Dude comes in, insists that not only is SCP real, and that he regularly sees it on the Discovery Channel. When asked his age, he obviously lies, and then starts talking about how he was born on 420. Kicked, came back, pretended (very, very badly) to be another person, and banned for trolling.
- eoj (ten.labolgcbs.lircic.deepsthgil.88C8A311-CRInys|tibbiM#ten.labolgcbs.lircic.deepsthgil.88C8A311-CRInys|tibbiM) has joined
<BarkyBark> scp-inf seems like it should be an in-universe system placeholder or something weird.
<g935> I am a member of this web site
<Athena_Grey> g935: of wikidot, or of the "SCP-wiki.net" website?
<salvagebar> thedeadlymoose your head's too full?
<salvagebar> I can help with this
<g935> so I got that out of the way
<Athena_Grey> g935 what's your wikidot username?
<eoj> has that scp chic angel ever been seen on this chat room?
- gumbal1 has quit (Ping timeout)
<BarkyBark> …what
<Djoric> she the one who does the youtube vidyas with the special snowflake squad?
<Athena_Grey> eoj I'm sorry, but I don't think I understand what you're saying here. Care to clarify?
<Djoric> Nah
<Djoric> she's never been in here
<Athena_Grey> ah
<Faminepulse> >_>
<eoj> any scp people ever been seen on this chat room or is it just people chating about the scp items?
- FauxDeBaux (~moc.duolccri.gnilae.284986DE-CRInys|92041dis#moc.duolccri.gnilae.284986DE-CRInys|92041dis) has joined
<ProcyonLotor> eoj: You do know this isn't real, right?
<Djoric> most of us are writers
<eoj> she sounds fake
- thedeadlymoose facepalm
<thedeadlymoose> eoj: how old are you
<Silberescher> .au silber
<Alexandra> Silberescher: http://scp-wiki.net/silberescher-personnel-file - Silberescher has written 11 SCPs and 7 tales. They have 2157 net upvotes with an average rating of 119. Their most recent article is SCP-2731(Rating:70)
<Athena_Grey> eoj we wrote the SCP stories
<g935> my name wiki is Stanley leal
<eoj> and I have some questions for scp people
<salvagebar> SCP- ∞
- Silberescher has written some stuff
<eoj> just curious
<MacLeod> I wrote two of them.
<Silberescher> .wl silber
<Alexandra> An Evening With The Honourable Lord Elbert Rutland Silberescher (Rating:+4, Written by Silberescher) - http://wanderers-library.wikidot.com/silberescher
- Silberescher has written more stuff
<MacLeod> .au MacLeod
<salvagebar> silberescher stole everything
<Alexandra> MacLeod: http://scp-wiki.net/agent-macleod-s-personnel-file - Agent MacLeod has written 2 SCPs and 1 tales. They have 65 net upvotes with an average rating of 21. Their most recent article is SCP-2237(Rating:26)
<MacLeod> Evidence^
<salvagebar> Silber hasn't written jack and squat
<thedeadlymoose> Silberescher: add the damn rating module :P
<Djoric> eoj: speak
<thedeadlymoose> oh no wait
<thedeadlymoose> author page
<eoj> I've seen the doll of the little boy with the button eyes on discovery
<Silberescher> thedeadlymoose: even though it's a—
<Silberescher> yeah
<Silberescher> it's just one of those crazy nonstandard author pages that Library people have
<Silberescher> I /do/ need to add Overdue thou
<thedeadlymoose> g935: you only joined wikidot. you did not join the scp foundation
<Athena_Grey> g935: http://www.wikidot.com/user:info/Stanley_leal
<eoj> a lot sound face but a lot sound like magicly created item abandoned people made and lost track of
<g935> so about SCP-inf….
<Athena_Grey> eoj well, it's /all/ fake
- Smaugnolia has quit (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client)
<thedeadlymoose> eoj — this might answer some of your questions as well: http://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/faq
<Athena_Grey> but if some of them are well-written enough to feel real to you, then
<eoj> besides I've expierenced too much supernatural shit pardon my French in my life
<Athena_Grey> as authors, we'll take that as a complement :D
<MrRonin> draft 3rd tab http://scpsandbox2.wikidot.com/mrronin
<MrRonin> I edited
<eoj> and wouldn't be surprised
<Djoric> eoj: trust me
<Djoric> it ain't
<g935> how do I be a member of it?
<Djoric> I've written a whole goddamn lot of this shit
<Djoric> and then there's the tales
<Athena_Grey> g935: http://www.scp-wiki.net/system:join
<Djoric> I can safely vouch for the tales
<Alexandra> Athena_Grey: Join This Site (Rating:+11, Written by The Administrator) - http://scp-wiki.net/system:join
<ProcyonLotor> Not a single thing of this is real. I think one dude wrote a story based on a dream he had, but that's as close it comes to real.
<Athena_Grey> g935: follow that link
<Blarghalt> eoj, g935: why would the Foundation, an organization specifically dedicated to surpressing knowledge of supernatural events, be searchable on fucking Google?
<MacLeod> .showtells
<eoj> I only seen a few scp items on documentaries of science chanel and discovery
<ProcyonLotor> No, you haven'.
<MacLeod> wuv you, alex
<ProcyonLotor> Because this is fake.
<AndarielHalo> …
<ProcyonLotor> It's all creative writing.
<MrRonin> dis guna be gud
<ProcyonLotor> And if you keep insisting it's not, I'll have to remove you from the channel.
<MacLeod> A couple SCPs are based on real stuff, though.
<Athena_Grey> eoj: or rather, some of our authors saw a fancy item on Discovery Channel and thought, 'this may make a great story'
- ZakMarcus has quit (Ping timeout: 182 seconds)
<MacLeod> Like Centralia.
