To summarize, kid was acting fairly immature in 19, refused to state age when asked, came back a couple of times under different nicks and was called on it every time, and finally said they were 25. They were obviously not 25. Moose banned and kicked.
<thechristmasmoose> ex: 050 could not really be cleaned up, not without a total rewrite losing the original
<Randomini> TG: holy shit you don't know
- Fused58 (moc.rr.ser.xt.6B7A71DF-CRInys|tibbiM#moc.rr.ser.xt.6B7A71DF-CRInys|tibbiM) has joined #site19
<Djoric> however, series 1 scips fall into the great issue of being absolute drek in most other categories
<Randomini> !SCP-050
<Alexandra> Randomini: SCP-050 (To The Cleverest, Written by DrBright, Rating:+169) -
<Fused58> Hello
<TheeSnowAngels> Good eveing Fused.
<thechristmasmoose> Djoric: No more than the other series
<TheeSnowAngels> *evening
<Fused58> Hey
<Randomini> TinselGears:
<Alexandra> Randomini: Document 050 (Rating:+61, Written by DrBright) -
<thechristmasmoose> I mean, Series 3 is still young
<DreamingofaWhiteChristmas> There was the staff prank wars thing though, when is that going to come around?
<thechristmasmoose> but at one point the quality of Series 2 was seen as so impressively low that people wanted another mass edit, including me (bad idea btw)
<Djoric> admittedly, the modern atmosphere has reversed orders, we are better at narrative, but I have had to give my IT'S IMAGERY, DAMMIT far too many times
<TinselGears> Oh I'm sure this will be just… enthralling
<Kaktusuelo> Hey Bright
<TheeSnowAngels> We are currently on the topic of SCP series, and the positives and negatives surrounding them.
<thechristmasmoose> and i don't think that's inaccurate
<Kaktusuelo> You still here?
<TheeSnowAngels> Care to join?
<Djoric> never, because it's awful and needs to be buried in a hole
- TheeSnowAngels offers glass of hot chocolate.
<Fused58> That statue that snaps your neck is creepy ._.
<Fused58> .-.
<Kaktusuelo> Hang around for a while
<Kaktusuelo> Actually, if you think that's creepy
<Randomini> TinselGears: you need to write a tale about Navarro accidentally placing a whoopee cushion on a seat that a senior site researcher happens to sit on
<Kaktusuelo> let me do you a favor
<TheeSnowAngels> .g scp-173 student film united kingdom
<Alexandra> TheeSnowAngels: — Funny/SCP Foundation - Television Tropes & Idioms: "SCP-826 is a pair of bookends that can transport people into the universe of any …. And later, it gets caught by an unnamed female student . …. mean that he is the Doctor, no matter how many British men he possesses. … 173) Excessive force is not the same as the Force, therefore using
<Randomini> and then he gets posession of 050
<Kaktusuelo> Fused58, I want to recommend a really funny article for you
<Kaktusuelo> !scp-1875
<Alexandra> Kaktusuelo: SCP-1875 (Antique Chess Computer, Written by TheMadStork, Rating:+277) -
<Kaktusuelo> Read that
<TinselGears> There is no way in hell I am playing this game
<Kaktusuelo> it's hilarious
<Kaktusuelo> you'll love it.
<Randomini> this is how we write 050 wars: The Next Generation
<Fused58> Ok
<Djoric> Welcome to "Statements I'm definitely not tired of hearing", Fused
<Kaktusuelo> Djoric, be nice
- Kaktusuelo baps
<TinselGears> Kaktusuelo: /you/ be nice
- Randomini baps kaktus
<Randomini> 173 IS SHIT
- Randomini baps Series 1
<Kaktusuelo> Randomini, I swear to god
- ozzoroboros (moc.emertxelsd.91B50C52-CRInys|tibbiM#moc.emertxelsd.91B50C52-CRInys|tibbiM) has joined #site19
<Kaktusuelo> Fused58, nah, keep reading
<Kaktusuelo> it's really funny
- ozzoroboros is now known as Oozenog
<TinselGears> To us, at least
<TinselGears> anyway
<TinselGears> Kaktusuelo: You know when to tell me not to do stuff right
<thechristmasmoose> To be frank, I really want to see a resurgence in the /good parts/ of Series 1, to the point where I am inclined to take the time to examine what those are ('crosslinks done in an interesting way' is a huge one, but there's other stuff — Djoric is spot on about strong imagery)
<Kaktusuelo> TinselGears, I do.
<thechristmasmoose> combined with the stuff we've done much better in Series 2/3
<Kaktusuelo> thechristmasmoose, verily.
