Incoherently believing that this shit is real, not answering age question truthfully, perma
02:27 * nickV001 joined #site19 PI.B7626753.D96C8DE3.4F9B7695|tibbiM#PI.B7626753.D96C8DE3.4F9B7695|tibbiM
02:27 Cimmerryan there's still a pretty good chance that spiderman is going to get integrated into the MCU so sony can get some of that big money
02:27 nickV001 hello?
02:27 theworstninja Wait
02:27 Cimmerryan Hello.
02:27 theworstninja Does this mean that Marvel and Star Wars will be in Kingdom Hearts now?
02:27 nickV001 yeah are you people with the SCP
02:27 Hexmastree theworstninja: did you mean, disney infinite?
02:27 Cimmerryan I mean, we're writers for the fictional SCP website, yeah.
02:27 Cimmerryan Some of us anyway.
02:27 lainpunk i wouldn't put it past them
02:27 theworstninja Hexmastree: No, I mean Kingdom Hearts
02:28 nickV001 oh well do you people know about the SCPS
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02:28 Hexmastree theworstninja: honestly i dont think so, i'm pretty sure infinite is where they're going to do their crossover stuff
02:28 Cimmerryan I do! I've even written a few.
02:28 theworstninja nickV001: Yes
02:28 * DrAung quit (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity) moc.duolccri.etaghgih.A49544BA-CRInys|09055diu#moc.duolccri.etaghgih.A49544BA-CRInys|09055diu
02:28 nickV001 173 specifically
02:28 theworstninja … yes
02:28 Cimmerryan That one is pretty badly written.
02:28 Cimmerryan But yeah
02:28 Cimmerryan we "know" about it.
02:28 lainpunk i think everyone knows that one
02:29 nickV001 does it actually do what the article sayd
02:29 * Vince joined #site19 ngathF.kcoR.ytr||
02:29 nickV001 says
02:29 theworstninja Hexmastree: Have you heard of Kingdom Hearts?
02:29 Cimmerryan It's not real.
02:29 lainpunk it's not real friend
02:29 Cimmerryan If that's what you're asking.
02:29 Cimmerryan A guy wrote that.
02:29 nickV001 I thought all of them are
02:29 theworstninja nickV001: How old are you?
02:29 Cimmerryan The image is a statue that's part of a japanese art exhibit.
02:29 lainpunk thank god they aren't tbh
02:29 nickV001 oh well is there a place for all scps
02:29 Cimmerryan chuckles
02:30 Cimmerryan All SCPs?
02:30 nickV001 yes
02:30 Hexmastree theworstninja: i own 1,2, bbs, the psp one.. the gba one… the ds one..
02:30 Cimmerryan I'm not sure what you're asking.
02:30 theworstninja nickV001: They're kept on separate sites, I think is the 'canon'?
02:30 Cimmerryan It's possible that the ops could better answer your questions.
02:30 Smapti I, for one, am disappointed that the Marvel/Disney buyout has not yet lead to a grudge match between
02:30 Smapti And
02:30 Hexmastree i've got remix laying around somewhere
02:30 theworstninja Hexmastree: So then you've heard of the series?
02:30 Vince Smapti: wait til KH3
02:30 nickV001 are any of them dangerous
02:30 nickV001 or harmful
02:30 Hexmastree theworstninja: …. owning the series is a bit after hearing about yes?
02:30 theworstninja nickV001: Look up SCP 682
02:30 Cimmerryan NickV001? you mean the stories?
02:31 lainpunk uh yeah
02:31 Tuomey nickV001: ok
02:31 theworstninja Hexmastree: My second question was a joke
02:31 Hexmastree :|
02:31 Hexmastree anyways
02:31 Tuomey nickV001: so are you aware that the SCP Foundation is fictional?
02:31 nickV001 no like in person can they hurt you
02:31 theworstninja Hexmastree: But you get what I mean, Star Wars and Marvel are fair game, now
02:31 Tuomey nickV001: they're not real
02:31 Hexmastree KH is a disney/squaresoft crossover
02:31 Hexmastree but its been pretty strictly just that
02:31 Tuomey nickV001: I'm gonna need you to tell me your age please
02:31 lainpunk i mean hypothetically they could very well kill you
02:31 lainpunk at least some
02:31 theworstninja Hexmastree: But now Marvel and Star Wars are owned by Disney
02:32 Hexmastree ownedby
02:32 Tuomey lainpunk: I'm dealing with it
02:32 Hexmastree but
02:32 nickV001 no I thought it was real
02:32 lainpunk tuomey sorry
02:32 Hexmastree everything in kh up untill now has been disney original
02:32 Djoric It's Kingdom hearts
02:32 Hexmastree even pirates
02:32 Smapti So in theory, Disney can do whatever the hell they want to with the Star Wars and Marvel properties.
02:32 Tuomey nickV001: Well, it isn't. Also, please state your age.
02:32 Djoric tey are not going to do anything interesting or neat with it
02:32 Smapti They can have Darth Vader vs. Captain America.
02:32 Punch That doesn't mean the contract in place says Square can use them.
02:32 theworstninja Hexmastree: Well, we at least know Frozen will be in the next game
02:32 nickV001 i just found about them
02:32 Hexmastree Frozen is disney original
02:32 Tuomey nickV001: Your age, please
02:32 theworstninja Exactly
02:32 theworstninja And super mega money making
02:33 nickV001 why
02:33 Hexmastree but punch has it, its square enix making the games
02:33 theworstninja nickV001: He is a mod
02:33 Hexmastree not disney
02:33 nickV001 18
02:33 Smapti Well, technically, Frozen is a Hans Christian Andersen original.
02:33 Tuomey Bullshit
02:33 Djoric theworstninja: only counts if I can kill all of them
02:33 Smapti But it's public domain, and therefore free for the taking.
02:33 Tuomey an 18 year old knows that this is fiction
02:33 nickV001 why do you say that
02:33 lainpunk Smapti so is the little mermaid
02:33 Tuomey Especially after being told multiple times
02:33 theworstninja Smapti: Well TECHNICALLY you are HANDSOME
02:33 nickV001 all of it is
02:33 Tuomey nickV001: your real age, please
02:33 nickV001 ?
02:33 Hexmastree well like the little mermaid disney changed the story quite a bit
02:33 nickV001 32
02:33 Tuomey Ok
02:33 theworstninja wtf
02:34 Tuomey You're banned
02:34 —- Tuomey has banned *!*@5967B9F4.3ED8C69D.3576267B.IP
02:34 Punch They needed to so they could copyright their version.
02:34 Hexmastree Tuomey: sometimes i imagine you have Mr popos voice
02:34 Vince Hexmastree: guys behind KH said SW and marvel are on the table
02:34 *** nickV001 was kicked by Tuomey (You may appeal in #site17 but I do not expect many people to be there)