<Athena_Grey> .s Bigfoot
<eoj> they're usual on at three in the morning or during the super bowl but I've seen some scp item taken seariously
<Alexandra> Athena_Grey: Bigfoot(SCP-1000, Rating:444), Bigfoot's Eulogy(Rating:26)
<eoj> usualy
<Decibelle> everything on the website is fake
<Decibelle> all written by people like us
<BarkyBark> eoj: More likely someone here was up at 3 and thought "That'd make a great SCP, if you just…"
<Ireul> MacLeod or that nuclear reactor colony
<MacLeod> There's an in-universe SCP-related reason for the freaky-deaky shit in Centralia.
<MacLeod> But it's fiction.
<ProcyonLotor> eoj: Please stop making stuff up. We'd know if someone filmed crap about us, because that means legal stuff. And, once again, it's all fiction.
<MacLeod> Ireul: Link?
<ProcyonLotor> Now please, stop pretending we're real.
<Decibelle> .tale Bigfoot's Eulogy
<Alexandra> Decibelle: Bigfoot's Eulogy (Rating:+26, Written by OZ Ouroboros) - http://scp-wiki.net/bigfoot-s-eulogy
<BarkyBark> …there's been a lot of this today
<Ireul> .s sentient nuclear reactor
<Alexandra> Ireul: Sentient Nuclear Reactor Colony(SCP-1701, Rating:118) - http://www.scp-wiki.net/scp-1701
<MrRonin> We can all vouch its fiction because we've /written/ some of them
<ProcyonLotor> Actually, eoj, did you answer how old you are?
<MacLeod> as I said.
<ProcyonLotor> I need to know.
<BarkyBark> I mean, we are, of course, fictional.
<MacLeod> I wrote two of the damn things
<MacLeod> (not very good ones.)
<Blarghalt> 1701 is looseley based on how in South Africa, miners discovered a naturally-occuring nuclear reactor. Of course, in real life, it wasn't sentient and was entirely explainable by physics.
<Blarghalt> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Natural_nuclear_fission_reactor fascinating stuff
<Anaxagoras> Lots of stuff draws from real world weirdness.
<eoj> like I said only a few, the little boy doll with the button eyes was made for a kid way back when by a voodoo chic and people walking by the house it is in have seen it move and it the owner has noticed it being in different positions when no one has moved it
<Blarghalt> I was wrong about it being south africa tho
<Blarghalt> apparently it was Gabon
<Anaxagoras> But that's just because nature is usually weirder than we can create.
<Blarghalt> eoj: people can lie, you know.
<ProcyonLotor> eoj: 1) Tell me how old you are. 2) Once again, stop raving about this being real. Op order.
<eoj> i think some have had witness accounts but the cloneing tree has to be uter bull
<Djoric> oh good lord
- MrRonin has quit (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client)
<eoj> 33
<thedeadlymoose> eoj: how old are you
<Athena_Grey> eoj okay, do you know how many horror stories involve creepy moving dolls?
<eoj> birthday ws easter 420
- thedeadlymoose has kicked eoj from #site19 (try again)
[time passes]
- wasawhat (ten.labolgcbs.lircic.deepsthgil.88C8A311-CRInys|tibbiM#ten.labolgcbs.lircic.deepsthgil.88C8A311-CRInys|tibbiM) has joined
<Djoric> infact, one could say /buckle your pants/
<Djoric> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G8RKLHdS9xI
<Alexandra> Djoric: BattleBlock Theater Music - BUCKLE YOUR PANTS - length 1m 26s - rated 4.97/5.0 (2589) - 267 834 views - frayricks on 2013.04.11
<MacLeod> Like, If I ever get around to writing tales featuring Mac the character, he is fucking dying.
<wasawhat> who was eoj?
<AndarielHalo> no
- BarkyBark (~ten.enilnotpo.nyd.56B212BC-CRInys|kraBykraB#ten.enilnotpo.nyd.56B212BC-CRInys|kraBykraB) has left
<Ireul> Ops
<Eskindle> what kind of asshole kills off their author avatars
- Trar (~ten.steninu.lsd.B37807DF-CRInys|rarT#ten.steninu.lsd.B37807DF-CRInys|rarT) has joined
<thedeadlymoose> sup
<MacLeod> Eskindle: MacLeod and Randomini, to name two.
<Athena_Grey> wasawhat/eoj well, considering that no one has actually mentioned the name "eoj" for the last five minutes
<Trar> ey ey where the skips at
<thedeadlymoose> wasawhat: we know you're eoj
<kaktus> Jesus you guys don't even try
<Athena_Grey> and certainly not since you've entered this chatroom
<thedeadlymoose> so I'm confused by the question
<Ireul> Trar Back at the website
<thedeadlymoose> wasawhat: what is your age, please
<wasawhat> but the kid was born on 420 how cool is that
<TheHatter> brb
- Smaugnolia (PI.32735173.B824C152.F3916EAC|tibbiM#PI.32735173.B824C152.F3916EAC|tibbiM) has joined
<Anaxagoras> Eskindle: You killed off my author avatar. Who admittedly I only used once, and then implicitly, but eh.
<Athena_Grey> wasawhat Harry Potter is a wizard, and that too is a cool story
<kaktus> Moose, just
- thedeadlymoose sets ban on *!*@synIRC-113A8C88.lightspeed.cicril.sbcglobal.net
<kaktus> It's not worth it
<Athena_Grey> wasawhat doesn't mean I have to believe wizards are real though
<thedeadlymoose> wasawhat: too much trolling, farewell
<Trar> 420 is not a real number
- thedeadlymoose has kicked wasawhat from #site19 (thedeadlymoose)