<TinselGears> Kaktusuelo: Can I make an article that is just a hodgepodge of other articles, blended into one thing. Or is that just too gimicky
<thechristmasmoose> I've talked about some of this before
<Djoric> thechristmasmoose: I would too, but in the opposite way of what you want
<Kaktusuelo> TinselGears, I've considered something similar
<thechristmasmoose> Djoric: You also hate most of what the fanbase loves. :P I do not.
- DrYucatan has quit (Ping timeout)
<Kaktusuelo> I'd want to see how you do it first
<Kaktusuelo> honestly
<Kaktusuelo> …
<Randomini> yeah but
<Randomini> the fanbase is 99% idiots
<TinselGears> why are you dotting Kaktusuelo
<Fused58> Wtf it has an engine ruined on brain tissue. .-.
<Kaktusuelo> TinselGears, you might be able to do it with listpages modules
<thechristmasmoose> Randomini: I strongly disagree
- Randomini has utmost contempt for audience
<Kaktusuelo> so that it changes constantly
<Djoric> yes. and you are a horrible person for that, among many reasons
<TinselGears> mmmmaybe?
<Kaktusuelo> Fused58, no no, the funny part is the end
<TinselGears> I'm not a wikiwizard
<thechristmasmoose> But anyway: It began with Fishmonger's exit — a divorce between the aims and desires of popular writers, and the fanbase
<Randomini> moose that statement was dripping in sarcasms
<Kaktusuelo> TinselGears, I might be able to cook that up
<thechristmasmoose> and has merely evolved since then
<thechristmasmoose> Randomini: Forgive me. Djoric actually means it :P
<thechristmasmoose> Though I should add, I think Djoric's work is brilliant
<Djoric> if the fanbase was any good, they would be here on the site
<TinselGears> Kaktusuelo: Idk. I would think that would bring it word-for-word from random articles
<Kaktusuelo> I mean, it would.
<TinselGears> So you have conflicting designations, and a nonsense article
<Kaktusuelo> I thoguht that's what you mean
<Kaktusuelo> hmmmmmm
<Kaktusuelo> …
<Fused58> HAHA
<TinselGears> Just random bullshit would be stupid
<TheeSnowAngels> What in the world happened? Gears stated whether I have read Series 1 and everyone begins to argue.
<Light> Djoric- what would you call the people who ARE on the site?
<thechristmasmoose> Djoric: You mean 'on chat', I assume
<Kaktusuelo> TinselGears, aye
<thechristmasmoose> Or 'in Roget's chat room', and 'some of them'.
<Kaktusuelo> You know what you could do though
<Kaktusuelo> Have it be a constantly changing amalgamation of different articles that you create so that they all line up
<Kaktusuelo> and those pieces could change.
- Kaktusuelo shrug
<TinselGears> Possibly
<Kaktusuelo> there are many options.
<Djoric> Light: site members
<TinselGears> I'll cook it up, see what happens
<thechristmasmoose> Djoric: Most site members appear to match the sitewide fanbase. But you know this…
<Kaktusuelo> indeedity do
<TinselGears> Chances are with my recent track record I'll give up on it soon enough
<thechristmasmoose> errrr *sitewide = wider
<TinselGears> what the hell is this
<thechristmasmoose> To be honest, our main problem — to me — is that our creative core of writers is too small and too easily dominated by single voices
<Djoric> it always has been
<thechristmasmoose> And we've always had that problem
<Randomini> the main problem to me is that people consider that a bad thing
<thechristmasmoose> Yeah. The only difference is that we're bigger
<thechristmasmoose> Randomini: I do consider that a bad thing. It means less variety in produced work
<Djoric> also, what randomini said
<Randomini> if people want louder voices then let them speak louder
<Randomini> let them write shit
<Djoric> I /like/ having fine-tuned control over my work
<TheeSnowAngels> Dear god……
- Nemi has quit (Quit: )
<Fused58> Wat do YALL want for Christmas
- Athena_Grey has quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
<thechristmasmoose> Djoric: I'm talking about your control (or others' control) over /others/ work
<Djoric> And if they want whatever, they should write it, yes
<thechristmasmoose> Not over /your own/
<Djoric> Yes
<Djoric> I'm damn fond of that, too
<Randomini> yeah uh
<CharonTheStocking> wut
<Fused58> What do y'all want for Christmas
<thechristmasmoose> Fused58: WTF are you on about? :p
<TheeSnowAngels> Peace and quiet.
