthgil.D280E9DE-CRInys|tibbiM
22:25 Dr_Leonard Merp.
22:25 JamJam66 Hi Zyn
22:25 Zyn Hello, JamJam.
22:25 Sharptoe Some people are fucking nuts
22:25 * brb quit (Quit: brb) ten.labolgcbs.algrtb.deepsthgil.D280E9DE-CRInys|tibbiM#ten.labolgcbs.algrtb.deepsthgil.D280E9DE-CRInys|tibbiM
22:25 mibbit cat: No such nickname online.
22:25 Dr_Leonard Hi Zyn. Wassap?
22:25 mibbit cats: No such nickname online.
22:25 »> cats was ten.labolgcbs.algrtb.deepsthgil.D280E9DE-CRInys|tibbiM#ten.labolgcbs.algrtb.deepsthgil.D280E9DE-CRInys|tibbiM http://www.mibbit.com
22:25 Zyn Dr_Leonard: Not much. Goingto grab lunch soon.
22:25 Dr_Leonard Zyn I see
22:25 Sharptoe doesn't matter what's between their legs
22:25 Zyn looking into the newest person.
22:25 Scantron it's just like, 90% of the "i would hit a girl" sentiments that i encounter come across as "i think more than is really necessary about hitting girls"
22:25 Dr_Leonard Sharptoe what matters is in their heart <3
22:25 Zyn .whowas cats
22:25 * Light quit (Ping timeout: 184 seconds) ~PI.52DEE5BD.D9B417FD.186923AB|thgiL#PI.52DEE5BD.D9B417FD.186923AB|thgiL
22:26 AllieM I don't even believe in hitting why am I doing this…
22:26 Zyn sigh
22:26 Tuomey Zyn: same person, yes
22:26 Sharptoe I agree
22:26 Scantron so if people really feel the need to state this, i'm automatically suspicious
22:26 Zyn Tuomey: You want to log?
22:26 * lol joined #site19 ten.labolgcbs.algrtb.deepsthgil.D280E9DE-CRInys|tibbiM#ten.labolgcbs.algrtb.deepsthgil.D280E9DE-CRInys|tibbiM
22:26 Sharptoe both scantron and dr_leonard
22:26 Tuomey lol: hi again
22:26 Tuomey lol: how old are you?
22:26 * Scantron is now known as communism
22:26 Dr_Leonard AllieM ditto
22:26 Dr_Leonard COMMUNISM
22:26 communism i almost forgot that i had this registered
22:27 NickServ Nick communism isn't registered.
22:27 Dr_Leonard I ain't heard of no commie Fifthists
22:27 Tuomey according to nickserv, you don't
22:27 Tuomey lol: you there/
22:27 Tuomey *?
22:27 AllieM (I guess I'm doing it for the lulz
22:27 * JamJam66 is now known as Marxism
22:27 Marxism Death to the bougoirse!
22:27 Dr_Leonard A friend of mine at school identifies as an "anarcho-Communist"
22:27 communism Huh, musta been deregistered from inactivity
22:27 communism Dr_Leonard: me too
22:27 communism Marxism: *bourgeoisie
22:28 Dr_Leonard Communism it's quite interesting
22:28 Marxism I CAN'T SPELL
22:28 communism Dr_Leonard: i agree
22:28 * Marxism is now known as JamJam66
22:28 Tuomey lol: Please respond and answer my question
22:28 communism anyways i've re-registered this
22:28 Dr_Leonard mmm
22:28 AllieM (So fite meh)
22:28 NickServ Access denied.
22:29 Dr_Leonard AllieM What country are you from?
22:29 JamJam66 .def anarcho-communist
22:29 Alexandra JamJam66: definition for "anticommunist": adjective: Opposed to the tenets of communism. noun: One who is opposed to the tenets of communism.
22:29 communism sigh
22:29 JamJam66 No alex
22:29 communism .g anarcho-communism
22:29 Alexandra communism: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anarchist_communism — Anarchist communism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: "Anarchist communism (also known as anarcho-communism, free communism, libertarian communism, and communist anarchism) is a theory of anarchism …"
22:29 Dr_Leonard Lol
22:29 AllieM Wisconis
22:29 Dr_Leonard Oh
22:29 Dr_Leonard hmm
22:29 AllieM *Wisconsin
22:29 * Subject-Unkown joined #site19 ten.tsacmoc.am.1dsh.2D5D593-CRInys|tibbiM#ten.tsacmoc.am.1dsh.2D5D593-CRInys|tibbiM
22:29 AllieM It's too fucking cold here
22:30 Tuomey lol: ok, I'm running short on patience, so I'm just gonna ban you in sixty seconds if you do not state your age
22:30 communism AllieM: i was smack dab in the center of winter storm juno
22:30 Sharptoe Try living in Northern Alberta
22:30 Dr_Leonard AllieM I don't live on your continent, though, so I couldn't :P
22:30 * Light joined #site19 ~PI.52DEE5BD.D9B417FD.186923AB|thgiL#PI.52DEE5BD.D9B417FD.186923AB|thgiL
22:30 +++ ChanServ has given halfop to Light
22:30 Zyn Right, I'm going to go grab some leftover pasta.
22:30 Zyn brb
22:30 Tuomey lol: 30 seconds
22:30 Sharptoe -50 at least once every winter
22:30 * Smaugnolia quit (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client) PI.32735173.A48AB413.C876C008|tibbiM#PI.32735173.A48AB413.C876C008|tibbiM
22:30 * Subject-Unkown quit (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client) ten.tsacmoc.am.1dsh.2D5D593-CRInys|tibbiM#ten.tsacmoc.am.1dsh.2D5D593-CRInys|tibbiM
22:30 AllieM (but still, fite meh)
22:30 Dr_Leonard AllieM if you wanna battle on an unaffiliated continent, we can take a trip to the Victorian Mountain Range in Antarctica
22:31 - Tuomey has banned *!*@synIRC-ED9E082D.lightspeed.btrgla.sbcglobal.net
22:31 Dr_Leonard beats up AllieM, leaves them on the ground
22:31 Dr_Leonard Happy?
22:31 * lol was kicked by Tuomey (you may appeal in #site17)