23* faSHA (moc.ncr.elbac.am.xel-obs.1rbu-xel.0-3c.628B9EEC-CRInys|tibbiM#moc.ncr.elbac.am.xel-obs.1rbu-xel.0-3c.628B9EEC-CRInys|tibbiM) has joined
18<faSHA> hello
20<Soulless>30 Hello
18<faSHA> I would like to appeal a ban
18<faSHA> from site19
20<Soulless>30 Okay
23* King_Amuness (ten.tsacmoc.tc.1dsh.CBCE6B9D-CRInys|tibbiM#ten.tsacmoc.tc.1dsh.CBCE6B9D-CRInys|tibbiM) has joined
23* GreenWolf (moc.duolccri.gnilae.3B369351-CRInys|84978diu#moc.duolccri.gnilae.3B369351-CRInys|84978diu) has joined
18<faSHA> how would I go about doing so?
20<Soulless>30 You can go ahead by telling me why you should unbanned
18<faSHA> I believe
18<faSHA> I should be unbanned
20<Soulless>30 Given your record, you chose to come into site19 to roleplay, and when kicked, decided to come back in as "faggotniggerjew".
18<faSHA> because, I made a stupid mistake without reading the rules
18<faSHA> I did not know roleplay was not allowed at the time
18<faSHA> and i felt colossally stupid when I read the rules
20<Soulless>30 Why should I unban you for coming into chat without reading the chat rules, and then returnign when kicked as "faggotniggerjew" for a nick?
18<faSHA> Im half black, so I wasnt trying to be offensive to black people
18<faSHA> My mom is black
18<faSHA> any ways
18<faSHA> I did not know roleplaying was not allowed
18<faSHA> so
20<Soulless>30 Okay
18<faSHA> I got kicked
18<faSHA> and I was upset
18<faSHA> because I thought the admins were just abusing power
20<Soulless>30 Yes, you got kicked, and you were upset, so you decided to change your nick to slurs
20<Soulless>30 Is that correct?
18<faSHA> Yes, It was very stupid of me
20<Soulless>30 You thuoght the admins were abusing power, because you neglected to read the community rules before attempting to participate in the community, yes?
18<faSHA> Yes, that is correct.
18<faSHA> Back then I had just come on to roleplay, but since then I have become more interested in Writing SCPs
18<faSHA> and I want to get help
20<Soulless>30 So, why should I unban you now, given your track record of 1. blaming other people for your mistakes, 2. assuming other people made the error, and then going on to be as offensive as possible about it
23* Jerden (moc.sulplartnectb.551-18egnar.2E02F478-CRInys|tibbiM#moc.sulplartnectb.551-18egnar.2E02F478-CRInys|tibbiM) has joined
18<faSHA> because I was obtuse, and neglected to read the rules, But now I have read the rules. and I realize the fault was with me.
18<faSHA> Also, because I have a legitimate reason
18<faSHA> to want to talk
18<faSHA> on the IRC
24* GreenWolf (moc.duolccri.gnilae.3B369351-CRInys|84978diu#moc.duolccri.gnilae.3B369351-CRInys|84978diu) has left
18<faSHA> To talk with people on how I can write good SCPs
20<Soulless>30 Your legitimate reason is…?
18<faSHA> To talk with people on how I can write good SCPs
20<Soulless>30 Okay, but you already kind of burned that bridge with you previous mistake
18<faSHA> I took up interest in SCPs when watching them on youtube recently
18<faSHA> That was my first time on this site
18<faSHA> some steam friend told me about it
18<faSHA> and I didnt think much of it
20<Soulless>30 Generally when you purposefully behave in a way that is negative in a community, you burn the bridge, and therefore even if you regret it, coming back is a bit prickly, yes?
24* King_Amuness (ten.tsacmoc.tc.1dsh.CBCE6B9D-CRInys|tibbiM#ten.tsacmoc.tc.1dsh.CBCE6B9D-CRInys|tibbiM) has left
18<faSHA> Yes, I am seeing that right now.
20<Soulless>30 Alright, so if I can gather, you wish to be unbanned because you understand you neglected to read the rules and behaved in a trolly manner, and now wish to become a posuitive member of the community
20<Soulless>30 Do I have this correctly?
18<faSHA> Yes, That is correct.
20<Soulless>30 Alright, so having spoken with other staff, you're still going to keep your perma. It's really inexcusable to troll, and then come back a little while later to ask if things can be forgiven like that. Luckily, we allow you to make a more solid appeal in a year. In the meantime, you can join the site and post as normal in the site community, just not the chat.
20<Soulless>30 After a year after your ban has been implemented, you can come back and make the case you've matured beyond that person who chose to behave in that manner.
20<Soulless>30 Your appeal now will be noted and placed in our records.
18<faSHA> Ok.
20<Soulless>30 Do you have any further questions or concerns?
18<faSHA> Thank you for your time :)
18<faSHA> I look forward to coming back next year