- Warthrop (ten.labolgcbs.acnsrf.deepsthgil.2D6979F3-CRInys|tibbiM#ten.labolgcbs.acnsrf.deepsthgil.2D6979F3-CRInys|tibbiM) has joined #site19
- Djoric bullshitting around
<Fused58> don't know
<thechristmasmoose> Randomini: That would be fine if our structure actually more easily allowed for new voices to rise without being … some level of 'asshole' XD
<TheeSnowAngels> He was asking a simple question.
<thechristmasmoose> Or just getting lucky
<Djoric> thechristmasmoose: what about good? can they be /good/
<thechristmasmoose> TheeSnowAngels: Repeating it over and over again while being ignored, you mean.
<Fused58> Exactly I'm bullshitting.. -_-
<Randomini> change is always going to be met with some level of opposition
- Reese_Sparrow (~ten.tsacmoc.nm.1dsh.BB9C3F2F-CRInys|alliztahc#ten.tsacmoc.nm.1dsh.BB9C3F2F-CRInys|alliztahc) has joined #site19
<Djoric> new voices/
<Randomini> the people who can put up with opposition are, typically, assholes
- IreulvsEaterofWorlds has quit (Ping timeout)
<Djoric> Because I dunno, kaktus ain't much of an asshole and he's a new voice who rose up in the ranks quick
<thechristmasmoose> Djoric: Good to /you/? I doubt it. You presently only accept a certain subset of work as 'good' :p
<Reese_Sparrow> hello all
<Randomini> methinks causality may be a bit funked up in these thoughts
<thechristmasmoose> Kaktus is incredibly unusual
<Warthrop> Im just curious as to what scp number Abel is; can anyone help?
<thechristmasmoose> As was Zyn
<Fused58> What are y'all talking about
<TheeSnowAngels> Hello Sparrow, care to join in this fiasco?
<thechristmasmoose> Okay.
<Djoric> because he can write well
<thechristmasmoose> Hang on, y'all.
<Fused58> You're confusing me
- thechristmasmoose sets mode +m #site19
- thechristmasmoose gives voice to Fused58
- thechristmasmoose gives voice to Warthrop
<thechristmasmoose> Hello, Fused58 and Warthrop.
<Bright> !scp-076
<Alexandra> Bright: SCP-076 ("Able", Written by unknown, Rating:+303) -
<thechristmasmoose> How old are you?
<Fused58> Me
<thechristmasmoose> Both of you.
<Warthrop> Thank you very much guys.
<Fused58> Why
- Punch (ten.tsacmoc.oc.1dsh.FF509B8D-CRInys|ardyH#ten.tsacmoc.oc.1dsh.FF509B8D-CRInys|ardyH) has joined #site19
<thechristmasmoose> Because you're obliged to tell me, per the rules.
- Fused58 has quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
<thechristmasmoose> Warthrop: And you?
- thechristmasmoose sets mode -m #site19
- Nusquam (||tibbiM) has joined #site19
<DreamingofaWhiteChristmas> if you could just toy around with any SCP, which one would it be?
<Randomini> anyways
<TheeSnowAngels> For me it would be 294.
<Reese_Sparrow> So what is this fiasco of which you spoke?
<Bright> Dreaming: None, they're all f'ing dangerous
<Randomini> I really don't think anything is getting in the way of good writers coming to the wiki
<Randomini> except the relatively small percentage of good writers
<TheeSnowAngels> Arguement over which scp series was better than the other.
<Reese_Sparrow> oh boy
- TheJollyReindeer (moc.rr.ser.xt.6B7A71DF-CRInys|tibbiM#moc.rr.ser.xt.6B7A71DF-CRInys|tibbiM) has joined #site19
<Djoric> Moose: once again, I feel that you are putting words in my mouth. Yes, I have a very distinct idea of good, but it is not as limited as your portray it
<Randomini> also, moose, yeah, djoric has a certain standard for good
<Randomini> so does kalinin
<Kaktusuelo> TheJollyReindeer, We know that you're Fused
- Faminepulse (~ten.tsewq.xnhp.8301698B-CRInys|nhguaV#ten.tsewq.xnhp.8301698B-CRInys|nhguaV) has joined #site19
<Kaktusuelo> I can see your hostname.
<Randomini> but that doesn't really mean either of those views are invalid
<thechristmasmoose> Djoric: You've repeatedly declared certain things to be 'shit' just because they involve tropes you don't like
<Reese_Sparrow> I'll say this series one had the most that i enjoy, but the rare hits in series 2 makes it worth it
<thechristmasmoose> That is accurate, yes?
<thechristmasmoose> And also, many people come to the site who enjoy those particular tropes.
