Is 9.
3:02 AM <DrPestilence> :D
3:03 AM <~thedeadlymoose> DrPestilence: how old are you
3:04 AM <Hexi|Aspire> ProcyonLotor: clearly i am the most qualified to kill the ops
3:04 AM <DrPestilence> Oh my dear sir, You don't want to know.
3:04 AM <%ProcyonLotor> Hexi|Aspire: You haven't even offed one. You ever wondered what happened to Quikngruvn? I EARNED THIS BADGE IN BLOOD, HEXI.
3:04 AM <Hexi|Aspire> ProcyonLotor: i aim high, tdm will be my first
3:04 AM <@kaktus> Blood for the blood god.
3:04 AM <@kaktus> DrPestilence: he does, though.
3:05 AM <DrPestilence> Oh really?
3:05 AM <Blarghalt> Cerebrospinal fluid for the cerebrospinal fluid end table
3:05 AM <DrPestilence> I sense something with you..
3:05 AM <Blarghalt> What? Khorne can have nice things. :I
3:05 AM <Hexi|Aspire> See… when TDM asks your age, its like the store clerk asking if they can help you with anything
3:05 AM ← DrPestilence was kicked by thedeadlymoose (ten.srerednaw|sire#ten.srerednaw|sire): thedeadlymoose
3:05 AM <~thedeadlymoose> Hexi: What
3:05 AM <Hexi|Aspire> see?
3:05 AM → DrPestilence joined (PI.7AFF712.54B9E44D.9DECC305|tibbiM#PI.7AFF712.54B9E44D.9DECC305|tibbiM)
3:05 AM <Randomini> A++ would moose again
3:05 AM <~thedeadlymoose> DrPestilence: so, what is your age
3:05 AM <Hexi|Aspire> thedeadlymoose: they ask that because they suspect you are a shoplifter
3:05 AM ← Hexi|Aspire was kicked by thedeadlymoose (ten.srerednaw|sire#ten.srerednaw|sire): what
3:05 AM <DrPestilence> Just guess.
3:06 AM <~thedeadlymoose> You have thirty seconds to tell me before I ban you
3:06 AM <Blarghalt> polka dot
3:06 AM <DrPestilence> 9
3:06 AM <DrPestilence> :P
3:06 AM → Hexi|Aspire joined (~PI.298F853E.7D3CE24D.016F9975|ixeH#PI.298F853E.7D3CE24D.016F9975|ixeH)
3:06 AM <DrPestilence> I like reading.
3:06 AM <DrPestilence> :D
3:06 AM <Randomini> welp.
3:06 AM <~thedeadlymoose> Very well. We have an age limit here. Which is 15. As you would know if you read the guides.
3:06 AM <Hexi|Aspire> rood
3:06 AM <~thedeadlymoose> So come back in six years.
3:06 AM <~thedeadlymoose> Hexi|Aspire: Don't backseat mod.
3:06 AM ← SparkyPikachu left (moc.duolccri.egdirbxu.7D8667BA-CRInys|83733diu#moc.duolccri.egdirbxu.7D8667BA-CRInys|83733diu)
3:06 AM <Hexi|Aspire> oh ok
3:07 AM ~thedeadlymoose banned *!*@503CCED9.D44E9B45.217FFA7.IP (+b)
3:07 AM ← DrPestilence was kicked by thedeadlymoose (ten.srerednaw|sire#ten.srerednaw|sire): Fare thee well