Kaktus was the op-of-record during the critical points, so I'm going to make him come in later and format everything, because I'm doing shit. Pretty straightforward impersonation troll.
- TheVolgun (ten.nozirev.soif.ynmcyn.EA9828BF-CRInys|tibbiM#ten.nozirev.soif.ynmcyn.EA9828BF-CRInys|tibbiM) has joined #site19
<Eskobear> tiam: It's discouraged.
<TheVolgun> hello
<Cimmerian> I'd probably still play CB if the 1.0 update didn't break it for me
<Bennings> Hai
<Eskobear> Collapsed drafts are the lesser evil
<Eskobear> hey, thevolgun
<Eskobear> how goes things in youtubesville
<zamp125> also how do I change my nickname?
<Cimmerian> oh
<Cimmerian> haha
<Cimmerian> it's that guy
<Amuness> Dmatix I have a question: Why did you ask the Minecraft SCP creator to take out 1440
<Tiam_Kara> k
<Bennings> /nick newnick
- themanofum (~ten.tsacmoc.ac.1dsh.5BC2421E-CRInys|ufonameht#ten.tsacmoc.ac.1dsh.5BC2421E-CRInys|ufonameht) has joined #site19
<TheVolgun> hmm what should i do a voice over for next?
<Cimmerian> TheVolgun: Big fan of your work, you're quite a gifted voice actor.
<Amuness> TheVolgun What audio effect do you use for 049's voice? Please tell me.
<thedeadlymoose> TheVolgun: you /are/ the actual Volgun yes
<Dmatix> Because I asked them to. I thought it didn't really fit the game thematically.
<thedeadlymoose> which I ask because we get a lot of random lol imposters
<Dmatix> They were kind enough to oblige.
- zamp125 is now known as jackuelar
<Amuness> thedeadlymoose Why did you not like mah channel? :|
<Dr_Kens> oh hey TheVolgun.
<Dmatix> I enjoyed your work on my tale, TheVolgun. Appreciated the Stanly Parable angle you put on it.
<Dr_Kens> /r/scp mod here.
<Dr_Kens> Nice work. :D
- Dr_Leonard (PI.EEE73872.B52ACECA.77B8B674|tibbiM#PI.EEE73872.B52ACECA.77B8B674|tibbiM) has joined #site19
- themanofum (~ten.tsacmoc.ac.1dsh.5BC2421E-CRInys|ufonameht#ten.tsacmoc.ac.1dsh.5BC2421E-CRInys|ufonameht) has left #site19
<Dmatix> Fitted it quite nicely, and I liked that game a fair deal.
<Scantron> Amuness: i don't care one way or another about containment breach honestly
<Scantron> Dr_Kens: speaking of /r/SCP, can I get a "loves freedom" flair?
<Amuness> Scantron Suit your self
<thedeadlymoose> Amuness: what are you even talking about
<thedeadlymoose> you have a channel?
<Amuness> Remember you checked out my channel and thought I was underaged?
<Amuness> And I do
- Cimmerian has like 5 channels
<Dr_Kens> Scantron: I can do "fartface"
<Dr_Kens> (But seriously, sure.)
<Cimmerian> only one of which is devoted to SCP things
<Scantron> (thanks m8)
- Tiam_Kara has 1,000,000 yotube channels
- Bouncl (ecnuoB.ecnuoB.ecnuoB|lcnuoB#ecnuoB.ecnuoB.ecnuoB|lcnuoB) has joined #site19
- ChanServ gives channel operator status to Bouncl
- Scantron has 69,420 channels
<thedeadlymoose> Amuness: I don't remember anything about that
<Dr_Kens> Scantron: What was your username again?
<Cimmerian> pretty sure youc an create an arbitrarily high number of youtube channels ;)
- JamJam66 has -42 channels
<Cimmerian> *can
<Scantron> Dr_Kens: Greenmethods
<thedeadlymoose> Amuness: I do remember your terrible shitposting, since you're going to ask me these sorts of questions in public chat. ;)
<thedeadlymoose> However, I am very forgiving
<thedeadlymoose> so no more shitposting = you're cool in my book
<kaktus> TheVolgun: do you have a Twitter?
