Repeatedly entered chat as vagino-b0t and refused to change nick. When I/Reach told them to, they simply disconnected until on the third try or so, I kicked them immediately and said it'd be a ban the next time they came in without changing their nick. Promptly changed their nick to _genitals_ the next time they entered, and I kicked/banned.
Then they proceeded to join 17 and appeal under "Dr_Genitals." Claimed to be 18, and I was skeptical. Told them that they should act their age, and they left. Then they rejoin as nark, and say that they're actually 15. At this point, it's a pretty clear permaban, with agreement from other staff in SSSC, so I told 'em to come back in a year to appeal. Had connection issues and rejoined under narkbutt, but then left in a nice way.
- Dr_Genitals (ed.tcennocpi-t.0pid.C500F69F-CRInys|tibbiM#ed.tcennocpi-t.0pid.C500F69F-CRInys|tibbiM) has joined #site17
<FlameShirt> >.>
<whyzhong> Well hello Dr_Genitals
<FlameShirt> <.<
<whyzhong> Got something to say?
<Dr_Genitals> hi
<Dr_Genitals> happy new year
<whyzhong> Same to you. Now are you appealing your ban?
<Dr_Genitals> yes
<Dr_Genitals> may i please go in site 19
<whyzhong> Why didn't you change your nick like I asked you to, several times?
<Dr_Genitals> i wasnt paying attention
- anqxyr has quit (Connection reset by peer)
<Dr_Genitals> i changed it now
<whyzhong> I told you very specifically in your kick message that you had to change your nick
<whyzhong> This isn't exactly what I'd call appropriate either
<whyzhong> How old are you?
<Dr_Genitals> 18
<whyzhong> And an 18 year old still uses the name Dr_Genitals or vagino-b0t?
<whyzhong> You're definitely not acting your age
<bluesoul|work> okay.jpg
- Nark (ed.tcennocpi-t.0pid.C500F69F-CRInys|tibbiM#ed.tcennocpi-t.0pid.C500F69F-CRInys|tibbiM) has joined #site17
<Nark> can i be nark
<Nark> ok im not 18
<Nark> im 15
<whyzhong> So you lied about your age?
<whyzhong> Lying about your age is a bannable offense, man.
<Nark> :(
<whyzhong> You can appeal your ban in one year, Mark.
<whyzhong> There are just too many bannable things here.
- Riemann (seloponoM.citengaM.tnuocsiD|nnameiR#seloponoM.citengaM.tnuocsiD|nnameiR) has joined #site17
- ChanServ gives channel half-operator status to Riemann
<whyzhong> I'm going to have to ask you to come back to chat in a year to appeal.
- Eric_H has quit (Ping timeout: 182 seconds)
<whyzhong> If you have nothing else to ask, I'm going to have to ask you to leave #site17 as well.
- narkbutt (ed.tcennocpi-t.0pid.C500F69F-CRInys|tibbiM#ed.tcennocpi-t.0pid.C500F69F-CRInys|tibbiM) has joined #site17
<bluesoul|work> uh.
<narkbutt> i lost my connection
<narkbutt> its being weird
<Blarghalt> uh huh
<whyzhong> Your new nick doesn't exactly inspire me to be lenient on this ban.
- bdrkprsn (ten.enilnotpo.nyd.09FD12C1-CRInys|tibbiM#ten.enilnotpo.nyd.09FD12C1-CRInys|tibbiM) has joined #site17
<whyzhong> If you didn't see earlier, narkbutt, you can appeal your ban in one year.
<narkbutt> well it says nark is already in use
<narkbutt> oh ok
<whyzhong> We'll see you then.
<narkbutt> goodbye see u in a year
<whyzhong> If you have nothing else to add, I'm going to have to ask you to leave #site17.
<whyzhong> See ya
<narkbutt> have a nice new year
<whyzhong> Same to you
<whyzhong> Take care
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