- JasontheBrithog (moc.sulplartnectb.561-68egnar.B99BFA4F-CRInys|tibbiM#moc.sulplartnectb.561-68egnar.B99BFA4F-CRInys|tibbiM) has joined
<JasontheBrithog> Before I get permabanned
<JasontheBrithog> And leave this crappy site forever
<JasontheBrithog> I just wanna say one thing
<ProcyonLotor> You're already permabanned, but shoot.
<JasontheBrithog> Like the fictional foundation
<JasontheBrithog> YOU only care about your egos
<JasontheBrithog> And when I say YOU, I mean every admin
<ProcyonLotor> Nah. We just don't like disruption, or folks cussing folks out.
<ProcyonLotor> Or, you know
<JasontheBrithog> When you make an SCP, the only thing that you are looking for is a load of upvotes
<ProcyonLotor> Graphically wishing about sodomizing folks with spikes
<ProcyonLotor> That generally does it.
<JasontheBrithog> YOU don't care about over people's "entertainment"
<JasontheBrithog> YOU just care about fame
<ProcyonLotor> And, tell us, oh sage of sages, why you know our motivations?
<ProcyonLotor> Also, if we wanted to get famous there are a whole hell of a lot better places to do it then here, just saying.
<JasontheBrithog> It's just because I'm the only one here who's not a retard
<thedeadlymoose> hahahaha
<thedeadlymoose> procyonlotor isn't an admin tho
<Hexi> ._.
<thedeadlymoose> ur not very smart~
<JasontheBrithog> Thedeadlymoose Says the one who can't spell you're
<thedeadlymoose> :D
<thedeadlymoose> you /are/ pretty hilarious though
<JasontheBrithog> I joined the SCP foundation around august as thatfedoradude
<ProcyonLotor> JasontheBrithog: Before we say our goodbyes, I'll recount a piece of advice I was once given. If you look around and you think everyone else is the problem, 99.9% of the time, the problem is you.
<ProcyonLotor> Oh, hey!
<thedeadlymoose> wait wait wait
<ProcyonLotor> It's you!
<thedeadlymoose> wait
<thedeadlymoose> waaaaait
<thedeadlymoose> important question
<thedeadlymoose> are you
<ProcyonLotor> No wonder you got banned.
<thedeadlymoose> wearing a fedora /right now/
<JasontheBrithog> I also came back as justbreakingthewall
<JasontheBrithog> Remember him?
<thedeadlymoose> but
<ProcyonLotor> Now you're bullshitting us, bro.
<ProcyonLotor> Nice try.
<thedeadlymoose> are you currently wearing a fedora right now?
<JasontheBrithog> Yes
<thedeadlymoose> I'm just curious
<thedeadlymoose> excellent, thank you
<JasontheBrithog> ProcyonLotor I'm not
<JasontheBrithog> I am them
<Hexi> m'gentleman
<JasontheBrithog> Anuwhoooo
<thedeadlymoose> next question have you broken any walls recently
<ProcyonLotor> If you weren't, why the hell would you have admitted to being underage to a staff member?
<thedeadlymoose> (i'm just trying to verify your identity)
<JasontheBrithog> Hmm
- Dexanote has quit (Ping timeout: 183 seconds)
<JasontheBrithog> I am infact, justbreakingthewall
- Blarghalt (~PI.225E9294.15B78CA2.A52B034E|alliztahc#PI.225E9294.15B78CA2.A52B034E|alliztahc) has joined
<JasontheBrithog> and thatfedoradude
<Hexi> are you actually british swine :O
<Hexi> oink
<ProcyonLotor> You can keep saying that, friend.
<ProcyonLotor> Doesn't matter much anyway.
<JasontheBrithog> Procyonlotor I can give you proof
<JasontheBrithog> Do you want proof?
<ProcyonLotor> You're vastly overestimating the amount I actually care.
<ProcyonLotor> All clear, Moose?
<JasontheBrithog> Good
<JasontheBrithog> See you in 5 months
<JasontheBrithog> Or 10
<thedeadlymoose> hahahahahahahahaha
<JasontheBrithog> Or 12
<ProcyonLotor> Oh man
<JasontheBrithog> Depends what you want
<ProcyonLotor> You're just tragic.
