1:57 * bumgoblin joined #site19
11:57 Mikealike or arm
11:57 Mikealike foot
11:57 bumgoblin herro preez
11:57 Mikealike whatever
11:58 AndarielHalo .y ging gang gong de do gong de laga raga
11:58 Alexandra AndarielHalo: Rob Zombie - Ging Gang Gong De Do Gong De Laga Raga (Lyrics) - length 3m 20s - rated 5.00/5.0 (157)
11:58 Ireul I'm personally reminded of Rorschach's mask based on the description
11:58 bumgoblin Tiz I the BUMGOLBLIM teeheeheehee
11:58 Mikealike oh gad
11:58 Mikealike Roget
11:58 Mikealike you der
11:58 bumgoblin I touch peoples bumz then run away giggling
11:59 Mikealike ROGET
11:59 Roget hi
11:59 LiquidNightfury Ops pls
11:59 bumgoblin It was a mysterious and foggy day at the train station
11:59 * bumgoblin was kicked by Roget (stop that)
bumgoblin was ac.ks.tenksas.bdsh.ntky.1BD39117-CRInys|tibbiM#ac.ks.tenksas.bdsh.ntky.1BD39117-CRInys|tibbiM
Whether you like it or not, history is on our side. We will bury you!