<Cimmerian> He never forgets though, so that's a thing.
<Amuness> Remember on 05 command about my shit post?
<Dmatix> Moose is nothing if not magnanimous.
<kaktus> Amuness: yes. We never forget
- Relux (~ed.pi-enofadov.sloop.88650FE1-CRInys|tibbiM#ed.pi-enofadov.sloop.88650FE1-CRInys|tibbiM) has joined #site19
- Gaffsey (~ten.labolgcbs.nislpi.deepsthgil.12995486-CRInys|renwO#ten.labolgcbs.nislpi.deepsthgil.12995486-CRInys|renwO) has joined #site19
<Tiam_Kara> what's a good clinical way to say "Testing of SCP-XXXX is on hiatus"
<Cimmerian> hell
<Cimmerian> even I've seen that 05 post
<thedeadlymoose> Amuness: are you saying you really /want/ me to go specially look up the details of your prior errors that everyone wants to forget about :P
<Cimmerian> and I'm not even staff
<ProcyonLotor> That's why we have 05
<Hexi|Aspire> my 05 reads, hexi is a huge buttmunch
<ProcyonLotor> Remembering stuff, not tormemting folks about their past errors
<Amuness> thedeadlymoose No. I'm just wondering why you thought I was underaged for the stuff I put on my channel.
<thedeadlymoose> uh
<Hexi|Aspire> ;.; its 100% true, i am a buttmunch D:
<thedeadlymoose> I don't remember anything about that
- Cimmerian periodically does a search for himself on there, only comes up in chat logs about other things and people
<Amuness> Well…
<Amuness> I just want to clear something
- lurk|work has quit (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client)
<thedeadlymoose> Amuness: why don't you ask further awkward questions in #site17
<Amuness> I am a Youtube Pooper
- ajodihs has quit (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client)
<thedeadlymoose> okeydokey
<Amuness> And yes sounds immature I know
<thedeadlymoose> Alright
<thedeadlymoose> Op order
<thedeadlymoose> Take this conversation to 17 or have it not at all. ;)
<Amuness> But, YTP is a form of adult humor. In some way…
<thedeadlymoose> Please feel free to continue to discuss literally anything except this topic :)
<Amuness> Alright ok ;-;
<Amuness> Sorry
<Hexi|Aspire> i choose to discuss how delicious moose is
<Cimmerian> …anything?
<thedeadlymoose> f u hexi
- Cimmerian waggles his eyebrows
<Hexi|Aspire> <3
<thedeadlymoose> f u
<ProcyonLotor> Hexi is da bes
<thedeadlymoose> *wors
<ProcyonLotor> Besides raccoons of course
<Amuness> 2spookey4me
<Hexi|Aspire> raccoons are vermin
<Cimmerian> I've never had moose before
<Cimmerian> is it tasty?
<Amuness> I have a good SCP idea
- Dr_Leonard has quit (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client)
<thedeadlymoose> Cimmerian: it's /deadly/ >:|
<thedeadlymoose> Amuness: oh?
<Hexi|Aspire> its like beef sort of, but more succulent and sweet, with an earthy taste
<Cimmerian> it sounds tasty
<Cimmerian> ok
<Cimmerian> now it sounds less tasty
<JamJam66> I love mousse!
<Amuness> Basically, It's an SCP on our chat!
<Hexi|Aspire> Cimmerian: have you had deer?
<Amuness> A person crying for help
<Amuness> For whatever reason
<Cimmerian> I have. It's terrible.
<TheVolgun> i seriously got no idea what to do next need suggestions guys
<Hexi|Aspire> :C
<Hexi|Aspire> hoshit its TheVolgun
<SoundChaser> TheVolgun: Israfil?