<Hexi> can it be 10000 months?
<thedeadlymoose> yes hexi
<thedeadlymoose> it can
<JasontheBrithog> ProcyonLotor Do you know what's tragic?
- Kalinin (ten.labolgcbs.ackorf.deepsthgil.03B318DD-CRInys|tibbiM#ten.labolgcbs.ackorf.deepsthgil.03B318DD-CRInys|tibbiM) has joined
<thedeadlymoose> JasontheBrithog: why would you even want to come back here, I mean
<JasontheBrithog> The fact that this is a major site run by scumbags
<thedeadlymoose> we're all huge jerks who only care about fame
- ChanServ gives channel half-operator status to Kalinin
<ProcyonLotor> It's true
<JasontheBrithog> Boohoo, I asked a question
<thedeadlymoose> shouldn't you want to be above that
<thedeadlymoose> better than us
<ProcyonLotor> We're also rolling in the zero dollars we get from running this site
<JasontheBrithog> Actually
<ProcyonLotor> And all the total benefits we get from the work we get in
<JasontheBrithog> I'm gonna create a rival site
<ProcyonLotor> Oh man
<thedeadlymoose> why stoop to trying to break into the site in the saddest (if funniest) way possible
<Hexi> kay
<ProcyonLotor> Please do
<thedeadlymoose> :D excellent!
<ProcyonLotor> Go ahead
<thedeadlymoose> go for it
<ProcyonLotor> Make my day.
<JasontheBrithog> Just like the foundation
<thedeadlymoose> remember the blackjack and hookers
<Hexi> you should call the the agency
<thedeadlymoose> important not to forget those
<JasontheBrithog> Oh and remember
<thedeadlymoose> call it the Chaos Foundation
<thedeadlymoose> that one's a freebie
<Hexi> thedeadlymoose: you never visit my establishment, are the hookers not to your liking?
<JasontheBrithog> Origins and the foundation are two different things
<JasontheBrithog> No
<JasontheBrithog> UDOS
<ProcyonLotor> JasontheBrithog: but harassing wikimembers isn't, friend <3
<thedeadlymoose> "Origins and the foundation are two different things"
<thedeadlymoose> wait what
<thedeadlymoose> I'm curious
<thedeadlymoose> do you really think we gave a shit about that?
<ProcyonLotor> If you hadn't sent roget that pm, we wouldn't be having this conversation
<JasontheBrithog> Thedeadlymoose As the person who pretty much
<JasontheBrithog> ProcyonLotor If your mum had that abortion, the world would be a better place
<Blarghalt> i gots a question: who is the administrator, really? Dude who started the site or what?
<thedeadlymoose> nah let's be honest if you weren't being a huge douche we would've forgotten all about it and let you right back in
<ProcyonLotor> JasontheBrithog: I'm not the one who somehow keeps getting banned
<thedeadlymoose> Blarghalt: ask after this clown is done pls
<thedeadlymoose> (there is an answer)
<ProcyonLotor> Even when we don't know it's you
<Blarghalt> kk
<thedeadlymoose> JasontheBrithog: were you gonna finish the sentence that ended with 'pretty much'
<JasontheBrithog> Hmmph
<ProcyonLotor> Do you know the number of people we've banned in a similar manner to you in Origins over the past year?
<ProcyonLotor> 3!
<ProcyonLotor> Including you.
<Kalinin> Wait, this idiot got banned as two different people?
<thedeadlymoose> Kalinin: I think he's claiming three?
<ProcyonLotor> And we've had hundreds wander through.
<JasontheBrithog> Thededlymoose Considering you pretty much own this site…
<Kalinin> Ahahahaha
<thedeadlymoose> Kalinin: I dunno, he seems pretty hardcore
<JasontheBrithog> You should know that origins and the wiki are two different things
<ProcyonLotor> Once again
<thedeadlymoose> did you know he's gonna make his own site
<Kalinin> Go rethink your life, dude, and try to not forget to breathe
<thedeadlymoose> with blackjack
<thedeadlymoose> and hookers
<JasontheBrithog> Oh and deadly
<ProcyonLotor> You weren't banned for being banned from origins.
