14:15 * fortyseven joined #site19 moc.rr.ser.lacos.4C41E23F-CRInys|tibbiM#moc.rr.ser.lacos.4C41E23F-CRInys|tibbiM
14:15 Athena_Grey no Huitzil you've summoned the Hume!!!
14:16 fortyseven so is all this stuff in SCP real
14:16 Gerarddominus If I have a question on the nature or abilties of a specific SCP, should I post them in the appropriate forum thread and wait for a reply or ask them here?
14:16 Athena_Grey fortyseven nope
14:16 Athena_Grey this is a creative writing site, and we're the writers
14:16 Huitzil how can SCP be real if our eyes aren't real?
14:16 Luska Is this real life, by the way
14:16 fortyseven what you mean our eyes arent real
14:16 fortyseven ?
14:16 Athena_Grey fortyseven we're basically like fanfiction.net, except with better quality control
14:16 Huitzil I am referring to a dumb tweet made by Will Smith's kid
14:16 Tuomey Gerarddominus: asking here is fine or you can ask in the discussion thread of the SCP itself. Mostly people are just gonna say to read the article.
14:17 Tuomey Luska: what
14:17 fortyseven so this is all fake and i dont need to be worried about gnomes????
14:17 Huitzil oh you need to be worried about gnomes, just not the ones on the SCP wiki
14:17 fortyseven im being real right now
14:17 Tuomey fortyseven: Unless someone is stealing your garden gnomes, you don't need to be worried about them
14:17 Athena_Grey well, in the same way that "Paranormal Activity" film series isn't real
14:17 Tuomey Huitzil: quit it
14:17 Athena_Grey and you don't need to worry about Hollywood-style demonic possessions
14:17 Gerarddominus I've read the article, and it's fourm post, it's more a question that is raised by the SCP's abilities that is not addressed in the article or the forum that I am curious on.
14:18 fortyseven so is thisa stuff fake or not guys
14:18 fortyseven stop pulling my lef
14:18 fortyseven leg
14:18 Tuomey fortyseven: it's fictional
14:18 Tuomey We told you already
14:18 Tuomey fortyseven: how old are you?
14:18 Huitzil it's fake and I'm messing with you but you're not any fun to mess with
14:18 fortyseven lol
14:18 Crayne fortyseven/GOD/GuestXXXX, pretty sure you're aware that it's not.
14:18 Luska Unfortunately, there's no foundation on the real world.
14:18 Tuomey Crayne: Oh,he's been here before?
14:19 Athena_Grey Crayne you forgot god-47
14:19 Athena_Grey :P
14:19 Huitzil oh so he's not being tediously obtuse, he's just being tedious? hooray
14:19 Crayne A little while ago. Asked about an e-book version, showed him anqxyr's project thread.
14:19 fortyseven how do you remember god-47
14:19 fortyseven lolll
14:19 Gerarddominus SCP-1066, the diploma that grants the user a 4 year education on the topic of their choice, as of the time of the writing of their name.
14:19 Tuomey sighs
14:19 Tuomey fortyseven: so are you just trolling
14:19 Athena_Grey fortyseven it didn't happen that long ago, dude
14:19 Crayne Yeah, fortyseven, I was willing to tolerate minor idiocy on your part, but you're getting tiresome.
14:19 Athena_Grey few hours, at max
14:19 Gerarddominus To point the article sates "earned a degree in whatever subject he was thinking of while signing the document, whether U██ offered classes in that subject…"
14:19 Crayne You're a kick waiting to happen.
14:20 fortyseven yea but you cant just assume thats me
14:20 fortyseven there has to be a reason
14:20 Crayne How about you share the exact same host?
14:20 Tuomey Ok, fortyseven, how old are you?
14:20 Gerarddominus Does that imply that the user can gain knowledge of ANY topic, I.E. A 4 year degree in let us say Will Smith, as opposed to a typical school course
14:21 fortyseven 21
14:21 fortyseven i just found out about scp yesterday relax
14:21 Tuomey fortyseven: You're not acting 21
14:21 Crayne Gerarddominus: you'd have to ask the author.
