Kid was acting underage, then refused to give their age when I asked (after they had been kicked).
Logs below:
12:20 PM → Tehpillowstar and scp3000 joined
12:20 PM <Decibelle> thats where your story /starts/
12:20 PM <FiftyNine> It just more logical to come up with an entity and then figure out how to contain it
12:20 PM <Decibelle> well look at it this way
12:20 PM <Decibelle> if youre, say, a level two researcher on a skip
12:20 PM <Decibelle> and they give you nothing but the containment procedures
12:20 PM <Decibelle> you need to use that to contain your item
12:20 PM <@Eskobear> hi, scp3000! is this your first time in #site19?
12:21 PM <Decibelle> so your containment procedures has to A) tell you how to contain an item and B) tell you what this item is
12:21 PM <Decibelle> and thats where you can start with a narrative
12:21 PM <Dr_Imp> Sometimes it's best to start with an empty room. For me at least, an empty room holds so much promise. With a room, you can expand it, shrink it, mold it however you like. That same principle is then applied to the creature/object taht you want to put in that room.
12:21 PM <scp3000> hello?
12:21 PM <Nanoro> .. Erm, hold on.
12:21 PM <FiftyNine> No, I get what you mean and I realize that procedure help to create a slowly unwinding spiral of a story
12:21 PM ⇐ SoundChaser quit (moc.dnabdaorbyks.75028F27-CRInys|tibbiM#moc.dnabdaorbyks.75028F27-CRInys|tibbiM) Quit: ajax IRC Client
12:21 PM <@Eskobear> Hi, scp3000. Is this your first time in #site19?
12:22 PM <scp3000> how is everyone
12:22 PM <Metaphysician> .au Metaphysician
12:22 PM <%Alexandra> Metaphysician: - Metaphysician has written 7 SCPs and 0 tales. They have 370 net upvotes with an average rating of 52. Their most recent article is SCP-2264(Rating:45)
12:22 PM <Nanoro> The description is where you tell what your thing is.
12:22 PM <scp3000> yes
12:22 PM <FiftyNine> I just don't think it matters much what you write first because you already have it all in your head to some degree.
12:22 PM <Nanoro> ^
12:22 PM <scp3000> where is everyone from?
12:22 PM <Decibelle> the description is how you /describe/ what your thing is, but the containment procedures need to give you a basic idea of what it is so it needs to serve as a mini-description
12:22 PM <Decibelle> like
12:22 PM <Decibelle> .au dmatix
12:22 PM <%Alexandra> Decibelle: - Dmatix has written 22 SCPs and 31 tales. They have 4341 net upvotes with an average rating of 81. Their most recent article is Beneath the Name(Rating:22)
12:22 PM <@Eskobear> Okay. I should probably let you know that people tend to frown on nicks with "scp" or d-" in them, because some people show up and start role-playing with them. You can change your nick to something else by typing "/nick DrNuevo" or whatever nick you want after the /nick and hitting "enter".
12:23 PM <Cyclopian> scp3000: You're not really supposed to have "scp" in your name.
12:23 PM <scp3000> why not
12:23 PM <Decibelle> SCP-1710
12:23 PM <%Alexandra> Decibelle: SCP-1710 (Life as a Tree, Written by Dmatix, Rating:+153) -
12:23 PM <Decibelle> ^good example of describing in containment procedures
12:23 PM <Nanoro> Chat rules.
12:23 PM <@Eskobear> scp3000: for the reasons I just mentioned.
12:24 PM <Nanoro> .sea chat guide
12:24 PM <%Alexandra> Nanoro: Chat Guide(Rating:19) -
12:24 PM <scp3000> well how do i change that
12:24 PM <@Eskobear> Everyone else, of course, sees an op doing this thing, right?
12:24 PM <@Eskobear> scp3000: You can change your nick to something else by typing "/nick DrNuevo" or whatever nick you want after the /nick and hitting "enter".
12:24 PM <Nanoro> Decibelle Mmh. I'll give it a read.
12:24 PM ⇐ Revol and Feierbird quit • scp3000 → Michael
12:25 PM <Decibelle> SCP-1770 and SCP-2000 are also good at describing the item in the containment procedures
12:25 PM <@Eskobear> there you go
12:25 PM ↔ SoundChaser popped in
12:25 PM <Michael> how is this?
12:25 PM <@Eskobear> That'll work just fine.
12:25 PM <@Eskobear> Now, if nobody else needs anything, I'm going to go back to feeling like shit and developing a powerful DayQuil dependency.
12:25 PM <Michael> is scp 173 a real life object or is it fictional?
12:26 PM <@Eskobear> Influenza delenda est and half a nic— fuck
12:26 PM <@Eskobear> No. None of the SCPs are real.
12:26 PM <@Eskobear> This is a fiction writing website.
