->| datguy (ten.mnigriv.elbac.A89397DE-CRInys|tibbiM#ten.mnigriv.elbac.A89397DE-CRInys|tibbiM) has joined #site19
Silbereindeer .sea body farm
Alexandra Silbereindeer: The Body Farm(SCP-792, Rating:105) - http://www.scp-wiki.net/scp-792
Tagliafierro Ew
Tagliafierro That picture is so gross
=-= kaktus is now known as KaktKringle
datguy is there one for the rake?
Djoric no
Djoric we make up our own shit
datguy whay
KaktKringle Wtf is a rake
Djoric we don't use stuff from the outside
Djoric because it's cheap and lazy
KaktKringle That's a silly name
Djoric and a writing community generally has to live off its creativity
KaktKringle You mean like for leaves?
KaktKringle I rake my yard in the fall
Tagliafierro Aw
Djoric so so, we have no place for re-telling shitty creepypasta
datguy but theres one for slender man
KaktKringle It's not anomalous
Nahohohoro Datguy you do know the concept of "plagiarism", don't you?
->| Cranium[Away] (~ten.CCC7CDCD-CRInys|rruDrruH#ten.CCC7CDCD-CRInys|rruDrruH) has joined #site19
Jabonicus You are a silly name.
KaktKringle No there isnt
Tagliafierro For a second I thught you were Kate
KaktKringle Jabonicus: fite me
Nahohohoro .def plagiarism
Alexandra Nahohohoro: plagiarism: noun: 1. The act of plagiarizing: the copying of another person's ideas, text or other creative work, and presenting it as one's own, especially without permission. 2. Text or other work resulting from this act.
datguy yes there is
Jabonicus KaktKringle: Put up your dukes.
Nahohohoro ^ In case you did not.
KaktKringle datguy: no there is not
KaktKringle We do not have slenderman
KaktKringle We have something similar
Nahohohoro … Katk-…
KaktKringle !scp-096
Alexandra KaktKringle: SCP-096 (The "Shy Guy", Written by Dr Dan, Rating:+498) - http://scp-wiki.net/scp-096
Nahohohoro Kaktus?
KaktKringle But not slenderman
=-= Jabonicus is now known as Jabonukkah
Nahohohoro That you or what?
Djoric KaktKringle: whatchu even talkin' bout
KaktKringle Nahohohoro: you betcha
Djoric he ain't speudo-slendy
Jabonukkah I'm part of the cool kids now.
Djoric SCP-582
Alexandra Djoric: SCP-582 (A Bundle of Stories, Written by Djoric, Rating:+174) - http://scp-wiki.net/scp-582
KaktKringle Djoric: oh right
Djoric this is the guy I re-wrote because everyone compared him to slendy
KaktKringle Womp womp
KaktKringle Regardless
—>| Bright_ (~ten.tsacmoc.im.1dsh.F8248537-CRInys|77tahCecI#ten.tsacmoc.im.1dsh.F8248537-CRInys|77tahCecI) has joined #site19
KaktKringle Modern day slendy isn't scary anymore
KaktKringle He was
bluesoul|work .tell rumetzen why have i never seen this before today http://zumic.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/12/Run-The-Jewels-A-Christmas-Fucking-Miracle.jpg
Alexandra bluesoul|work: I'll pass that along.
KaktKringle Then you internet types pulled him into the light of day
KaktKringle and now he's just another creepy pasta
Djoric it' goes whaump whaump / all da ladues and mens/ they know everything is better with a fish-eye lens!
|<- BrightClaus has left irc.synirc.net (Ping timeout)
Nahohohoro You misspelled ypur festive name, katkus
datguy yes there is its 582
Nahohohoro For /shame/.
Djoric datguy: he's not Slendy
Armstrong After failing to Photoshop a missle blueprint, i'm back.
Armstrong Eyy.
