21:21 * bicicleta joined #site19 PI.8E6C315C.A59B1C57.322CCAB3|tibbiM#PI.8E6C315C.A59B1C57.322CCAB3|tibbiM
21:21 * Magnobile joined #site19 ~PI.9FA8F512.5339D8FE.D37B1513|ailongaM#PI.9FA8F512.5339D8FE.D37B1513|ailongaM
21:21 bicicleta hello
21:21 prgamer So what does everyone think of my idea?
21:21 prgamer hi there
21:21 bicicleta usa under attack
21:21 * WarpedCog joined #site19 moc.retrahc.am.rfxo.pchd.A84B9345-CRInys|tibbiM#moc.retrahc.am.rfxo.pchd.A84B9345-CRInys|tibbiM
21:21 WarpedCog Ohai
21:22 Ooze http://scpsandbox2.wikidot.com/oz-ouroboros-sandbox
21:22 Dr_Leonard O_o
21:22 Ooze Added more; tab is SCPotatoes
21:22 bluesoul|work bicicleta: pardon?
21:22 WarpedCog Spoooooooooooooop
21:22 WarpedCog :D
21:22 Hexi|Aspire D: spirit has a kitchen knife and a grin
21:22 Hexi|Aspire HELP
21:22 WarpedCog Feels good to be a cog
21:22 * prgamer is now known as AFK
21:22 bicicleta gringos hihihihi
21:23 BlackWing looks down at Hexi|Aspire and whispers 'No'
21:23 TwistedGears Hexi|Aspire: The funny part is she can't hear you sreaming
21:23 Hexi|Aspire BlackWing: i am going to haunt your butt
21:23 WarpedCog Br br hue?
21:23 bicicleta charonboat.com
21:23 Bunton Ooze has a draft, guys!
21:23 * Magnobile quit (Connection reset by peer) ~PI.9FA8F512.5339D8FE.D37B1513|ailongaM#PI.9FA8F512.5339D8FE.D37B1513|ailongaM
21:23 TwistedGears ….ur not Alex, Bunton
21:23 TwistedGears wat u doin
21:23 * Magnobile joined #site19 ~moc.rr.ser.how.A4C07F9D-CRInys|ailongaM#moc.rr.ser.how.A4C07F9D-CRInys|ailongaM
21:23 Bunton Alex is with the angels now.
21:23 * Magnolia quit (Ping timeout: 181 seconds) ~moc.rr.ser.how.A4C07F9D-CRInys|ailongaM#moc.rr.ser.how.A4C07F9D-CRInys|ailongaM
21:23 Bunton I am her replacement.
21:23 * Bouncl joined #site19 ecnuoB.ecnuoB.ecnuoB|lcnuoB#ecnuoB.ecnuoB.ecnuoB|lcnuoB
21:23 +++ ChanServ has given op to Bouncl
21:24 * Magnolia joined #site19 ~PI.9FA8F512.5339D8FE.D37B1513|ailongaM#PI.9FA8F512.5339D8FE.D37B1513|ailongaM
21:24 Hexi|Aspire hugs Alexandra
21:24 Alexandra Appreciate the hugs.
21:24 Bunton Damn
21:24 Hexi|Aspire she seems fine to me Bunton
21:24 * Smaugnolia quit (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client) moc.rr.ser.how.A4C07F9D-CRInys|tibbiM#moc.rr.ser.how.A4C07F9D-CRInys|tibbiM
21:24 WarpedCog Untwists Twisted Gears, Puts him inside 914 on "Very fine"
21:24 Bunton :P
21:24 * Live2School joined #site19 ~ten.tsacmoc.ni.1dsh.1898A42B-CRInys|alliztahc#ten.tsacmoc.ni.1dsh.1898A42B-CRInys|alliztahc
21:24 kaktus Hey bicicleta, wtf are you going on about
21:24 Bunton Seriously, though, Ooze has got a draft worth some of you looking at.
21:24 * Sevn quit (Connection reset by peer) ~PI.EDAA2265.6FB656EA.BEFDD921|nT#PI.EDAA2265.6FB656EA.BEFDD921|nT
21:25 bicicleta usa under attack
21:25 kaktus …no
21:25 kaktus You gonna start talking sense?
21:25 bicicleta new york city
21:26 kaktus Alright, so
21:26 kaktus Let me ask you this
21:26 BlackWing nsfw [TITLE: Final Fantasy Type-0 HD — Enter the Fray Trailer | PS4 VIEWS: 210480 FAVES: 0 RATING: 4 RATERS: 3390 UPLOADED: PlayStation ] [TITLE: Final Fantasy Type-0 HD — Enter the Fray Trailer | PS4 VIEWS: 210480 FAVES: 0 RATING: 4 RATERS: 3390 UPLOADED: PlayStation ]
21:26 Alexandra BlackWing: Final Fantasy Type-0 HD — Enter the Fray Trailer | PS4 - length 3m 54s - rated 4.80/5.0 (3390) - 210 480 views - playstation on 2014.10.29
21:26 kaktus How old are you, bicicleta?
21:26 bicicleta 4chan.org
21:26 * ImQ009 joined #site19 ~lp.mm.nyzdiwk.E48D53CB-CRInys|900QmI#lp.mm.nyzdiwk.E48D53CB-CRInys|900QmI
21:26 Hexi|Aspire usa under attack… ho hum boring… tell me when a country that cant defend itself is under attack
21:26 bicicleta i am a traveler time
21:26 * Magnobile quit (Ping timeout: 181 seconds) ~moc.rr.ser.how.A4C07F9D-CRInys|ailongaM#moc.rr.ser.how.A4C07F9D-CRInys|ailongaM
21:26 * TombAway is now known as Tuomey
21:26 Dr_Leonard lol
21:26 bicicleta my name is John TITOR
21:26 * bicicleta was kicked by ProcyonLotor (Goodbye.)
21:27 Hexi|Aspire your name is jon tit
21:27 BlackWing Hexi|Aspire: When were we?
21:27 kaktus Hue
21:27 Dr_Leonard What a tit
21:27 Bunton Thanks, Procy, you're awesome.
21:27 ProcyonLotor Someone please ban
21:27 ProcyonLotor On mobile
21:27 Hexi|Aspire i would but
21:27 TwistedGears wait there were questions to ask
21:27 Hexi|Aspire rieman de hopped me ages ago
21:27 —- Tuomey has banned *!*@3BACC223.75C1B95A.C513C6E8.IP