12:26 PM → Shrek joined (niw.lliw|msinummoc#niw.lliw|msinummoc)
12:26 PM <Live2Die> the image is of a real statue though
12:26 PM <Dr_Imp> Right, the statue is real
12:26 PM <Michael> can you imagine if these scps where real?
12:26 PM <@Eskobear> The image is of a real statue whose creator has given us permission to use the picture as long as it is not used for any commercial purposes.
12:27 PM <FiftyNine> Yes, yes we can. In fact that's how people write them.
12:27 PM <Dr_Imp> Okay, here's a little bit of a task for you guys. I'm going to give you a name of a non-existent SCP. Based on the name alone, tell me what makes it so special.
12:27 PM → Feierbird joined (niw.lliw|msinummoc#niw.lliw|msinummoc)
12:28 PM <Nanoro> .sea faq
12:28 PM <%Alexandra> Nanoro: FAQ(Rating:24), An FAQ; Or, What The Hell Is A Hume?(Rating:49), An Faq Part Two; Or, Your Hume Questions Answered(Rating:31)
12:28 PM <Metaphysician> Hmm; writing - I don't trust myself due to fatigue, always ends up awkward but I don't know when I'll feel good enough to write.
12:28 PM <Dr_Imp> Constructive Criticism.
12:28 PM <Live2Die> .guide faq
12:28 PM <%Alexandra> Live2Die: FAQ -
12:28 PM <Michael> where did the statue of scp 173 come from and why are some scp reports censored?
12:29 PM ⇐ Scantron quit (niw.lliw|msinummoc#niw.lliw|msinummoc) Broken pipe
12:29 PM <Metaphysician> The night was quiet save for the habitual snort of animals and the dull droning of thunder; all white noise to her accustomed ears. She resided within the alcove of the barn, her prosthetic detached and resting against the corner wall. A wool blanket draped over a pile of hay made for her a bed. Sleep came easily for Yakone but dreams proved seldom pleasant.
12:29 PM <Nanoro> Read the link above, friend
12:29 PM <Metaphysician> Censorship is meant to help with the illusion.
12:29 PM Shrek → Scantron
12:29 PM <Metaphysician> Or be used for dramatic effect.
12:29 PM <Nanoro> It should answer a few things
12:29 PM <FiftyNine> Michael, statue is a piece of art by Izumi Kato.
12:29 PM → Renstone joined (eb.tenelet.ssecca.90585D5A-CRInys|tibbiM#eb.tenelet.ssecca.90585D5A-CRInys|tibbiM)
12:30 PM <Cyclopian> If used badly, censorship can just be a copout or a thing to insert in the place of something you couldn't think of.
12:31 PM <Cimmerian> if used well it can *still* be that
12:31 PM ⇐ Ireul quit (~ua.ten.tenii.nyd.2BA6127F-CRInys|alliztahc#ua.ten.tenii.nyd.2BA6127F-CRInys|alliztahc) Quit: ChatZilla [Firefox 35.0/20150108202552]
12:31 PM <Live2Die> usually you want to know what you are censoring
12:31 PM <Metaphysician> Ugh, writing; I gave up last night because there was a word on the tip of my tongue that just… kept escaping me.
12:31 PM <Live2Die> ,sea Zen and the art of [DATA EXPUNGED}
12:31 PM <%Alexandra> Live2Die: No matches found.
12:31 PM <Live2Die> fuck
12:32 PM ⇐ @Eskobear quit (||sesutkak) Ping timeout: 183 seconds
12:32 PM <Live2Die> .sea Zen and the art of [DATA EXPUNGED]
12:32 PM <%Alexandra> Live2Die: Zen And The Art Of [DATA EXPUNGED](Rating:58) -
12:32 PM <Live2Die> there you go
12:32 PM <Metaphysician> A person is about to brand a slave; I'm trying to describe the motion of extending the brand toward them, and yet, it kept coming out so… awkwardly.
12:32 PM <Cyclopian> Yeah, the only time I use censorship and I don't know what's under it is numbers and dates.
12:32 PM <Cimmerian> and I never use it
12:32 PM <Cimmerian> .au Cimmerian
12:32 PM <%Alexandra> Cimmerian: - Doctor Cimmerian has written 10 SCPs and 7 tales. They have 736 net upvotes with an average rating of 43. Their most recent article is SCP-2513(Rating:36)
12:32 PM <Cimmerian> you can check
12:32 PM <Cimmerian> not a single articles has a blackbox or redaction
12:32 PM <Decibelle> i wanna see you write an 001 proposal with no redactions
12:33 PM <Cimmerian> *article
12:33 PM <Decibelle> that sounds like itd be hard
12:33 PM <Dr_Imp> Would it be in bad taste to classify an image of Mohammed as an SCP due to the unusual global reaction it recieves?