<Cimmerian> TheVolgun: http://www.scp-wiki.net/the-art-of-coping-with-anomalies-in-the-gulf-region
<Alexandra> Cimmerian: The Art of Coping with Anomalies in the Gulf Region (Rating:+26, Written by Doctor Cimmerian) - http://scp-wiki.net/the-art-of-coping-with-anomalies-in-the-gulf-region
<MrRonin> whoa whoa hold the horses
<AndarielHalo> TheVolgun I don't know who you are, but do SCP-1692
<kaktus> TheVolgun: I don't believe you are who you're claiming to be
<MrRonin> For real?
<SoundChaser> Also your youtube channel is amazing
<Bennings> Right?
<Cimmerian> that's pretty much made to be voice acted
<kaktus> TheVolgun: do you have a Twitter account?
<TLs> TheVolgun: what do you do
<Cimmerian> albeit
<Amuness> So, my SCP idea might be one I can give to the next person…
<TheVolgun> yes i do have twitter
<Cimmerian> Kaktus is likely correct at this point, given the behavior so far… so maybe I'll stop talking to the dude
<MrRonin> .y gust of wind
<Alexandra> MrRonin: Pharrell Williams - Gust of Wind - length 4m 59s - rated 4.86/5.0 (44208) - 4 796 712 views - pharrellwilliamsvevo on 2014.10.07 - http://youtube.com/watch?v=VWSRtPTmRr4
<SoundChaser> .tale israfil
<Alexandra> SoundChaser: Israfil (Rating:+60, Written by FortuneFavorsBold) - http://scp-wiki.net/israfil
<TheVolgun> @zenithstrife
<Amuness> Anyways, i'll be playing tf2 with 1645's creator and such. Good bye people I'm out!
<Bennings> Bye
- Amuness has quit (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client)
<Aporia> Toodle loo, gent.
<Cimmerian> so at some point
<kaktus> TheVolgun: can you post on it, please?
<Cimmerian> I had something working on my browser that turned off ads on youtube
<kaktus> To verify your identity
<Bennings> Forgive me for being cynical, but listing your friend's name as "The creator of XXXX" makes me dubious he actually is his friend.
- Cimmerian isn't sure how or why, but he's glad it's off now
<kaktus> Also, TheVolgun which staff member have you been interacting with?
<kaktus> Please respond, or I'll remove you for impersonation
<TheVolgun> https://twitter.com/zenithstrife
<Tagliafierro> Wait
<kaktus> No, I need you to post that you're in this channel
<kaktus> something new
- Dr_Leonard (PI.EEE73872.B52ACECA.77B8B674|tibbiM#PI.EEE73872.B52ACECA.77B8B674|tibbiM) has joined #site19
<Tagliafierro> TheVolgun does have an accounr
<Tagliafierro> t
<thedeadlymoose> TheVolgun: assuming you are the real TheVolgun, we apologize, but we have had about a million different famous youtube impersonators
<TheVolgun> ah whatever screw this im out
<kaktus> lol
- TheVolgun has quit (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client)
<thedeadlymoose> …lol
<Bennings> Hai Dr_Leonard
<thedeadlymoose> hahahahahahaha
<kaktus> thedeadlymoose: can you ban him please?
<MrRonin> Heya Dr_Leonard
<thedeadlymoose> kaktus: SSSC
<TLs> wtf just happened
<MrRonin> TheVolgun
<MrRonin> He … was a phony? :|
<Cimmerian> I wish I knew the point of that.
<Bennings> What a shock
<Cimmerian> There's no tangible gain other than to waste folk's time, and such.
<Cimmerian> and TheVolgun isn't even that famous outside of the SCP community, so like… why, even?
<Hexi|Aspire> mm well in my experiance, the person behind the impersonation wants to be popular
<kaktus> Attention.
<TLs> now I want to know who the volgun is
<Cimmerian> sure
<TLs> like, on youtub
<Decibelle> he does readings of various tales
<MrRonin> .y TheVolgun
<Alexandra> MrRonin: crunch - length 3m 42s - rated 4.96/5.0 (754) - 41 337 views - thevolgun on 2013.02.09 - http://youtube.com/watch?v=SNoQZ9rTVvQ
<MrRonin> eh close enuff
<Cimmerian> like when Landis came around I was skeptical, cause celebrity impersonation is pretty common
<Cimmerian> but that was just pointless
<TLs> does he just do dramatic readings of articles and tales?
