20:25 *** Normandy joined #site19 ten.tsacmoc.li.1dsh.F504D198-CRInys|tibbiM#ten.tsacmoc.li.1dsh.F504D198-CRInys|tibbiM
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20:26 Normandy Please Rate my SCP http://scpsandbox2.wikidot.com/agent-normandy
20:26 pointlesswaste is a joke?
20:26 Normandy Please rate as I fix the format and yes
20:26 pointlesswaste like, a joke scp?
20:27 Normandy Mhmm
20:27 AndarielHalo why put in Bright and Gears?
20:27 Normandy Cuz why not?
20:27 pointlesswaste iunno, it seems.. sorta inappropriate?
20:27 AndarielHalo you'll set Djoric off
20:27 pointlesswaste also gears isn't an agent, unless you made up an agent named gears
20:27 pointlesswaste in which case it's just confusing
20:27 SoundChaser dude, sort your format
20:27 Normandy Yeah I know
20:27 Normandy I am going to
20:28 SoundChaser no, I don't think you do
20:28 Djoric Normandy, I've already had my blood pressure go through the roof from one of your drafts
20:28 Djoric this is nonsense
20:28 SoundChaser sort it /before/ showing us the draft
20:28 pointlesswaste uh
20:28 pointlesswaste maybe like shop the idea around before writing it all out?
20:28 Djoric I am beginning to think that you are deliberately ignoring feedback
20:28 Normandy No Im not
20:28 Djoric You are clearly ignoring the standards of the site, then
20:28 Normandy Before this draft, I forgot the Rating box
20:29 *** TwistedGears joined #site19 opxE.ehT|tranA#opxE.ehT|tranA
20:29 Djoric or just the standards of writing in general
20:29 Normandy Oh calm down Im fixing the format
20:29 *** Bennings joined #site19 ten.mnigriv.elbac.F08CBC0C-CRInys|tibbiM#ten.mnigriv.elbac.F08CBC0C-CRInys|tibbiM
20:29 Djoric this isn't format, even
20:29 Bennings Hai
20:29 Djoric this is content
20:29 AndarielHalo hi
20:29 Normandy Its a joke SCP, just like the Butt Ghost
20:30 Djoric But it's not funny
20:30 KateMcTiriss Joke SCPs still have to follow format and content standards for the site.
20:30 pointlesswaste joke scps are hard, man
20:30 Djoric we already have a -J that does the same joke
20:30 SoundChaser I don't see the joke
20:30 KateMcTiriss And, yes, they have to be widely agreed upon to be funny by the community
20:30 Djoric and FAR more effectively than this ever could
20:30 SoundChaser also holy fuck it's katemctiriss
20:30 Normandy Show it to me
20:31 pointlesswaste normandy: you can't convince people that something's funny by arguing
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20:31 Normandy Im not
20:31 Normandy I want to see the Joke SCP
20:31 Djoric goddammit where is it
20:31 Normandy That he is refrencing
20:31 Djoric it's the one with like, four totally ordinary objects that the Foundation believes are anomalous
20:31 Djoric young boy, a cat, a stone cube, and a metal sphere
20:31 *** Vince joined #site19 ngathF.kcoR.ytr|Pai.ai#ngathF.kcoR.ytr|Pai.ai
20:32 SoundChaser .sea the collection
20:32 Alexandra SoundChaser: The Collection(SCP-5308-J, Rating:468) - http://www.scp-wiki.net/scp-5308-j
20:32 Vince allo
20:32 SoundChaser oh, that's the joke?
20:32 Djoric yes
20:32 SoundChaser Hey Vince
20:32 Djoric that one
20:32 Djoric that';s the one
20:32 KateMcTiriss SoundChaser: indeed it is
20:32 Normandy Thanks
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20:32 Vince hi soundchaser.
20:32 SoundChaser Nice to see you're back
20:33 Vince Oh, kate. I thought you were talking to me for a sec there, soundchaser. XD.
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20:33 Vince I was like "I was here last night! :V"
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20:34 Normandy Declares War on the German's
20:34 TwistedGears And yet it's still nice to see you're back
20:34 SoundChaser Hah, nothing wrong with you either
20:34 Bennings declares war on apostrophes used as plurals.
20:35 pointlesswaste sometimes apostrophes are good for plurals
20:35 pointlesswaste don't be indiscriminate in your warring
20:35 Normandy drops nuke on the Nagasaki of Grammar Nazism
20:36 pointlesswaste .. that is one hell of a mixed metaphor
20:36 SoundChaser aaaaaand this is the part where we steer far away from this line of conversation
20:36 Rime So…Berlin? Dresden? Hamburg?
