00:42 * masonhooper joined #site19 ten.xoc.co.co.83D7E3A-CRInys|tibbiM#ten.xoc.co.co.83D7E3A-CRInys|tibbiM
00:42 kaktus Lol
00:42 Randomini Similarly I can prove Dmatix is a butt
00:42 jenssosaurus ok done
00:42 Randomini But(t) the question is… whose?
00:42 Dmatix Of course I am! From a proud tradition of butts.
00:43 Metaphysician Aww, Mr. Laugh…
00:43 AndariTheWireHalo you got a problem with butts?
00:43 Dmatix We are yeomen butts, good sir! We have no master!
00:43 SadDigi BUTT GHOST
00:43 * Wogglebug quit (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client) ainavlyselggoW.ellivselggoW.grebelggoW|gubelggoW#ainavlyselggoW.ellivselggoW.grebelggoW|gubelggoW
00:43 masonhooper who is your favotite scp? mine scp-173
00:43 Randomini Now now, dmatix, don't butt the hand that feeds you
00:43 kaktus Oh shit
00:43 * Bennings joined #site19 ten.mnigriv.elbac.F08CBC0C-CRInys|tibbiM#ten.mnigriv.elbac.F08CBC0C-CRInys|tibbiM
00:43 kaktus jenssosaurus is jenssosaurus
00:43 Metaphysician I think I regonize most of them but http://i.imgur.com/OVNl3sR.jpg
00:43 kaktus Confirmed
00:43 kaktus Woooo
00:43 jenssosaurus there are too many scps too choose a favorite
00:43 Dmatix …
00:43 Metaphysician Which is the one in the top left?
00:43 SadDigi I like 035
00:44 Bennings Oh hai
00:44 Dmatix Butt/er my biscuits.
00:44 AndariTheWireHalo hey Bennings
00:44 Metaphysician Flesh that hates?
00:44 jenssosaurus the flesh that hates
00:44 Metaphysician Ahh! Cool!
00:44 Metaphysician Yes, it hit me when I realized the color.
00:44 masonhooper who is scp 035?
00:44 Metaphysician Err, noticed.
00:44 jenssosaurus possesive mask
00:44 Roth Hello 19
00:44 Randomini he's just some guy you know
00:45 Bennings First time chatting on Tablet, probably not staying long
00:45 Tuomey masonhooper: standard new user question, how old are you?
00:45 jenssosaurus oh like that
00:45 Metaphysician SCP 035
00:45 masonhooper 8
00:45 jenssosaurus yeah just some researcher
00:45 Metaphysician SCP-035
00:45 Alexandra Metaphysician: SCP-035 (Possessive Mask, Written by Kain Pathos Crow, Rating:+278) - http://scp-wiki.net/scp-035
00:45 Randomini welp
00:45 Metaphysician Oh, yes.
00:45 SadDigi I also like cactus man
00:45 Metaphysician I liked that one; one of my favorites in series 1, along with the History of the Daevites.
00:45 SadDigi My new super hero
00:45 Metaphysician And, that infinite library one.
00:45 masonhooper have you ard of scp 106?
00:46 SadDigi Yes
00:46 jenssosaurus ehm yes
00:46 Randomini uhhh
00:46 Randomini mods come on
00:46 jenssosaurus it's pretty well known I think
00:46 Tuomey masonhooper: you're gonna have to come back when you're 15
00:46 masonhooper did you know scp 106 goes thouth walls?
00:46 SadDigi I like the burning man
00:46 —- Tuomey has banned *!*@synIRC-A3E7D38.oc.oc.cox.net
00:46 * masonhooper was kicked by Tuomey (underage, feel free to return when 15)