Long logs, ctrl + f the kid's name if you wanna do this quickly
Perma'd pending coherent appeal
14:19 * austinpowers joined #site19 PI.E1E72735.58C8562.15604416|tibbiM#PI.E1E72735.58C8562.15604416|tibbiM
14:19 Randomini he is being told the way it is
14:19 Randomini and is being given a choice
14:19 Athena_Grey I'd still do the biometric thing
14:19 austinpowers hello
14:20 Paroxysm well, back to drafting.
14:20 Athena_Grey like, instead of having the audience go "this is just a Convenient Exposition bit"
14:20 Athena_Grey make them go "ooh this Exposition is actually for a plot purpose how clever"
14:20 Randomini I think that the Exposition is pretty clearly "Hi, point of view character that just got kidnapped"
14:21 Randomini "this is why I kidnapped you"
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14:21 * lurkd quit (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client) PI.D70B510C.CD527FFC.BA07CB2D|tibbiM#PI.D70B510C.CD527FFC.BA07CB2D|tibbiM
14:21 Athena_Grey I know
14:21 * austinpowers joined #site19 PI.E1E72735.58C8562.15604416|tibbiM#PI.E1E72735.58C8562.15604416|tibbiM
14:21 Randomini I've added in the line after he gets injected "Please understand that this is simply a precaution and is mandated by procedure."
14:21 Athena_Grey Randomini: but when you get to the point of "btw you might've killed your mother"
14:21 Proxima Cheers guys!
14:22 Athena_Grey that's a bit of a big bombshell
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14:22 Randomini well yeah
14:22 Randomini but stan's in pretty intense physical pain
14:22 Athena_Grey and, either you're actually trying to psych someone out/mess with their head/torture them or something
14:22 Randomini focused on other things
14:22 austinpowers hello follow guys
14:23 Athena_Grey it's a bit of a big thing to say in a standard "actually I'm one of the Good Guys not creepy kidnapper"
14:23 Randomini hence why he freaks out later, when he actually realises it
14:23 Athena_Grey and hi austinpowers
14:23 Athena_Grey Randomini hmm
14:23 Athena_Grey still a bit… uneasy about that
14:23 Randomini like, he has a freakout moment
14:23 Randomini it is when he throws up into a sink and cries
14:23 Athena_Grey how about the Agent /didn't/ actually mention the dead parent explicitly
14:24 Tombstone http://www.lamebook.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/double-standards.jpg jfc, nsfw text
14:24 Athena_Grey but Stan is a smart guy and still manage to eureka the truth, anyway
14:24 Randomini no way
14:24 * Taveena quit (Quit: Leaving.) ~ua.ten.dnopgib.nol.2cdjn.B28486A5-CRInys|aneevaT#ua.ten.dnopgib.nol.2cdjn.B28486A5-CRInys|aneevaT
14:24 Randomini something you need to understand, athena
14:24 Randomini and this is good general writing advice
14:24 Athena_Grey that's what the delayed freakout is about - him piercing that awful realisation in his mind
14:24 Randomini Your Audience Is Made Up Of Idiots
14:25 Randomini if you don't baby them with things, they won't notice them
14:25 austinpowers laom a freakng bone to what i aam listing to
14:25 Tombstone Randomini: eh
14:25 Tombstone you don't gotta baby them with everything
14:25 Tombstone it's ok to let them get some things on the second run through
14:25 Paroxysm Not /everything/, per se, but…. a lot.
14:25 Paroxysm Tombstone: The issue with the audience here is that not many read over twice
14:25 Randomini I think it needs to be explicit here
14:25 Paroxysm A vast majority, even
14:26 austinpowers loan a bone to what i am listing too
14:26 Paroxysm And pass judgement on their first read, even if it's hardly a thorough reading.
14:26 Randomini Tombstone: this was criticised on its first posting because people couldn't put the pieces together that he was a reality bender
14:26 Tombstone austinpowers: what are you even talking about
14:26 Randomini if I am to re-post it and appeal to those readers
14:26 Randomini I clearly need to explicit-ify a few things
14:27 austinpowers idk what are we talking about
14:27 * yawkat quit (Input/output error) ~eeffoc.E3DF0469-CRInys|takway#eeffoc.E3DF0469-CRInys|takway
14:27 Tombstone Randomini: I'm not denying that people are idiots, just that this means they deserve /everything/ spoon-fed
14:27 * yawkat joined #site19 ~eeffoc.E3DF0469-CRInys|takway#eeffoc.E3DF0469-CRInys|takway
14:27 Randomini I know
14:27 Paroxysm It doesn't need to be spoonfed
14:27 Paroxysm But you need to at least offer the choo-choo train to their tunnel.
