Underagey seeming kid joined, was asked age, quit.
Returned under new nick, asked age, quit.
- VORTEX (ten.labolgcbs.acctns.deepsthgil.F967C43F-CRInys|tibbiM#ten.labolgcbs.acctns.deepsthgil.F967C43F-CRInys|tibbiM) has joined
<Dr_Leonard> But I think it was updated sometime last year, no?
<TwistedGears> 233 days ago
<Dr_Leonard> Ech, we got a writing guide
<Dr_Leonard> Is there anything else necessary?
<Randomini> .ch Guide on Fear and Horror, Guide on How To Get Away With Terrible Decisions, Guide on Animal Husbandry
<Alexandra> Randomini: Guide on Animal Husbandry
<TwistedGears> fitting
<Dr_Leonard> So guys, this is looking ahead quite a bit, but what topic would you like to see for the SCP-3000 contest? :P
- VORTEX has quit (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client)
<Randomini> SCP-3000: Format Screw Contest
<TwistedGears> well we had myths, and then scifi
<TwistedGears> dude fuck that
- SCP (ten.labolgcbs.acctns.deepsthgil.F967C43F-CRInys|tibbiM#ten.labolgcbs.acctns.deepsthgil.F967C43F-CRInys|tibbiM) has joined
<Randomini> holy shit it's SCP
<Dr_Leonard> Horror!
<Dr_Leonard> Oh shit
<Randomini> that guy we named the wiki after
<Dr_Leonard> Dude, you're huge
<Randomini> oh fuck he's gonna sue us
<Metaphysician> Tab Alagadda: http://scpsandbox2.wikidot.com/metaphysician
<TwistedGears> stands to reason 3000 would be modern urban magic stuffs
<Metaphysician> Just started but have high hopes for this…
- Dr_Leonard tranquilizes SCP
<TwistedGears> stop
<Dr_Leonard> TwistedGears: I wouldn't mind seeing a historical theme
<TwistedGears> stop everything
- SCP has quit (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client)
<TwistedGears> Metaphysician: If this does not at some point say consult an alchemist I will downvote it
<Scantron> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eviZCgQtIgc
<Alexandra> Scantron: take a closer look at that snout - length 12s - rated 4.94/5.0 (266) - 10 369 views - G1xmRomuPZXSqFEL41VKhw on 2015.01.01
<Metaphysician> Haha
- Vince (ngathF.kcoR.ytr|Pai.ai#ngathF.kcoR.ytr|Pai.ai) has joined
<Metaphysician> Well, they do that;p
- bambam (ten.labolgcbs.acctns.deepsthgil.F967C43F-CRInys|tibbiM#ten.labolgcbs.acctns.deepsthgil.F967C43F-CRInys|tibbiM) has joined
<Metaphysician> I'm not sure how to fit that exact line in…
<bambam> have you guys heard of scp
<TwistedGears> just… keep it in mind
<Metaphysician> no
<TwistedGears> what's scp
<Dr_Leonard> SCP?
<Dr_Leonard> Haven't heard of it
<Vince> bambam: uh… most of the people talking right now are authors, this is the official chatroom for the website, I think some of us have heard of it
<TwistedGears> no shhh
<bambam> its this huge famous guys idk
<Dr_Leonard> Hey, it's Bambam!
<Dr_Leonard> What did you do after the Flintstones, budy?
<thedeadlymoose> hey
<Dr_Leonard> *buddy
<thedeadlymoose> stop trolling guys
- Dr_Leonard stops trolling
- HERIC has quit (Ping timeout)
<thedeadlymoose> bambam: we are the chatroom for the SCP Foundaton, a creative writing website
<bambam> i dont have anyname thats how i came up with bambam
<bambam> whos the scariest scp
<Metaphysician> Ugh, now. How was this ritual to go…
<Dr_Leonard> In my opinion, SCP-1981.
<Randomini> SCP-Bob-Dylan
<Alexandra> Randomini: Page does not exist, but you can create it here: http://scp-wiki.net/scp-bob-dylan
<Metaphysician> I know it will mimic the magnum opus - black, white, yellow, red…
<Dr_Leonard> But keep in mind not all skips need to be scary these days
- Jabonicus (ten.tsacmoc.lf.1dsh.C45B7177-CRInys|tibbiM#ten.tsacmoc.lf.1dsh.C45B7177-CRInys|tibbiM) has joined
<Dr_Leonard> So, BamBam, how'd ya find out about the site?
<Randomini> see, so scary it was wiped from records
- RothCraft is now known as Roth
<bambam> that blob scp guy scares me
<bambam> i forgot his number
<kaktus> Hey bambam
<Metaphysician> But, I need a material capable of undergoing such a process…
<kaktus> standard chatop question
<kaktus> how old are you, mate?
<bambam> why
<bambam> let me search up the scp 1981
<twinb27> Is that Raegan?
<thedeadlymoose> SCP-1981
<Alexandra> thedeadlymoose: SCP-1981 ("RONALD REAGAN CUT UP WHILE TALKING", Written by Digiwizzard, Rating:+753) - http://scp-wiki.net/scp-1981
<twinb27> God, that's my favorite.
<bambam> oh wow, thanks
<Dr_Leonard> Aye
<bambam> for the link.
<Dr_Leonard> you're welcome
<kaktus> bambam: because I am a chat operator
<kaktus> I need you to answer me, please.
- bambam has quit (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client)
<Randomini> welp
- Randomini puts "You Tried" star on kaktus' lapel
- [bambam] (ten.labolgcbs.acctns.deepsthgil.F967C43F-CRInys|tibbiM#ten.labolgcbs.acctns.deepsthgil.F967C43F-CRInys|tibbiM): http://www.mibbit.com
- [bambam] toronto.on.ca.synirc.net :Tue Jan 6 03:26:43 2015
- bambam :End of WHOWAS
<Dr_Leonard> I think he's reading 1981
<Dr_Leonard> you tried
<kaktus> Lol
<Athena_Grey> verily
<Athena_Grey> made an attempt, thou hasth
- ryann (ten.labolgcbs.acctns.deepsthgil.F967C43F-CRInys|tibbiM#ten.labolgcbs.acctns.deepsthgil.F967C43F-CRInys|tibbiM) has joined
<ProcyonLotor> Welcome back, ryann/bambam.
<Dr_Leonard> It's the thought that counts
<ProcyonLotor> Your age, please.
<Dr_Leonard> It would be worse if he didn't try
<kaktus> Indeed
- Gaffsey (~ten.labolgcbs.nislpi.deepsthgil.12995486-CRInys|renwO#ten.labolgcbs.nislpi.deepsthgil.12995486-CRInys|renwO) has joined
- ryann has quit (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client)
Ban set as perma pending him saying his age in 17.