Nahohohoro scp-582
Alexandra Nahohohoro: SCP-582 (A Bundle of Stories, Written by Djoric, Rating:+174) - http://scp-wiki.net/scp-582
Nahohohoro … Err
Djoric he was initially inspired by Slendy
Nahohohoro I fail to see a slender person in this
datguy no he is slender man
Dr_Leonard Ech, Slender Man was pretty cool back in the day. Now he's become
Dr_Leonard shudders
Djoric datguy: he is not slenderman
Dr_Leonard Mainstream
Decibelle if the author says its not slender man
Djoric Word of Author
Decibelle its safe to say itsn ot slender man
Dr_Leonard Datguy Yeah, Djoric is the guy who wrote it
Dr_Leonard Word of God, brah
Jabonukkah datguy: An author knows what they wrote
Tagliafierro Then
datguy so u mein u riped it off
=-= KaktKringle is now known as JollyOldSaintKaktus
Djoric sigh
Tagliafierro What
JollyOldSaintKaktus datguy: enough
Djoric you are not the brightest, are you
Decibelle im sorry for you djoric
Tagliafierro What the fuck
JollyOldSaintKaktus Op order, stop talking about slenderman
JollyOldSaintKaktus I don't want to do this
JollyOldSaintKaktus But enough
datguy ill take that as a yes
=-= Bright_ is now known as Bright
=-= datguy was booted from #site19 by JollyOldSaintKaktus (I said enough)
=-= Mode #site19 +o Bright by ChanServ
Tagliafierro Anyway
Tagliafierro http://scpsandbox2.wikidot.com/escher-s-children
JollyOldSaintKaktus Moving on
=-= Bright is now known as SilentBrightHolyBright
Tagliafierro Should I post this bad boy?
Nahohohoro Guys
Nahohohoro We must sing
JollyOldSaintKaktus Silent bright
JollyOldSaintKaktus Holy bright
JollyOldSaintKaktus All is calm
Nahohohoro .y silent night holy night
Alexandra Nahohohoro: Silent Night, Holy Night Original Version - length 2m 49s - rated 4.82/5.0 (748) - 352 484 views - christiancampus on 2009.12.15 - http://youtube.com/watch?v=LFEoo1_tDq4
JollyOldSaintKaktus All is Dr light
Tagliafierro This is not
Tagliafierro Rights
Jabonukkah Is this really something we're doing now
JollyOldSaintKaktus Hehehehe
Nahohohoro Something something oraaaaangutaaaans
->| Vivax (rewsna.na.rof.gnitiaw.ydobon|gniklaT#rewsna.na.rof.gnitiaw.ydobon|gniklaT) has joined #site19
->| datguy1 (~ten.mnigriv.elbac.A89397DE-CRInys|tibbiM#ten.mnigriv.elbac.A89397DE-CRInys|tibbiM) has joined #site19
datguy1 oh and you have bigfoot
JollyOldSaintKaktus datguy1: yea
datguy1 fail
JollyOldSaintKaktus For a folklore contes
JollyOldSaintKaktus Listen
JollyOldSaintKaktus Are you going to be an ass all day?
datguy1 cam?
JollyOldSaintKaktus Or is this just temporary?
->| Smaugnolia (~moc.rr.ser.how.A4C07F9D-CRInys|tibbiM#moc.rr.ser.how.A4C07F9D-CRInys|tibbiM) has joined #site19
=-= JollyOldSaintKaktus is now known as kaktus
datguy1 still here
kaktus I'm aware
kaktus I asked a question.
Jingle_Bennings Possibly more tedious than watching paint dry in an underground room with no windows while Antiques roadshow is on the telly.
datguy1 u did
kaktus datguy1: how old are you?
datguy1 old enough to know your rong
Djoric > telling the author they're wrong
kaktus …
Djoric wow, you really enjoyed lit crit
kaktus datguy1: you need to tell me your age.
kaktus Now.
datguy1 no the author is lying
kaktus datguy1: alright. You're just trolling now
datguy1 ……yeah
kaktus K
kaktus I'm giving you a permaban
kaktus You can appeal later
Tagliafierro On #site17
=-= Mode #site19 +b *!*@synIRC-ED79398A.cable.virginm.net by kaktus
=-= datguy1 was booted from #site19 by kaktus (you can appeal in site 17)
Admitted to trolling.
kaktus is on his phone and couldn't log, so I'm doing it for him.
Giving bearhugs to the unsuspecting since 1872.