logs courtesy of hexi
(3:52:44 AM) tado: hello anymore anonymous brothers here today investigating operation RedMark
(3:53:09 AM) themanofum: yeah, what've you got so far?
(3:53:35 AM) themanofum left the room.
(3:54:29 AM) ProcyonJollytor: Tado: yeah, I don't know what you're on about, but stop it
(3:54:29 AM) tado: well your not one of us
(3:54:49 AM) kaktus: Tado
(3:54:55 AM) kaktus: Enough with the anonymous bullshit
(3:55:00 AM) kaktus: nobody cares
(3:55:12 AM) kaktus: We talked about this earlier
(3:56:14 AM) tado: well some peapol dont believe me here this site is fake its not to be removed because its not important
(3:56:32 AM) kaktus: …
(3:56:33 AM) kaktus: Ok
(3:56:34 AM) kaktus: So
(3:56:38 AM) kaktus: Op order
(3:56:41 AM) Hexi|Aspire: wow
(3:56:49 AM) kaktus: No more random bullshit nonsense
(3:56:55 AM) kaktus: Pls and thank you
(3:57:12 AM) tado: just telling everyone if they can be stupid enough to believe it
(3:57:13 AM) kaktus: we're definitely not removing it anytime soon
(3:57:23 AM) kaktus: Yes, we're aware
(3:57:32 AM) kaktus: nobody here thinks it's real
(3:57:44 AM) tado: yes I know
(3:57:48 AM) ProcyonJollytor: New topic.
(3:57:50 AM) kaktus: K so
(3:57:53 AM) kaktus: Move along
(3:58:30 AM) Conwell: Christmas!!! http://i.imgur.com/Tf5GbsZ.gif
(3:58:53 AM) kaktus: Lol that fucking gif
(3:59:17 AM) Conwell: You cry erry tim?
(4:00:27 AM) tado: the real true world is to be located on www.bestgore.com warning many images may be disturbing but the dark true world lies ahead there
(4:01:08 AM) tado left the room (Kicked by kaktus (wtf dude. Tag your nsfw)).
(4:01:15 AM) kaktus: W
(4:01:16 AM) kaktus: T
(4:01:16 AM) kaktus: F
(4:01:37 AM) Conwell: Clearly we are not ready for the real world.
(4:01:46 AM) kaktus: No
(4:01:49 AM) kaktus: No we are not
(4:01:56 AM) Conwell: Heh.
(4:02:16 AM) Conwell: So… you asked for a picture of famine, shirtless, riding a dinosaur?
(4:02:26 AM) kaktus: Yes.
(4:02:30 AM) ProcyonJollytor: Well, if it's any consolation, the splash image is fake, and so is the rest of it.
(4:02:31 AM) kaktus: And I received as such
(4:02:36 AM) kaktus: From famine himself
(4:02:44 AM) Conwell: :|
(4:02:53 AM) tado [ten.ralugnicym.326B46A3-CRInys|tibbiM#ten.ralugnicym.326B46A3-CRInys|tibbiM] entered the room.
(4:02:59 AM) Conwell: You are a strange, little man kaktus.
(4:03:02 AM) kaktus: tado: that's not cool.
(4:03:07 AM) kaktus: Please don't do it again
(4:03:19 AM) Faminepulse: >_>
(4:03:21 AM) kaktus: And idk what is even with this "real world" nonsense
(4:03:22 AM) *Faminepulse hangs head
(4:03:25 AM) kaktus: Next time it's a ban
(4:03:29 AM) kaktus: Be proud, Faminepulse
(4:03:33 AM) kaktus: It was such art
(4:03:40 AM) *Faminepulse removes flip floor underneath Conwell
(4:03:42 AM) ***Faminepulse hung
(4:03:51 AM) tado: im sorry just letting others know it a dark world k
(4:04:16 AM) tado: look up that site
(4:04:21 AM) kaktus: Fake gore is not darker than accumulating school loan interest
(4:04:24 AM) kaktus: trust me
(4:04:34 AM) Faminepulse: oh god
(4:04:36 AM) ProcyonJollytor: How about you just shut it with the loledgyinternet dude?