14:21 Tuomey fortyseven: You're acting 12
14:21 Huitzil that is a good question, gerard
14:21 Gerarddominus I thought as much, thank you Crayne. I will post my query in the thread
14:21 Tuomey fortyseven: If you continue to act 12, you will be removed from the room
14:21 Luska Gerarddominus: Well, according to the text, yes.
14:22 Huitzil furthermore, what sort of education do you get — what quality of material and professors?
14:22 Gerarddominus Well it occured to me what we have there is a potential tool to understand a great many SCPs. For instance a 4 year course in SCP 689 may reveal unknown information regarding it's origins or the nature of it's existence to better contain it.
14:22 fortyseven you're being obnoxious tuomey
14:22 Huitzil right, that
14:23 Huitzil but if you did that, would you get external knowledge of a degree in 689, or would it be as if you had taken a course in 689 offered with only the information an Earthican school would give you, which is to say not much?
14:23 Tuomey fortyseven: You should work in a cinema, replace the projector, minimum wage is probably cheaper than one of those machines these days
14:24 Gerarddominus Indeed, it would be an interesting experiment to find out.
14:24 fortyseven how about you keep your mouth shut bud i work 141 hours every two weeks banging your mom
14:24 Luska The Foundation often states how dangerous it is to involve multiples SCP's
14:24 Crayne Tuomey, you want to punt?
14:25 - ChanServ has banned *!*moc.rr.ser.lacos.4C41E23F-CRInys|tibbiM#moc.rr.ser.lacos.4C41E23F-CRInys|tibbiM
14:25 * fortyseven was kicked by ChanServ (Requested (Tuomey))
14:25 Tuomey lol pwnd
Previous mildly annoying fuckery:
14:57 * GOD joined #site19
14:57 * Caroline joined #site19
14:57 Positronium is uploading mais
14:57 GOD yo
14:58 * GOD is now known as Guest20532
14:58 Positronium Oh wow. I'm talking in portuguese.
14:58 Positronium is uploading "MORE"
14:58 Luska lol
14:58 Athena_Grey heh
14:58 Luska Are you from Portugal?
14:58 Guest20532 i was wondering if i can get a e book version of SCP
14:58 Athena_Grey Guest20532 you do realise we contained God, right?
14:58 Athena_Grey twice
14:58 lurkd Mfw GOD shows up to chat:
14:58 Luska ^
14:58 Athena_Grey also OP?
14:59 Positronium No, I'm an American (born in Japan) living in Brasil (for work!)!
14:59 Guest20532 yea im Jesus's dad
14:59 Crayne Wassup?
14:59 Luska Nice.
14:59 lurkd Crayne, Guest20532
14:59 lurkd That guy.
14:59 Athena_Grey Crayne: 00:58 Guest20532 i was wondering if i can get a e book version of SCP
15:00 Athena_Grey hands it off to staff people
15:00 Guest20532 so i was wondering if i ca get a e book of SCP
15:00 Crayne So not a banhammer thing then.
15:00 Luska There's a SCP Foundation program for mobile.
15:00 Crayne Pfew.
15:00 lurkd sets up lawnchair.
15:00 Crayne Guest20532: we actually have one staff produced.
15:00 lurkd No not really.
15:00 Guest20532 not a staff lol a book of all SCP
15:00 Guest20532 info
15:01 Athena_Grey although Crayne we still have that person with the all-cap nick
15:01 Athena_Grey OMGVBFLOL
15:01 Luska The foundation is not a static thing you know.
15:01 Crayne You're not reading that right. We have one that staff produced for members to read.
15:01 * fryingpan joined #site19
15:01 Luska Link please.
15:01 Crayne Athena_Grey: as long as they're not being annoying, I'm not bothered.
15:02 Athena_Grey aww
15:02 Guest20532 so why was my name changed from god
15:02 Guest20532 to guest20532
15:02 Guest20532 ?
15:02 Guest20532 ????