12:33 PM <Decibelle> Dr_Imp: yes
12:33 PM <Nanoro> Usually in my articles I don't bother with dates and such.
12:33 PM <Live2Die> Dr_Imp No, it would be in terrible taste
12:33 PM <Cimmerian> …
12:33 PM <Cimmerian> Decibelle: Challenge accepted.
12:33 PM <Dr_Imp> Figured it would be. But the loophole being that no actual image of it would be shown. Regardless, figured I'd ask.
12:33 PM <Decibelle> good luck :P
12:33 PM <Metaphysician> Thrust maybe, but still too heavy handed; strike would be wrong - it isn't to beat someone, it is to press a branding iron. I'm trying to capture the moment just before the brand meets their forehead…
12:34 PM <Cimmerian> eagerly extend
12:34 PM <Nanoro> Cimmerian
12:34 PM <Nanoro> No
12:34 PM <Metaphysician> Their leader was practically a child, dwarfed by the thugs under his command and a perfect example of Consortium nepotism. The boy paced as he spoke, reciting unintelligible proclamations, each syllable carefully and utterly pointlessly articulated. One of the faceless soldiers produced an iron brand and presented it to their leader, the barbarous tool aglow
12:35 PM <Metaphysician> with insidious intent. Burned upon the foreheads of each whimpering child was the seal of the Salazar Servant Emporium. The boy approached her last, lips curled into a pretentious sneer.
12:35 PM <Metaphysician> …And that is where it ends.
12:35 PM <Cimmerian> nanoro: No to what? ;)
12:35 PM <Nanoro> I do not want there to be a bomb in my email the next time I look
12:35 PM <FiftyNine> Hey. I need help translating my chrome extension into other languages for people from non-english wikis. Can someone help me with that? It's only 10-15 lines of text.
12:36 PM <Metaphysician> Extend looked awkward, tried that once;p
12:36 PM <Cimmerian> Nanoro: I was referencing the "001 with no classification" comment
12:36 PM <Nanoro> To the image thing
12:36 PM <Cimmerian> image thing?
12:36 PM <Dr_Imp> That was me
12:36 PM <Loiterer> Back again
12:36 PM <Metaphysician> Press would be too close to the final action, not the act of bringing it towards the person.
12:36 PM <Nanoro> Ah.
12:37 PM <Metaphysician> I'm stuck until I can figure this out.
12:37 PM <Nanoro> The one about Mohammed and whatnot
12:37 PM <Cimmerian> oh I sorta ignored that half of he conversation ;)
12:37 PM <Nanoro> That would be what is referred to as a Bad Idea (tm)
12:37 PM <Dr_Imp> :D
12:38 PM <Nanoro> Metaphysician Plunge?
12:38 PM <Metaphysician> Plunge might be okay.
12:38 PM <Nanoro> woo i halp
12:38 PM — Nanoro is partay
12:38 PM — Loiterer is considering posting something…
12:39 PM <Michael> has anyone thought of turning scp to a movie
12:39 PM <Nanoro> .y katamari on the rocks
12:39 PM <%Alexandra> Nanoro: Katamari Damacy Soundtrack - 01 - Katamari on the Rocks - length 5m 58s - rated 4.97/5.0 (3292) - 430 497 views - rusekuxxx on 2008.11.25 -
12:39 PM <Live2Die> Michael lots of people
12:39 PM → Glitch joined (||nezitiC)
12:40 PM <Loiterer> I've considered doing a short film set in the SCPverse…
12:40 PM ⇐ Cyclopian quit (ac.bsdma.tan.0ABF259A-CRInys|tibbiM#ac.bsdma.tan.0ABF259A-CRInys|tibbiM) Quit: ajax IRC Client
12:40 PM <Metaphysician> Hmm, maybe not…
12:40 PM <Metaphysician> Plunged is great for a sword or dagger, but less so a brand.
12:40 PM <Michael> what state/country is everyone from? im from floirda
12:40 PM <FiftyNine> As a matter of fact, a movie is being filmed right now.
12:40 PM <Metaphysician> Plunged into works; stabbing, penetration.
12:41 PM <Loiterer> FiftyNine: What?
12:41 PM <Cimmerian> brought to bear?
12:41 PM <Nanoro> And and internet TV-series, if I recall
12:42 PM <FiftyNine> Loiterer,
12:42 PM <Nanoro> Wonder whatever came of that one.
12:42 PM <FiftyNine> We discussed it earlier today with the guy who's making it.
12:42 PM <Loiterer> So, it's based on the game rather than the site?