<Hexi|Aspire> thats it
<Hexi|Aspire> thats all he is
<TLs> oh
<TLs> okay
<Cimmerian> speaking of
<Cimmerian> check out my work in that field
<Cimmerian> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f4Eg5ARAw44
<Alexandra> Cimmerian: SCP-1342: To The Makers of Music - length 3m 6s - rated 5.00/5.0 (4) - 70 views - BpB3L3MKYF0LJzpKieO8tQ on 2014.09.22
- Decibelle has quit (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client)
- Cimmerian makes things about him
- Decibelle (PI.4A68CCE2.3225ACC7.049B1494|tibbiM#PI.4A68CCE2.3225ACC7.049B1494|tibbiM) has joined #site19
- Hiimgosu (ten.nozirev.soif.ynmcyn.EA9828BF-CRInys|tibbiM#ten.nozirev.soif.ynmcyn.EA9828BF-CRInys|tibbiM) has joined #site19
<TLs> ohhh, I think I've seen this guy before
<Hiimgosu> hi guys
- Dr_Leonard has quit (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client)
<JamJam66> Hai
<TLs> I know someone who could do a better 682 voice without needing to vocode it
<Hiimgosu> question is thsi stuff real?
<Cimmerian> It is not.
<JamJam66> Nope. All fake
<jackuelar> no its not
<JamJam66> Written for fun
<Cimmerian> Here you'll find various people who wrote this stuff, and we made it all up.
<kaktus> Hiimgosu: you were just here
<Aporia> It's a creative writing project, nothing more.
<kaktus> As thevolgun
<kaktus> Why did you impersonate him?
<Hexi|Aspire> TLs: i'm thinking the guy who did graveminds voice from halo
<kaktus> Better question, how old are you?
<kaktus> Hiimgosu: and don't try and bullshit me, homie. I can see your IP.
<kaktus> :D
<Hexi|Aspire> snerk
<Bennings> What… if thevolgun…impersonated HIM?
<kaktus> Lol
<kaktus> No
<kaktus> Hiimgosu: gonna need an answer posthaste
<Aporia> Conspiracies abound.
<JamJam66> Volgunception
<kaktus> Guys
- lurkd (PI.D70B510C.CD527FFC.BA07CB2D|tibbiM#PI.D70B510C.CD527FFC.BA07CB2D|tibbiM) has joined #site19
<kaktus> Please.
<kaktus> Ok, so
<lurkd> hallo
<Bennings> Alright, sorry
<JamJam66> Sorry kaktus.
<kaktus> Hiimgosu: you're apparently also impersonating another popular YouTuber
<kaktus> So I'm going to ban you for trolling.
<kaktus> Don't understand the point here but whatever
- Dr_Kens has quit (Quit: Now is the time for celebration, for the dancing lobsters have returned.)
<kaktus> Eskobear: can you do this?
<kaktus> I'm on mobile
<Eskobear> oh, jesus
<kaktus> Love u bb
<ProcyonLotor> U da bes eskun
- Eskobear sets ban on *!*@synIRC-FB8289AE.nycmny.fios.verizon.net
<Dmatix> Boo kaktus! Boo this man!
- Eskobear has kicked Hiimgosu from #site19 (Appeal in 17 if you like.)
<kaktus> Hahahaha
<Eskobear> er
<Hexi|Aspire> cute
<Eskobear> that was unclear without context
<kaktus> Thanks bb
<Hexi|Aspire> why would he impersonate a lol player
<Eskobear> dammit kaktus, don't threaten to shoot a man and then ask your friend to please please shoot a man
<ProcyonLotor> They'll see it when they hit the wall
<kaktus> Eskobear: I forgot how Shit this client is at bans
- JamJam (~PI.61547AF5.62D8CB73.C35E643|66maJmaJ#PI.61547AF5.62D8CB73.C35E643|66maJmaJ) has joined #site19
<kaktus> I tried to and it didn't work
<kaktus> :(