<thedeadlymoose> ?
<JasontheBrithog> I asked you a question on the AMA
<ProcyonLotor> You were banned for harassing a wiki member.
<thedeadlymoose> JasontheBrithog: I responded already :)
<JasontheBrithog> ProcyonLotor If I call a teacher a scumbag outside of school, would the school the teacher works in expel me?
<thedeadlymoose> JasontheBrithog: man, the little kid logic, lol
<ProcyonLotor> JasontheBrithog: if you told them you wanted to sodomize them with a spear, I expect you'd get called into the therapist
<ProcyonLotor> So yes, pretty much.
<Hexi> it was more like you threw a hamburger at a teacher in the cafeteria that is separated from the school… but still on school property
<thedeadlymoose> expecting us to work like a high school though
<JasontheBrithog> ProcyonLotor He deserved it
<thedeadlymoose> hahahahha
<ProcyonLotor> For? Banning you?
<JasontheBrithog> Hexi Origins and the mainsite are completely seperate
<ProcyonLotor> Oh man
<JasontheBrithog> You are all a bunch of retards
<ProcyonLotor> JasontheBrithog, please stop trying to tell us how our site works.
<Hexi> they arent tho JasontheBrithog :P
<JasontheBrithog> ProcyonLotor Also, the origins site looks like it was made by a 5 year old
<thedeadlymoose> hahahahahahahahahaha :D
<JasontheBrithog> In 5 seconds
<thedeadlymoose> oh man
<thedeadlymoose> these sick fires
<thedeadlymoose> they're burning so hot
<Hexi> origins is the only roleplay that is officially recognized by the wiki
<thedeadlymoose> too hot for me
<ProcyonLotor> JasontheBrithog: good thing it's a wiki default setting :3
<thedeadlymoose> pls stop jasonthebrithog you're just owning us too hard
<ProcyonLotor> so if you'd like to talk to wikidot, be my guest
<ProcyonLotor> it's his hat
<JasontheBrithog> OOOH scawy
<ProcyonLotor> it's simply too cool for us, moose
<thedeadlymoose> yes
<thedeadlymoose> this is probably an accurate assessment
<JasontheBrithog> All of you should be hung
<ProcyonLotor> I'm weak against fedoramancy
<JasontheBrithog> Hunggggg
<Hexi> and the thing is, i am actually retarded, i have a serious nerological disorder. however i'm still smarter than you apparently :B
<JasontheBrithog> Hungggg
<ProcyonLotor> having fun with the g's there, are you?
<thedeadlymoose> I hope you're sounding out all those 'g's
<JasontheBrithog> Hexi Nah, you're a sub-retard
<ProcyonLotor> If you were going for drama, I'd add more 'u's, but that's just me
- thedeadlymoose has kicked JasontheBrithog from #site17 (thedeadlymoose)
- JasontheBrithog (moc.sulplartnectb.561-68egnar.B99BFA4F-CRInys|tibbiM#moc.sulplartnectb.561-68egnar.B99BFA4F-CRInys|tibbiM) has joined
<thedeadlymoose> Too far :)
<Hexi> fun fact, of all the canadians with my condition i'm the 3rd smartest :O
<JasontheBrithog> Boohoo pathetic attempt
<ProcyonLotor> attempt? Kick worked pretty successfully from what I saw
<Hexi> which puts me 3 below an actual genius n.n
<ProcyonLotor> but it was missing the banline
- ProcyonLotor has kicked JasontheBrithog from #site17 (get a better hat plz)
- JasontheBrithog (moc.sulplartnectb.561-68egnar.B99BFA4F-CRInys|tibbiM#moc.sulplartnectb.561-68egnar.B99BFA4F-CRInys|tibbiM) has joined
<thedeadlymoose> jason: she's not even staff, you shouldn't be /that/ much of a douche if you want to keep yelling at us
<JasontheBrithog> I got a tophat
<thedeadlymoose> otherwise we can skip to the banning
<JasontheBrithog> Assholes
<ProcyonLotor> Can I do the honors, Moose?