12:42 PM <FiftyNine> I think so, yes
12:43 PM <Decibelle> yes the movie is being based on the game
12:44 PM <Decibelle> which is based on the site
12:44 PM <Decibelle> so its being really distilled in quality
12:44 PM <Loiterer> That's…
12:44 PM <Michael> too bad judge judy can't be an scp lol
12:44 PM <Loiterer> hm…
12:44 PM <Decibelle> what
12:44 PM <Live2Die> Michael that would be a terrible idea
12:44 PM <Decibelle> well theres a thought that never crossed my mind until now
12:45 PM <Michael> why?
12:45 PM → @weizhong (opped) joined
12:45 PM <Dr_Imp> Why not make Jerry Springer skip too?
12:45 PM <Live2Die> Michael because Judge Judy is a real thing
12:45 PM <Michael> or barack obama an scp lol
12:46 PM <Metaphysician> "The boy approached her last, lips curled into a pretentious sneer, and pressed the brand to her flesh."
12:46 PM <Metaphysician> Best I could do without it sounding weird.
12:46 PM <Decibelle> that is also a bad idea michael
12:46 PM <Live2Die> Michael that is a worse idea
12:46 PM <Michael> lol
12:46 PM → Joreth joined (swap.htiw|epyt#swap.htiw|epyt)
12:46 PM <Michael> in my opinion obama is just as damaging as scp 173
12:47 PM <Dr_Imp> oh dear
12:47 PM <FiftyNine> Oh god
12:47 PM <FiftyNine> Her we fucking go
12:47 PM <FiftyNine> here
12:47 PM <Decibelle> ops
12:47 PM <Decibelle> ?
12:47 PM <Loiterer> …
12:47 PM <@kaktus> I'm here
12:47 PM <@kaktus> Hey Michael
12:47 PM <@kaktus> Let's tone down the rhetoric here.
12:48 PM <@kaktus> Oh wait, you're that SCP3000 guy from earlier.
12:48 PM <Michael> NO SHIT
12:48 PM — Metaphysician begins to count.
12:48 PM ← Michael was kicked by kaktus (||k.a): I wouldn't, if I were you.
12:48 PM <Dr_Imp> Place your bets here.
12:48 PM <Dr_Imp> damnit, you did it too soon
12:48 PM <@weizhong> Don't backseat guys
12:49 PM → Florida2015 joined (ten.nhb.ser.24CA8AB1-CRInys|tibbiM#ten.nhb.ser.24CA8AB1-CRInys|tibbiM)
12:49 PM <Metaphysician> Sorry; when I see something, I just can't help start the clock.
12:49 PM → wolfjob and Shrek joined
12:49 PM <Metaphysician> Each time I say it, a kick or ban happens within a second; quite impressive.
12:49 PM <@kaktus> Hey again scp3000/michael/florida2015
12:49 PM <Florida2015> helllo hows everyone
12:49 PM <@kaktus> A word of advice
12:49 PM <@kaktus> I wouldn't do that again.
12:49 PM → Nemi joined (seeB.seeB.seeB|heveraz#seeB.seeB.seeB|heveraz)
12:49 PM <Dr_Imp> Florida! Now its making sense to me
12:49 PM ⇐ Joreth quit (swap.htiw|epyt#swap.htiw|epyt) Connection reset by peer
12:50 PM <Metaphysician> Has anyone made a comic for Florida Man?
12:50 PM <@kaktus> Now, let me ask you, standard chat question here;
12:50 PM <Metaphysician> There needs to be a comic for Florida Man.
12:50 PM <@kaktus> How old are you, Florida2015?
12:50 PM <Florida2015> * * years old
12:50 PM <@kaktus> Alright, I'm going to ask one more time.
12:50 PM <@kaktus> I need a real answer.
12:50 PM <@kaktus> How old are you?
12:50 PM <Florida2015> no answer
12:50 PM ⇐ Nanoro quit (if.teni.pchd.61ACB5A2-CRInys|tibbiM#if.teni.pchd.61ACB5A2-CRInys|tibbiM) Quit: ajax IRC Client
12:50 PM <@kaktus> Alright
12:50 PM <@kaktus> That's not good enough.
12:50 PM @kaktus banned *!* (+b)
12:51 PM <@kaktus> I'm banning you for refusing to cooperate.
12:51 PM ⇐ Glitch quit (||nezitiC) Quit: Leaving…
12:51 PM <@kaktus> You can come into #site17 when you want to not be this way.
12:51 PM <Dr_Imp> Typically its people under 15 who believe giving out their age over the internet is a dangerous thing
12:51 PM ⇐ Scantron quit • Shrek → Scantron
12:51 PM ← Dr_Imp was kicked by kaktus (||k.a): you're not helping
12:51 PM <Live2Die> Dr_Imp or if you're just extremely paranoid
12:51 PM ← Florida2015 was kicked by kaktus (||k.a): You can go into #site17 to appeal.