> <Metaphysician> Yup.
<Athena_Grey> … actually no, I can't think of a good SCP idea about Li Bai's death
<Athena_Grey> the existing legend is good enough already
<Metaphysician> ;p Hmm, need to find a 16th century English letter and steal its format…
<DoctorWho> Dr.Bright is a idiot.
<Riemann> You are of course talking about the character, right DoctorWho?
<Riemann> Rather than insulting the rather nice chat operator and site admin
<Riemann> apropros of nothing
<DoctorWho> Mabye I'm not sure.
- Pig_catapult has quit (Quit: ChatZilla [Firefox 33.1/20141106120505])
<DoctorWho> No the rules for him.
<IceHeart> Emmmm.I am sorry. I don't know what's meaning of "aye".
<DoctorWho> Oi!
<tahugamin> Pirate talk for yes :V
<Wallace> IceHeart: As in "aye, aye"
<Metaphysician> Means yes.
- Enresshou (~ten.tsacmoc.im.1dsh.2A42B70E-CRInys|criigc#ten.tsacmoc.im.1dsh.2A42B70E-CRInys|criigc) has joined #site19
<Athena_Grey> DoctorWho well, if we're talking about the character
<Riemann> You want to calm down over there DoctorWho
<Athena_Grey> DoctorWho then I can make a reasonably decent argument about "Dr. Jack Bright" being one of the most influential leaders of the Foundation
- Oozinner has quit (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client)
<Athena_Grey> and I can cite a number of texts to back that up :P http://www.scp-wiki.net/an-evening-with-bright
<Alexandra> Athena_Grey: An Evening With Bright (Rating:+63, Written by DrBright) - http://scp-wiki.net/an-evening-with-bright
<Athena_Grey> that one, for example
<AndarielHalo> one of the French terrorists has surrendered
<DoctorWho> Shut up erase that from EVERYBODY'S MIND!!!!
<BlackWing> Are you ok?
<ProcyonLotor> DoctorWho: 1) Please stop acting like a fool. 2) How old are you?
<Punch> Gotta love randoms
<BlackWing> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AjCnizGumAE
<Alexandra> BlackWing: 50 States 50 Scenarios (PT. 1) - length 5m 11s - rated 4.98/5.0 (693) - 301 views - alternatehistoryhub on 2015.01.07
- IceHeart has quit (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client)
- IceHeart (PI.7868DFF9.DC23C86D.9F0F05E1|tibbiM#PI.7868DFF9.DC23C86D.9F0F05E1|tibbiM) has joined #site19
<DoctorWho> ok, i am restored.
<Riemann> Righto, I got distracted, but seriously DoctorWho, no more random outbursts.
<IceHeart> hello?
<Dr_Kens> 'sup Ice
<Athena_Grey> hi IceHeart
<Riemann> op order etc.
<DoctorWho> British? it says colours.
<IceHeart> hi! nice to meet you!
<ProcyonLotor> DoctorWho: I need to know how old you are.
<IceHeart> me?
<ProcyonLotor> No, DoctorWho
<ProcyonLotor> Yr fine, IceHeart
<IceHeart> Emmm,I am sorry…
<ProcyonLotor> Nah, you got nothing to be sorry about.
<IceHeart> can I ask a little question?
<DoctorWho> [Data Expunged],There. :D
<Dr_Leonard> IceHeart Sure
- weitoobusy has kicked DoctorWho from #site19 (Come back when you can give us a real answer)
<IceHeart> Emmmm…it's 10o'clock in China now,what about yours?
<Dr_Kens> IceHeart: Which part of China are you from?
<Athena_Grey> 1 pm here for me
- DoctorWho (ten.sniten.lsd.465FB18C-CRInys|tibbiM#ten.sniten.lsd.465FB18C-CRInys|tibbiM) has joined #site19
- Dr_Kens is curious.
<DoctorWho> um…
<weitoobusy> Welcome back DoctorWho, ready to give us a serious answer?
<DoctorWho> I pushed it on accident,I'm new to this.
<ProcyonLotor> It's hard to type [DATA EXPUNGED] on accident.
<IceHeart> Wow!It's…so interesting~(I am sorry that I forgot say "AM")
- Dexanote is now known as GreenRanger
- GreenRanger is now known as Dexanote
- RogetGMs has quit (Quit: gtg!)
<IceHeart> I come from Province Henan of China~
<DoctorWho> well im not talking……I m….sorry Bright…
<BlackWing> Thought it was Hunan? Or am I mixing up names?
<DoctorWho> [M
<Metaphysician> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Henan
<ProcyonLotor> DoctorWho: Alright. Let's try this. You have exactly thirty seconds to tell me your age or I am removing you from this chatroom.
<DoctorWho> ok…
<IceHeart> Oh,no.HUNAN is different from HENAN~
- DoctorWho has quit (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client)
<BlackWing> Thanks IceHeart
- Riemann sets ban on *!*@synIRC-C81BF564.dsl.netins.net
He also PM'd weizhong with a bunch of "M"s and then blamed gravity. Banned for refusing to give age. Can appeal in 17 upon giving age.