<JasontheBrithog> Lemme talk about all the smaller things that I did
<JasontheBrithog> Spef. Necro
<Hexi> thedeadlymoose: the #1 smart FAS person in canada is a legit genius :O he worked on the canadarm
<thedeadlymoose> Spef?
<thedeadlymoose> hexi: :o nice
<JasontheBrithog> Specifically
<thedeadlymoose> Specifically Necro…
<JasontheBrithog> I necro'd a few times
<JasontheBrithog> BUT
<thedeadlymoose> Necro…philia? Necro…mancy? Necro… I'm running out of ideas here
<ProcyonLotor> In addition to the whole harassment he also did a bunch of necro spam
<thedeadlymoose> oh
<thedeadlymoose> boring
<ProcyonLotor> he might also do corpses, I'm not one to judge
<thedeadlymoose> who cares, git gud
<JasontheBrithog> If you really didn't want people to necro…..
- Armstrong (~emankcin.cireneg.yrev.a.si.gnortsmra|gnortsmrA#emankcin.cireneg.yrev.a.si.gnortsmra|gnortsmrA) has joined
<JasontheBrithog> You would implement a bot to lock all the old threads
<ProcyonLotor> or we'd simply remove problem users
<ProcyonLotor> which, hey
<thedeadlymoose> oh man you're getting really boring really fast jason
<ProcyonLotor> working for us
<JasontheBrithog> You can thank me once you see how efficient it is
<thedeadlymoose> hahahahahahahhahaahahahaha
<ProcyonLotor> I doubt that's very likely
<ProcyonLotor> Just sayin'
<JasontheBrithog> Remember that "perfect scp"?
<thedeadlymoose> shhhh proc don't u recocognize his genius
<Hexi> nope
<Hexi> they all have flaws
<thedeadlymoose> wow that was even worse than my intentional typo
<ProcyonLotor> thedeadlymoose: I am challenging his art, to make him even better
<JasontheBrithog> The perfect SCP
<thedeadlymoose> fair enough
<JasontheBrithog> Hello. My name is Dr. Vanessa Graff. If that name already means something to you, you can probably already guess what this is all about. Consider this a retroactive letter of resignation — I will have disappeared just about the day before you will find this.
<JasontheBrithog> If this is the first you've heard of me, you probably deserve an explanation. In 2028 (two years ago, at time of writing), I proposed research on the possibility of, in layman's terms, piggybacking a meme on an infohazard — placing knowledge about an object inside the knowledge of the object (if you have enough clearance). SCP-2357 is a proof of concept. The
<Hexi> wat
<thedeadlymoose> procyon is that something non boring that I should know about
<thedeadlymoose> because I don't know what he's talking about
<JasontheBrithog> The knowledge of its existence, primed with almost any part of the text, delivers several memes directly to the brain, which prompt the reader to finish the document and receive the remainder of the information within it. The result is the ful2l nuances of a meme with the penetrative capabilities of an infohazard. I would have preferred to explain this more p
<ProcyonLotor> thedeadlymoose: I think he's gone full timecube
<Hexi> i think he's pasting things
<Hexi> from somewhere
<thedeadlymoose> never go full timecube
<thedeadlymoose> okay let's just ban him
<ProcyonLotor> Agreed
<Hexi> in an attempt to show us up
<thedeadlymoose> you said you wanted to do the honors
<thedeadlymoose> go for it
<Hexi> can i do it
<thedeadlymoose> no Hexi :P
<JasontheBrithog> THE PERFECT SCP SCIP
<Hexi> fiiiine
<Hexi> why do you never accidently admin at awsome times
- ProcyonLotor sets ban on *!*@synIRC-F4AFB99B.range86-165.btcentralplus.com
- ProcyonLotor has kicked JasontheBrithog from #site17 (Please, when you evade next time, come up with something more dignified than (Name)thebrithog. You'll thank me later.)