15:02 fryingpan I don't think religious themes are allowed
15:02 * Scansleeps quit (Ping timeout: 188 seconds)
15:02 Crayne That would be one explanation. Another would be that God doesn't like people stealing his nick.
15:02 * BitVyper quit (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client)
15:02 Luska Because the chat is atheist.
15:02 Guest20532 so a fryingpan is allowed but not GOD
15:03 Hexi to quote king kai…. "you're calling yourself god?!"
15:03 Crayne Regardless, feel free to change your nick to something more descriptive and less useless than GOD.
15:03 Positronium http://imgur.com/orTaaRn,xe2eGBF,hSnKkFL,vt6SLHV ANd… here we go.
15:03 Crayne Luska: I'm trying to find anqxyr's thread.
15:03 Athena_Grey well
15:03 fryingpan also, it could be that there's a rule prohibiting roleplaying, and naming yourself God could be interpreted as roleplaying
15:03 Crayne http://www.scp-wiki.net/forum/t-1011228
15:03 Luska Ok
15:03 Athena_Grey maybe someone has registered the "God" nick
15:03 Crayne Luska, follow that link.
15:03 Guest20532 how do you know? i believe im more powerful than god will ever be
15:03 Athena_Grey and since you're not them, Chanserv doesn't allow you to have that nick
15:03 Crayne Guest20532: behind that link lies your e-book.
15:04 Luska Ok thank you
15:04 Guest20532 im alien hybrid
15:04 Positronium And more lightning photos.
15:04 * ProcyonLotor quit (Quit: AndroIRC - Android IRC Client ( http://www.androirc.com ))
15:04 Luska Positronium: I can't see shit
15:04 Positronium Aw.
15:05 Positronium They're big photos, so it takes a sec.
15:05 Positronium Probably.
15:05 Positronium Wait, which link?
15:05 Crayne Luska, Guest20532: this post has the most recent version (dated 01-04-2015): http://www.scp-wiki.net/forum/t-1011228#post-2195986
15:05 fryingpan so, has anyone here written an SCP article before, because I was hoping to clear something up.
15:05 Crayne Several of us, sure.
15:05 Positronium This one? http://imgur.com/orTaaRn,xe2eGBF,hSnKkFL,vt6SLHV
15:05 Positronium OH
15:05 lurkd fryyingpan: I have several.
15:05 Luska wut
15:05 Positronium Right, you were talking about the one where the light balance was wonky.
15:05 Luska Isn't it the same?
15:05 fryingpan I've been looking over the basic article template, and i'm unsure of what the Module Rate at the top is
15:06 lurkd one sec
15:06 Guest20532 thanks crayne big help mate
15:06 Crayne It's the code for Wikidot to insert that nice red rating thing at the top of each page.
15:06 Crayne Guest20532: no problem.
An appeal, of sorts
14:34 * bambino joined #site17 ~moc.rr.ser.lacos.4C41E23F-CRInys|tibbiM#moc.rr.ser.lacos.4C41E23F-CRInys|tibbiM
14:34 bambino hello
14:35 »> fortyseven was moc.rr.ser.lacos.4C41E23F-CRInys|tibbiM#moc.rr.ser.lacos.4C41E23F-CRInys|tibbiM http://www.mibbit.com
14:35 Tuomey Hello, fortyseven
14:35 Athena_Grey hi
14:35 Tuomey Would you like to appeal your ban?
14:35 bambino hi tuomey
14:35 bambino yessir
14:35 Tuomey What do you have to say in appeal?
14:36 bambino i am sorry for being the bad guy i came back to have a normal conversation, it wont happen again that's for sure.
14:37 bambino i just want to know more about this stuff it is so intriguing
14:38 bambino hello? anyone there
14:39 Tuomey See, it seems that you've been trolling for a while
14:39 Tuomey And trolling is permanently bannable
14:39 Tuomey And you weren't actually acting like you wanted to know anything
14:40 Tuomey So, unless you've got something better than that, I'm going to have to ask you to leave
14:41 bambino wow you got to be kidding when im being serious you're taking me as a joke
14:41 Tuomey I'm not taking you as a joke
14:41 RhettSarlin just because you have the right to an appeal doesn't mean your appeal will be accepted. you need to keep that in mind.