<DreamingofaWhiteChristmas> Bright, when are the 050 prank wars starting again?
<thechristmasmoose> Also accurate?
<thechristmasmoose> I'm not intending to caricature you
<Kaktusuelo> TheJollyReindeer, I'll ask again, how old are you?
- TheJollyReindeer has quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
<TinselGears> Bets on whether he comes again?
<TheeSnowAngels> Oh for the love of god…
<CharonTheStocking> no bet
<Reese_Sparrow> that's a simple question :|
<Kaktusuelo> probably about three minutes.
<Kaktusuelo> Long enough to google "hostname"
<TinselGears> pfft
<DreamingofaWhiteChristmas> he'll be back
<Reese_Sparrow> rofl
<Rog|Fallout> lmao
<Bright> Dreaming: Not yt.
<Randomini> moose: so… you're saying we can't dislike things if other people like them?
<thechristmasmoose> Randomini: Nothing is getting in their way. But it's difficult to get critique from more than a couple staff whose job it is, and who are overwhelmed by a flood of requests. And if they make it to the tiny inner circle of authors who are fairly active ad can rely on critique, they are subjected to a number of arbitrary & odd standards reflecting the specific tastes of a few people, which are…
<thechristmasmoose> …/tangential/ to the tastes of many if not most of the people who come here. There is nothing wrong with the tastes of those people, mind you.
<Djoric> moose: you still are. COnsider my two most hated articles. What tropes do they involve? Dancing around the rape of a child and an incomprehensible wall of technobabble.
<thechristmasmoose> Randomini: I hope the above sentences clarifies it
<thechristmasmoose> Djoric: No, I'm referring to, for example, author avatars
- TheeSnowAngels sits back and tries to watch without wincing.
<Djoric> yes
<Punch> People always seem to confuse "good versus bad" with "like versus dislike".
<Djoric> and I will stand by it
<thechristmasmoose> I don't mean to refer to you hating either of those two SCPs
<TheeSnowAngels> Correct Punch.
<thechristmasmoose> Djoric: There's nothing wrong with you standing by it, or that opinion.
- TheeSnowAngels applaudes Punch.
- Oozenog makes more snow angels with ThreeSnowAngels
<Reese_Sparrow> moose, that is a strikingly apt description of how things seem to go
<thechristmasmoose> I'm just saying it's a trope many people love.
<Punch> Liking something doesn't make it good anymore than disliking it makes it crap
- TheeSnowAngels smiles
<Warthrop> I think toying with 387 or 705 would be fun.
<thechristmasmoose> Punch: Yes, agreed.
<thechristmasmoose> Warthrop: You have not answered me. How old are you?
<Warthrop> Oh my bad, Im a freshman in college, 18.
<Punch> Now I will say a lot of people have a difficult time separating the two.
<Kaktusuelo> !scp-376
<Alexandra> Kaktusuelo: SCP-376 (The Traffic Light Tree, Written by SpoonOfEvil, Rating:+46) -
<Kaktusuelo> !scp-387
<Alexandra> Kaktusuelo: SCP-387 (Living Lego, Written by Archfeared, Rating:+245) -
<Kaktusuelo> !scp-705
<Alexandra> Kaktusuelo: SCP-705 (Militaristic Play-Doh, Written by Dr Kondraki, Rating:+156) -
<thechristmasmoose> Warthrop: Thank you. Welcome aboard
<Kaktusuelo> huh
- Kaktusuelo shrug
<Warthrop> Im spending my winter break catching up on reading up on some reading.
<TinselGears> Kaktusuelo: ?
- You are now known as kaktus
- sets mode +r kaktus
<DreamingofaWhiteChristmas> scp-113
<Alexandra> DreamingofaWhiteChristmas: SCP-113 (The Gender-Switcher, Written by Lt Masipag, Rating:+106) -
<Warthrop> Well that was redundant…
<TheeSnowAngels> Indeed it was.
<TheeSnowAngels> Did you mean reading SCP's?
<TheeSnowAngels> Or fiction?
<Warthrop> Mhm, among other things.
<DreamingofaWhiteChristmas> scp-000
<Reese_Sparrow> i agree with that, i love the character avatar trope, but i wouldn't dare put it in one of the submissions i would want to put up because i know it would get shot down just for the hint of a character avatar
<TheeSnowAngels> Ah.
