tldr: said "sub to pewdiepie" out of literally nowhere, far as I can tell.
Kicked, warned.
Apologies for the logs' lack of aesthetic beauty, beautilog is not cooperating with me right now.
19:39 FoxStew Maybe there could be a GoI document for the magma civilization
19:40 Munchi squid people, submarine, black substance, deep hole, squid civilization
19:40 CuteGirl Tuomey: I think he was probably trying to get me to focus on something I couldn't make against the rules lol
19:40 qntm a bunch of ideas have been thrown out but it's up to you to make something compelling out of them I think
19:40 Munchi that i don't like
19:40 Tuomey ah fair
19:40 Munchi thats a good idea
19:40 * LukeLukens quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client) ten.nozirev.soif.ynmcyn.ED5C18A1-CRInys|tibbiM#ten.nozirev.soif.ynmcyn.ED5C18A1-CRInys|tibbiM
19:40 geckoguy Take what you like
19:40 dentix it's nearly 10pm and my neighbor is being loud with music but i don't have the energy to do anything
19:40 geckoguy kill what you dont
19:41 qntm being a GOI doesn't make the magma civilisation inherently more compelling
19:41 CuteGirl CorvusCaurinus: did I send you a photo of my dog 14 hours ago
19:41 geckoguy oh look its dentist
19:41 dentix yes its the teeth man
19:41 qntm in fact it makes them less compelling because you're like, "here's this magma civilisation. But this isn't the whole story, it's just their first appearance. When we develop this GOI further, THEN maybe they'll be good"
19:41 CorvusCaurinus I mean you posted one in a sidechat in about that timeframe
19:42 Munchi what ive come up with is the giant hole in the ocean that leads to a civilization of beings which i might not even mke squids and the substance could be used as food which is why it sinks instead of floats
19:42 geckoguy THE OCEAN HOLE
19:42 geckoguy i dont like the hole part tbh
19:42 CuteGirl CorvusCaurinus: males sense
19:42 FoxStew maybe a pipe instead
19:43 Munchi maybe it doesnt need to be floating up
19:43 Munchi the submarine
19:43 FoxStew maybe its a base on an island or something
19:43 qntm Like, "this new group I just introduced is a GOI" is another way of saying "to be continued", which is another way of saying "this is not a finished story" and who cares about an unfinished story
19:43 Munchi maybe its anchored near the hole
19:43 FoxStew filled with magma so they dont die
19:44 Munchi i never agreed on the magma part btw
19:44 qntm seriously people the logistics of the pipe/hole/base/island/magma are not really what's going to tip this over the edge into "compelling"
19:44 FoxStew id like to see a tale from the squid peoples perspecitve
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19:44 FoxStew like, RLLY bad
19:44 * Bread quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)||tibbiM
19:44 Munchi this is getting blown out of proportion
19:44 FoxStew yeah sorry
19:44 Munchi i need to think back to square one
19:44 geckoguy FoxStew: Be the change you want to see in the world
19:45 Tuomey it's gotten to be a hole big deal about nothing
19:45 Munchi which is my odd fear of submarines
19:45 qntm you've been given a tonne of ideas
19:45 Tuomey :D
19:45 FoxStew BEGONE
19:45 geckoguy Munchi: I say lean into the terror of submarines
19:45 qntm and a bunch of things which need to be improved/thought about
19:45 geckoguy Submarines are scary
19:45 Munchi and these ideas are great but it all started with me wanting to make a story about my fear
19:45 geckoguy inside and outside
19:45 Munchi yessss
19:45 Munchi AGREEEEDDDD
19:45 geckoguy I love the things but even still
19:46 geckoguy its cramped. you are at the mercy of technology
19:46 Metaphysician Would much appreciate someone giving this a look over and if they have any critique/suggestions
19:46 Munchi i have a weird thing with them
19:46 Metaphysician Would be my first SCP in like, over a year.
19:46 Munchi i think my fear of submarines is cool
19:46 Metaphysician Submarines are scary as fuck.
19:46 Munchi im interested in them because they scare me
19:46 geckoguy and depending on the submarine you are in you are worryingly close to quite a bit of nuclear material
19:46 Metaphysician Cramped, under water, often under intense pressure.
19:47 FoxStew i will probably take the squid people idea, is that all right?
19:47 Metaphysician The early submarines were basically submersible coffins…
19:47 Munchi if i were to write a whole mythology about squid people then i would never think about what started it all which is the submarine
19:47 Munchi yeah thats fine FoxStew
19:47 geckoguy Honestly i think id feel less safe in a submarine than how i feel while scuba diving
19:47 FoxStew squid people (cc)
19:47 FoxStew (tm)
19:48 geckoguy its been a while since ive been a sub
19:48 qntm well I find it's often effective to imagine a huge universe and then just use the 10% of that universe which is worth showing and leave the rest implicit
19:48 FoxStew sub to pewdiepie
19:48 qntm FoxStew: "sub to pewdiepie" is a white supremacist terrorist war cry
19:48 geckoguy FoxStew: No
19:48 Munchi i still like the hole idea but what if it wasn't so big i guess
19:48 geckoguy Fuck pewdiepie
19:49 FoxStew i dont see him as that, but i get where youre coming from
19:49 * FoxStew was kicked by Tuomey (not sure what you expected to happen, idiot)
19:49 geckoguy Munchi: Ditch the hole, or use a real life one
19:49 *** FoxStew joined #site19 ten.enoelbac.epc.10206BD9-CRInys|tibbiM#ten.enoelbac.epc.10206BD9-CRInys|tibbiM
19:49 geckoguy oof
19:49 qntm it's on tape, idiot
19:49 FoxStew sorry
19:49 CorvusCaurinus Honestly the fact that an adult can be a fucking pewdiepie fan is shameful
19:49 CorvusCaurinus Like that should be enough to put you into state care
19:49 taylor_iOStkin Can we not with this conversation please
19:49 FoxStew yeah
19:49 geckoguy yeah
19:50 geckoguy tis pointless
19:50 FoxStew back to squid people
19:50 qntm anyway my point is that the "top" 10% of the concept will still make a freaky kind of sense
19:50 geckoguy and instead we can theorize about how to kill qntm by inserting dank antimeme into an aritcle
19:50 Metaphysician qntm: I'm struggling with that now… I want to explore something in my draft, I have so many ideas about them - but the main premise is that so much has been obliterated/erased.
19:50 Tuomey Gonna end it with saying that contextlessly saying things made famous by a mass shooter yelling them before committing a mass shooting /will/ get you kicked, if not banned, in this chat
19:50 Munchi what if the submarine instead of floating would i guess be roaming the ocean with what seems to be a crew of humanoid creatures resembling scuba divers
19:50 geckoguy right now we have one instance of dank antimeme (henceforward DA) on the wiki
19:51 geckoguy but its in an author page so it doesnt count
19:51 geckoguy this is what i know of
19:51 geckoguy now
19:51 FoxStew Tuomey: all right. wont do it again.