20:36 Rime All were bombed plenty
20:36 *** Pincier quit (Quit: Leaving) ~PI.F852039A.41FD3291.5402922C|PedD#PI.F852039A.41FD3291.5402922C|PedD
20:36 Djoric Normandy: protip - writing like a slob will gain you no friends
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20:37 Normandy Any rules against SCP about Hitler?
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20:37 pointlesswaste .. taste?
20:38 ProcyonLotor No rules, but it will be downvoted quickly and with no mercy
20:38 SoundChaser how would you do it?
20:38 Bennings Someone wrote a skip about a talking Hitler bust
20:38 Bennings More like SHITLER, the way it turned out.
20:38 SoundChaser because I feel it would die quickly if not done well
20:38 Eskobear I can't imagine how to do a Hitler SCP that would succeed
20:38 Eskobear which is not to say it /can't/ be done
20:38 Vince Normandy: why would you write an SCP about hitler? Mental illness and bigotry are not topics that people would be comfortable with just magicking away
20:38 TheRaven Lil' Hitler
20:38 Bennings Probably offered to be chancellor by Von CRAPen.
20:38 Eskobear just that I don't know where the hook would be
20:38 pointlesswaste http://www.scp-wiki.net/forum/t-900348
20:39 pointlesswaste someone wanted to make a hitler moustache scp
20:39 Djoric whyyyyyyyyyyyyy
20:39 Eskobear so, a Charlie Chaplin mustache SCP?
20:39 vezaz eskobear can I just say
20:39 Djoric why are there so many bad decisions flying about this chatroom
20:39 Eskobear no vezaz
20:39 Eskobear you may not
20:39 vezaz eskobear I dislike that tale about HITLER WORKED FOR THE FOUNDATION
20:39 Djoric and I'm not even causing them
20:39 vezaz THE JEWS DID SCP
20:39 vezaz i hate that scp
20:39 vezaz slash tale
20:39 Eskobear i'm sorry
20:39 Tuomey Djoric: y'know, it's better that people ask here than go straight to the site with stuff
20:39 TwistedGears but maybe they're lying vezaz
20:40 *** Dexanote quit (Quit: /me ziplines out.) repap.sehcuot.nep.eht|ylwols#repap.sehcuot.nep.eht|ylwols
20:40 vezaz eskobear ty
20:40 TwistedGears You don't know
20:40 Bennings Oooh, sorry!
20:40 Djoric it is a shitty, horrid, awful tale, and is basically the one thing Troy wrote that I hate
20:40 Eskobear i don't know why you needed to ask me for permission
20:40 Eskobear I think that's Troy's
20:40 vezaz eskobear I just enjoy your affirmation :<
20:40 Eskobear oh
20:40 Eskobear well, then
20:40 Eskobear carry on hating
20:40 Normandy .me Bitchslaps Eskobear
20:40 Alexandra Normandy: memory usage: 58328 kB
20:40 Vince https://40.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_me407ku5Yb1qzjw8go1_r1_500.jpg
20:41 Normandy Bitchslaps Eskobear
20:41 Normandy You hurt his fealings!
20:41 Eskobear is completely unbitchslapped
20:41 Eskobear i don't know what you think you did
20:41 Eskobear but i'm exactly as unharmed as before
20:41 pointlesswaste i think it was a joke
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20:41 Eskobear I'm…I'm looking at it, and I've heard of jokes
20:42 Eskobear but I'm not sure if i see a family resemblance
20:42 *** Takov joined #site19 ~ten.labolgcbs.nilmrc.deepsthgil.41F34AB5-CRInys|alliztahc#ten.labolgcbs.nilmrc.deepsthgil.41F34AB5-CRInys|alliztahc
20:42 Normandy unleashes SCP-682 on Eskobear
20:42 Djoric I'm not sure there's a joke
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20:42 Eskobear I think normandy's possibly just being a dipshit for its own sake.
20:42 Djoric Eskobear: I think this might be one of those like, weird bastard evolutionary branches
20:42 Djoric like
20:42 Djoric it's a monotreme joke
20:42 Eskobear And making me wonder if someone's asked him his age yet.
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20:42 Djoric Golly gee Mr. Op, why don't you?
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20:43 Eskobear puts on his doin' shit hat
20:43 Eskobear So, normandy, how old are you again?
20:43 *** Webb quit (Ping timeout: 184 seconds) ~PI.24C54333.24293FB1.13C6226E|lessauq#PI.24C54333.24293FB1.13C6226E|lessauq
20:43 Normandy puts down his shitty joke stick
20:43 Normandy 16
20:43 Eskobear Right.
