19:20 * Dickwigglez joined #site19 PI.C7BE324A.4A750499.52F753AF|tibbiM#PI.C7BE324A.4A750499.52F753AF|tibbiM
19:20 Dickwigglez lll
19:20 TagliAFK Ops
19:20 Ketov Say, does anyone have that one pastebin about Steve?
19:20 * Dickwigglez was kicked by ProcyonJollytor (come back with a better name.)
19:20 Montfalalala Well. That's a newer one.
19:20 Jingle_Bennings SpecOps: The Li- damn you're good
19:20 Dr_Leonard So today, I wrote a song for you, cuz a day's so long…
19:20 Decibelle DreamingofaWhiteChristmas: the addendums in revision 6 are crap, to be blunt, so im glad you changed it to this
19:20 Decibelle that being said, this doesnt work for entirely other reasons
19:20 ProcyonJollytor ping me if he comes back
19:20 Decibelle that i already outlined
19:21 Decibelle youre on the right track with the background/history of this thing
19:21 * s joined #site19 PI.C7BE324A.4A750499.52F753AF|tibbiM#PI.C7BE324A.4A750499.52F753AF|tibbiM
19:21 Decibelle but the current addendum just seems like too much of a stretch to be plausible
19:21 Reach|2015 Hey, s.
19:21 s 666
19:21 DreamingofaWhiteChristmas alright, I'll work on finding another angle to write from.
19:21 * DrHysteria joined #site19 ua.ten.dnopgib.wsn.9165C621-CRInys|tibbiM#ua.ten.dnopgib.wsn.9165C621-CRInys|tibbiM
19:21 Decibelle hi reach!
19:21 Reach|2015 Change your nick or be kicked.
19:21 Reach|2015 Hey, decibelle!
19:21 s Reach
19:21 Reach|2015 Yes?
19:21 Montfalalala Reach has time-traveled 90.0)
19:21 Dr_Leonard Hi S.
19:21 Montfalalala * (0.0)
19:21 s What is soooo Wrong with s?
19:21 Decibelle is s the same person that got kicked
19:21 Ketov http://pastebin.com/CsSjKEVG Found it.
19:21 ProcyonJollytor One letter nicks are against the rules.
19:22 Reach|2015 Everytime people write "s", you'll get pinged, too.
19:22 ProcyonJollytor It fucks with some people's clients.
19:22 s ….
19:22 Reach|2015 You know.
19:22 s really
19:22 TagliAFK Oh, hello Hysteria!
19:22 AndarielHalo watch, he's gonna come back with a two-letter nick
19:22 Reach|2015 Really.
19:22 s 1 letter words
19:22 DrHysteria Merry Christmas to all of you who live in my time zone!
19:22 ProcyonJollytor Now, you have 30 seconds to change, or you're getting kicked.
19:22 Montfalalala ops
19:22 Ketov Decibelle: "FA357F25" so yeah.
19:22 Tombstone Montfalalala: we're here already
19:22 s Heh im leaving
19:22 DrHysteria Hey TaliAFK
19:22 Reach|2015 Montfalala: We're right here.
19:22 Dr_Leonard DrHysteria where you from?
19:22 * TagliAFK is now known as Tagliafierro
19:22 Montfalalala …oops.
19:22 DrHysteria Straya Dr_leonard
19:22 s I fucked reaches Big boney mother
19:22 * s quit (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client) PI.C7BE324A.4A750499.52F753AF|tibbiM#PI.C7BE324A.4A750499.52F753AF|tibbiM
19:22 Reach|2015 pat pats Montfalalala.
19:22 DrHysteria Australia
19:22 Ketov s: I wish you goodbye and a Merry Early Christma-
19:22 - Tombstone has banned *!*@FA357F25.994057A4.A423EB7C.IP