14:27 Randomini anything you want them to piece together you gotta do slow
14:27 Tombstone Randomini: I'm not sure why I'm debating this I already like the story
14:27 Paroxysm ^
14:28 Randomini cool war was a learning experience in that regard
14:28 austinpowers hello
14:28 Randomini like 80% of plot points were foreshadowed
14:28 Paroxysm I haven't even read it and I like it. B)
14:28 austinpowers whats going on here
14:28 Randomini admittedly a fair few people went back and noticed the foreshadowing later
14:28 austinpowers djdjfgtkfk
14:29 austinpowers dj
14:29 Athena_Grey Randomini well, just write the "Stan Sherlocking the truth" scene /really/ detailed and explicit, then
14:29 Athena_Grey you're doing first person
14:29 Tombstone austinpowers: it's a chatroom. No random letters please.
14:29 austinpowers gutentag
14:29 Tombstone Randomini: there is one thing though
14:29 Athena_Grey just write Stan's deduction out step by step, so that no one can miss what's happening
14:29 Randomini Athena_Grey: I don't want to shoehorn logic or reason into an emotional breakdown
14:30 Tombstone Randomini: you'd think Stan would ask whether he killed his mother because he's a reality bender or whether he's a reality bender because his mother died
14:30 Tombstone austinpowers: How old are you?
14:30 * Freudian quit (Ping timeout: 183 seconds) ~ten.58231sa.5367F664-CRInys|naiduerF#ten.58231sa.5367F664-CRInys|naiduerF
14:30 Paroxysm Does anyone here play TF2 and CS:GO?
14:30 Athena_Grey that cuts the 1% of non-idiot in the audience from wondering "why the fuck is the Agent guy make sure the unstable reality bending kid get upset? Doesn't he read any supervillain origin story at all???"
14:31 * Protocol-Zeta joined #site19 PI.EEA04085.7520C528.907FFA44|tibbiM#PI.EEA04085.7520C528.907FFA44|tibbiM
14:31 Protocol-Zeta Hello, folks
14:31 Tombstone austinpowers: you there?
14:31 Athena_Grey hi
14:31 Paroxysm >supervillain origin story
14:31 Paroxysm Christ.
14:31 FiftyNine Hey, does chinese wiki work for you guys? http://www.scp-wiki-cn.org/
14:31 * Tesseract joined #site19 ~PI.8BD0330D.78663E91.C57C496F|opiuqE#PI.8BD0330D.78663E91.C57C496F|opiuqE
14:31 Tombstone Paroxysm: Christ is not generally considered to be a supervillain
14:32 Paroxysm Tombstone: that depends on your views of Christ
14:32 Athena_Grey clicks on link
14:32 Randomini and yet he has a legion of loyal followers even after his death
14:32 Tombstone FiftyNine: it doesn't seem to be loading
14:32 Ireul Sup Paroxysm
14:32 Athena_Grey it's slow-loading, but that might be just my computer acting up tho
14:32 FiftyNine Shucks
14:32 Paroxysm Not much, Ireul. Slowly working my way back onto the site,
14:32 Randomini I dunno
14:33 Randomini I will stew on this feedback overnight
14:33 Tombstone Paroxysm: dude was pretty much a radical anti-asshole person up until people decided to take his message and start being an asshole with it
14:33 Randomini while unconscious, somehow
14:33 Protocol-Zeta So I have something of a noob question
14:33 Randomini thanks guys
14:33 Tombstone No probs, Randomini
14:33 Randomini punches plants
14:33 * Randomini quit (Quit: and thus the hay is hit) edagirb.dawkcud.eht.fo.tnemtraped|eewwow#edagirb.dawkcud.eht.fo.tnemtraped|eewwow
14:34 Paroxysm Tombstone: god, there was some issue of a marvel comic some ungodly time ago that had Christ as a villain
14:34 Paroxysm like literally, jesus
14:34 Paroxysm I just can't remember /what it was/
14:34 Athena_Grey Paroxysm something I read on Tvtropes a while ago:
14:34 Protocol-Zeta Would it be in violation of any of our image policies if I used an image from the "SCP Visual Records"?