(4:04:36 AM) theworstninja: kaktus: 2 true :C
(4:04:42 AM) kaktus: Fake gore is not darker than keeping the heat on during the winter
(4:04:43 AM) theworstninja: How deep in debt are ya, kaktus
(4:04:49 AM) kaktus: And not having enough money to do that and eat
(4:04:50 AM) theworstninja: ?*
(4:04:59 AM) Faminepulse: kaktus, please add a fucking trigger warning before you say that kind of shit
(4:04:59 AM) tado: not fake
(4:05:02 AM) kaktus: theworstninja: not awful, but I didn't finish school
(4:05:05 AM) kaktus: Only 10k
(4:05:10 AM) kaktus: But poor Faminepulse
(4:05:10 AM) ProcyonJollytor: I did that when I was 14 too. I'm older now. You eventually realize it's not cool.
(4:05:14 AM) kaktus: ;-;
(4:05:17 AM) theworstninja: kaktus: Shit man, I'm in at least over 40k
(4:05:22 AM) Conwell: Wait, did famine just hang me?
(4:05:27 AM) kaktus: tado: how old are you?
(4:05:28 AM) Faminepulse: I owe like 100k altogether
(4:05:36 AM) Faminepulse: considering move to argentina
(4:05:38 AM) Faminepulse: :D
(4:05:42 AM) tado: best gore is very very disturbing
(4:05:46 AM) kaktus: Faminepulse: I'll go with you
(4:05:49 AM) kaktus: tado: no
(4:05:54 AM) kaktus: I need your age btw
(4:05:55 AM) Faminepulse: TU HABLA ESPANOL
(4:05:59 AM) kaktus: Your actual age
(4:06:03 AM) tado: why
(4:06:07 AM) kaktus: Faminepulse: no. But I can learn!
(4:06:16 AM) kaktus: tado: because I'm a chat operator
(4:06:23 AM) kaktus: You're obligated to answer me
(4:06:24 AM) tado: you do not need that information here
(4:06:25 AM) ProcyonJollytor: Alright. We're all going to shut up about that website now.
(4:06:29 AM) ProcyonJollytor: Op order.
(4:06:30 AM) kaktus: Lol yes I do
(4:06:31 AM) Faminepulse: >_> yeah dude im serious i might ditch town if i am on the verge of becoming homeless to debt
(4:06:41 AM) Faminepulse: i got passports :o
(4:06:47 AM) kaktus: Faminepulse: fuck that shit so hard
(4:06:48 AM) kaktus: Ugh
(4:06:57 AM) Faminepulse: i aint got a safety net yo
(4:06:58 AM) kaktus: what about Canada?
(4:07:03 AM) kaktus: They have healthcare
(4:07:04 AM) tado: k fine 22
(4:07:05 AM) Faminepulse: e_e cooooold
(4:07:15 AM) kaktus: Lololol tado that's bullshit
(4:07:17 AM) kaktus: I'm 23
(4:07:18 AM) ProcyonJollytor: You don't act like any 22 year old I know.
(4:07:22 AM) kaktus: I need your actual age
(4:07:34 AM) ProcyonJollytor: You act like a 12 year old who just discovered anonymous
(4:07:38 AM) tado: 22
(4:07:51 AM) kaktus: Alright, literally your last chance.
(4:07:53 AM) kaktus: A real age
(4:07:59 AM) kaktus: Or you're outta here
(4:08:30 AM) tado: 18
(4:08:34 AM) tado: 22
(4:08:36 AM) tado: 26
(4:08:38 AM) tado: 17
(4:08:41 AM) tado: 89
(4:08:43 AM) tado: 45
(4:08:44 AM) kaktus: Lol
(4:08:46 AM) kaktus: No
(4:08:47 AM) tado: 23
(4:08:50 AM) tado left the room (Kicked by ProcyonJollytor (ProcyonJollytor)).
(4:08:55 AM) ProcyonJollytor: Ban plz
(4:09:05 AM) kaktus: Trying
(4:09:27 AM) mode (+qo thechristmasmoose thechristmasmoose) by ChanServ
(4:09:32 AM) kaktus: Got it
(4:09:42 AM) ProcyonJollytor: Sweet.
(4:09:44 AM) Faminepulse: imhc he was actually a really smart parakeet
(4:09:50 AM) mode (+b *!*@synIRC-3A64B623.mycingular.net) by kaktus
(rest is my logs)
[23:41] Faminepulse and thats just how birds are
[23:41] kaktus Hahahahahahahaha
[23:41] kaktus One of many?
[23:41] Hexi|Aspire omfg cingular sitll exists?
[23:41] kaktus Really?
[23:41] kaktus Wow.
[23:41] ProcyonJollytor Hahahaha. Laying it on thick.
[23:41] =-= oneofmany was booted from #site19 by ProcyonJollytor (Begone, foul pest)
basic troll