20:43 TwistedGears .sea double horse
20:43 Alexandra TwistedGears: No matches found.
20:44 TwistedGears is it one word?
20:44 TwistedGears .sea doublehorse
20:44 Alexandra TwistedGears: Doublehorses(Rating:33) - http://www.scp-wiki.net/doublehorses
20:44 Eskobear Let's make a little more effort to act…I dunno, 19.
20:44 Rime Remember that guy on a couple days ago who kept joining the chat with new accounts and coming up with ideas of SCPs related to poop, and he had to be repeatedly kicked?
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20:44 pointlesswaste monotreme is a hilarious word incidentally
20:44 Eskobear yes, rime
20:44 *** Dexanote joined #site19 ~ten.elbacogc.emoh.DE03B4C7-CRInys|zttuB#ten.elbacogc.emoh.DE03B4C7-CRInys|zttuB
20:44 Eskobear my shoulder is still sore from troll tennis
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20:44 Mijulx Who wants to review my SCP? (:
20:44 Mijulx http://scpsandbox2.wikidot.com/mijulx
20:44 Mijulx probably no one
20:45 Rime Mijulx: That's what we're here for.
20:45 *** pointlesswaste quit (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client) ten.tsacmoc.ro.1dsh.E62BEB17-CRInys|tibbiM#ten.tsacmoc.ro.1dsh.E62BEB17-CRInys|tibbiM
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20:45 blithely I'll take a look, Mij
20:45 TheeDarkAges jumps into Mijulx sandy sandbox
20:45 TwistedGears .tell Soulless [TITLE: Teminite - Energize VIEWS: 301 FAVES: 0 RATING: 4 RATERS: 381 UPLOADED: GalaxyMusic ] [TITLE: Teminite - Energize VIEWS: 301 FAVES: 0 RATING: 4 RATERS: 381 UPLOADED: GalaxyMusic ] God I love Teminite
20:45 Alexandra TwistedGears: I'll pass that along.
20:45 Alexandra TwistedGears: Teminite - Energize - length 4m 3s - rated 4.92/5.0 (381) - 301 views - udubstephd on 2015.01.19
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20:46 Nanoro Hello again
20:46 Normandy So whats the age limit for this chat?
20:46 *** Metaphysician joined #site19 PI.9513D48B.973BF1B8.6ACD7385|tibbiM#PI.9513D48B.973BF1B8.6ACD7385|tibbiM
20:46 Bennings Hai
20:46 Mijulx Normandy you have to be 15 to join the site
20:46 Eskobear Why? Is your actual age not the one you said?
20:47 +++ ChanServ has given op to Dexanote
20:47 Normandy No, its 16, but you asked about age, so I wanted to know for knowledge's sake.
20:47 Dexanote Normandy: why do you ask
20:47 Dexanote SHAZAM
20:47 *** Sooo|Hi joined #site19 ten.tsacmoc.lf.1dsh.437AFA4E-CRInys|tibbiM#ten.tsacmoc.lf.1dsh.437AFA4E-CRInys|tibbiM
20:47 Metaphysician .au Metaphysician
20:47 Alexandra Metaphysician: http://scp-wiki.net/metaphysician - Metaphysician has written 7 SCPs and 0 tales. They have 380 net upvotes with an average rating of 54. Their most recent article is SCP-2264(Rating:52)
20:47 Tuomey Normandy: have you read the chat guide?
20:47 Normandy Yup
20:47 Tuomey That's a lie, Normandy
20:47 Normandy Just now
20:48 Tuomey Trap sprung
20:48 Dexanote hahaha
20:48 Tuomey Go read it
20:48 ProcyonLotor Tuomey is a master ruseman
20:48 Normandy Just did
20:48 blithely Hm, Mijulx
20:48 blithely Pretty interesting
20:48 Tuomey Normandy: I know you didn't, because of words you said less than two minutes ago
20:48 TheeDarkAges Indeed Mijulx.
20:48 Tuomey It takes more than two minutes to read the guide
20:48 TheeDarkAges I enjoyed the 9 year old hoax end,
20:48 Normandy Speed reading is still reading
20:48 blithely I'm honestly a bit nooby, to be honest
20:49 Tuomey Normandy: one hour ban, so you can actually read the thing
20:49 blithely So I don't have much advice worth giving
20:49 —- Tuomey has banned *!*@synIRC-891D405F.hsd1.il.comcast.net
20:49 *** Normandy was kicked by Tuomey (Tuomey)
edit: i feex formatting