14:34 Tombstone Protocol-Zeta: nope, that's what they're for
14:35 Paroxysm Protocol-Zeta: make sure CC licenses are in place though, not all images there are actually cc compliant
14:35 Athena_Grey DC editors refused a Swamp Thing story that would've portrayed Jesus as a White Magician, considering it offensive
14:35 Tombstone Paroxysm: to be a fair, an awful lot of people do seem to think that the next time this Jesus guy shows up the world is gonna end
14:35 Paroxysm Tombstone: this is true
14:35 Tombstone Protocol-Zeta: Paroxysm is correct about the CC license thing
14:35 Tombstone I forgot about that
14:35 Paroxysm Image Team B)
14:35 Paroxysm Fuck I need to
14:35 Paroxysm finish my two blocks
14:35 Paroxysm this week
14:36 Athena_Grey Paroxysm except that a Constantine story that more or less said that Jesus was conceived by Gabriel raping Mary was published
14:36 Paroxysm well damn
14:37 Paroxysm bbl
14:37 * Paroxysm quit (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client) PI.21454E1E.42E854BB.F0AA9309|tibbiM#PI.21454E1E.42E854BB.F0AA9309|tibbiM
14:37 * Kumorigoe joined #site19 ~moc.ellez.95906015-CRInys|boR#moc.ellez.95906015-CRInys|boR
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14:38 LiquidNightfury Anyone feel like giving me a bit of feedback on a draft?
14:38 Protocol-Zeta And how do I make a check of the CC?
14:38 * austinpowers quit (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client) PI.E1E72735.58C8562.15604416|tibbiM#PI.E1E72735.58C8562.15604416|tibbiM
14:38 Oprah_Winfrey Look under yo seat cause I got somethin' for ya
14:38 * Oprah_Winfrey quit (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client) PI.38439DB6.8F64AEAE.5B9EA18F|tibbiM#PI.38439DB6.8F64AEAE.5B9EA18F|tibbiM
14:39 Athena_Grey hmm
14:39 Athena_Grey Google Image has an option of "sorting the results based on usage rights", right?
14:40 LiquidNightfury Believe so
14:40 LiquidNightfury in the advanced search options
14:41 Loiterer Ay up people
14:42 Loiterer How's things?
14:43 LiquidNightfury pretty chill
14:43 * austinpowers joined #site19 PI.E1E72735.58C8562.15604416|tibbiM#PI.E1E72735.58C8562.15604416|tibbiM
14:43 LiquidNightfury Not a lot of people up at this hour it seems
14:43 * Tam quit (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client) ku.ca.sekoorb.tan.6F9179E3-CRInys|tibbiM#ku.ca.sekoorb.tan.6F9179E3-CRInys|tibbiM
14:44 Loiterer Different timezones too
14:45 LiquidNightfury Yep
14:45 Tombstone austinpowers: hello again
14:46 Tombstone austinpowers: I'mma have to ask you to state your age
14:47 * austinpowers quit (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client) PI.E1E72735.58C8562.15604416|tibbiM#PI.E1E72735.58C8562.15604416|tibbiM
14:47 LiquidNightfury ok bye
14:47 - Tombstone has banned *!*@*w.lamebook.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/double-standards.jpg
14:47 LiquidNightfury xD
14:47 * Mikealike joined #site19 ten.ninb-sndr.bus-citats-poptpn.F83AF079-CRInys|tibbiM#ten.ninb-sndr.bus-citats-poptpn.F83AF079-CRInys|tibbiM
14:47 Tombstone wrong paste, fuck
14:47 - Tombstone has unbanned *!*@*w.lamebook.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/double-standards.jpg
14:47 LiquidNightfury XD
14:47 Crayne That image is not coming in here again!
14:48 LiquidNightfury If that jpeg ever tries to connect they're gonna be -pissed-
14:48 - Tombstone has banned *!*@61440651.2658C85.53727E1E.IP