<Alexandra> DreamingofaWhiteChristmas: SCP-000 (Rating:+196, Written by CryogenChaos) -
- Oozenog is now known as GrinchOoze
<thechristmasmoose> Djoric / Randomini — in other words, I want to be clear I am absolutely not saying either of you have created any sort of problem
<Randomini> awww man
<thechristmasmoose> It's merely a problem in our site culture, which we've always had to some extent or another
<Randomini> I have failed
- Randomini seppukus
<thechristmasmoose> hahahaah :P
<Djoric> moose: I don't believe you
<TheeSnowAngels> .def seppukus
<Alexandra> TheeSnowAngels: No results for seppukus
<thechristmasmoose> About what?
<TheeSnowAngels> I knew it.
<DreamingofaWhiteChristmas> there are good inserts and bad inserts, it all depends on how they fit to the narative
<Warthrop> I've never read Alice in Wonderland and a friend recommended that some Im reading it now. I also intend to start Kindred and some other books.
<thechristmasmoose> Djoric: Huh? That's a … weird as fuck thing to say.
- Thegoose (moc.rr.ser.xt.6B7A71DF-CRInys|tibbiM#moc.rr.ser.xt.6B7A71DF-CRInys|tibbiM) has joined #site19
<TheeSnowAngels> May I suggest a book called TAMAR?
<TheeSnowAngels> .g Tamar book
<Alexandra> TheeSnowAngels: — Tamar (novel) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: "Tamar is a young-adult novel by Mal Peet, published by Walker Books in 2005. Within a 1995 frame story, where a 15-year-old girl inherits papers and other …"
<Warthrop> Sure, any book suggestions are welcome.
<Djoric> Moose: essentially, whenever this comes up, your delivery always makes me think you're doing a little subtle passive-aggressive "oh don't listen to them"
- TheeSnowAngels smiles
<Reese_Sparrow> i'd say that in general avatars are viewed with a negative bias, and unless they have extremely well drawn out character flaws and a less tan flawless execution they are labeled "mary sue" and shot down
<Djoric> and I'm a paranoid bastard who digs his heels in at the first sign of trouble
<kaktus> Thegoose, seriously
<kaktus> I can see you every time you come in
<Djoric> so I cause a lot of my own problems
<kaktus> You're not hiding from me
<thechristmasmoose> Djoric: :/ I apologize. I don't mean to do that, unless you actually /are/ telling people that they can't/shouldn't do X thing you don't like, which I haven't really seen you do much recently except as a joke
<kaktus> So I need to know your age.
<Djoric> this I grant you
<thechristmasmoose> and we all joke :P
<thechristmasmoose> I mean, I say the same shit when I'm being flippant
<TinselGears> Reese_Sparrow: Are we talking in skips or in tales or in both
<kaktus> Thegoose, if you don't answer now I'm going to issue you a ban from this room
<kaktus> for refusing to cooperate.
<Reese_Sparrow> both, in general, now it isn't /always/ true
<Reese_Sparrow> also hai gears
<TinselGears> hai~
- Randomini applauds kaktus' proactivity
<Reese_Sparrow> been a while
- kaktus shrugs
<TinselGears> Cuz yea I can list like 5 AAs off the top of my head, that have occurred recently
<TheeSnowAngels> kaktus, may I explain to goose?
<thechristmasmoose> TheeSnowAngels: No
<kaktus> TheeSnowAngels, it's been explained.
<Thegoose> Yes
<kaktus> Theyre not responding.
<kaktus> Thegoose, you have one minute
<kaktus> Please give me your age.
<thechristmasmoose> TinselGears: Yeah, there's been a slight shift in attitude
<Thegoose> But first of all why
<kaktus> It is a rule
<TinselGears> thechristmasmoose: which is goooood
<kaktus> I am a chatop
<Thegoose> Is it necessary
<kaktus> you are required to answer me.
<TinselGears> They're fun
<kaktus> Yes.
<kaktus> It's a very simple question.
<Djoric> Moose: eh. You can say it, but end of the day, there are days when I sit back and I'm like "welp, this is where moose wants to take the site. Time to pack my bags before I am shamed-lectured into acquiescence from the prophet atop his high horse"
<TinselGears> Though names are often an obstacle, because people are stubborn on both fronts
<kaktus> If you had read our chat guide, you would know.
- Hexsuelo has quit (Quit: Leaving.)
<kaktus> Thirty seconds.
<Thegoose> Twenty five
<kaktus> Please do not make me do this :)
<kaktus> Bullshit.
<thechristmasmoose> Alright
<thechristmasmoose> Banned, bro
<kaktus> You're not twenty-five
<thechristmasmoose> Appeal in #site17 if you want
- thechristmasmoose sets ban on *!*
- thechristmasmoose has kicked Thegoose from #site19 (sayanora)