14:41 Tuomey I'm taking you as someone who thinks that being curious about stuff is the same as saying "how about you keep your mouth shut bud i work 141 hours every two weeks banging your mom"
14:43 Tuomey So, like I said, I'm going to have to ask you to leave
14:43 bambino well can i start over
14:44 bambino where is the restar button i would like to reappeal my appeal
14:44 Tuomey lol
14:44 Tuomey no
14:44 * bambino was kicked by Tuomey (Tuomey)
Round two:
14:46 * toumney joined #site17 moc.rr.ser.lacos.4C41E23F-CRInys|tibbiM#moc.rr.ser.lacos.4C41E23F-CRInys|tibbiM
14:47 toumney so im back ressurected as can be
14:48 * Freudian joined #site17 ~ten.58231sa.734C6175-CRInys|naiduerF#ten.58231sa.734C6175-CRInys|naiduerF
14:48 Tuomey sighs
14:48 Tuomey My patience is wearing thin
14:50 Athena_Grey toumney is this, honestly, how you want to "restart" your appeal?
14:52 toumney no but you guys arent giving me a chance
14:53 * Roget joined #site17 suruas.eht|esohw#suruas.eht|esohw
14:53 + ChanServ has given op to Roget
14:53 Tuomey toumney: I haven't banned you from this room yet
14:53 Tuomey This is your chance
14:53 toumney i understand that tuomey thank you
14:53 Tuomey And you're wasting it by coming in with a mockery of my name and not actually appealing
14:54 toumney ok i will rejoin
14:54 * toumney quit (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client) moc.rr.ser.lacos.4C41E23F-CRInys|tibbiM#moc.rr.ser.lacos.4C41E23F-CRInys|tibbiM
14:54 * hellomynameis joined #site17 moc.rr.ser.lacos.4C41E23F-CRInys|tibbiM#moc.rr.ser.lacos.4C41E23F-CRInys|tibbiM
14:54 DreadLindwyrm Really?
14:54 hellomynameis ok
14:55 Tuomey Ok, start appealing
14:57 Tuomey Ok, so that was well over a minute
14:57 hellomynameis im at work
14:57 hellomynameis give me a sec. to think
14:57 Tuomey You've had significantly more than a second
14:59 Tuomey Sixty seconds remaining starting now
14:59 Tuomey Thirty
15:00 hellomynameis so i am sorry for acting like a underage kid i didnt mean to curse or use profanity
15:00 hellomynameis im still typing relax
15:00 Tuomey You're taking an awful long time about it
15:02 hellomynameis well i have to help customers, so where was i. my bad for being mean im sorry
15:02 hellomynameis it wont happen again now can we talk about scp
15:02 Tuomey You also now have to convince me that you're not just in here to waste my time
15:03 hellomynameis i am not going to waste your time i want to know more about this stuff person to person not reading articles
15:03 hellomynameis =/
15:03 Tuomey We don't know anything more than what's in the articles and tales, because it's not real
15:04 Tuomey You don't seem very apologetic about your actions and as such, appeal denied.
15:04 * hellomynameis was kicked by Tuomey (goodbye now)
Round 3:
15:05 * hellomynameis joined #site17 moc.rr.ser.lacos.4C41E23F-CRInys|tibbiM#moc.rr.ser.lacos.4C41E23F-CRInys|tibbiM
15:05 hellomynameis fuck you tuomey
15:05 hellomynameis i bang your mopther and your wife and kids
15:05 Tuomey lol
15:06 Tuomey you just got yourself banned from here as well
15:06 * hellomynameis quit (Quit: hellomynameis) moc.rr.ser.lacos.4C41E23F-CRInys|tibbiM#moc.rr.ser.lacos.4C41E23F-CRInys|tibbiM
15:06 - Tuomey has banned *!*@synIRC-F32E14C4.socal.res.rr.com