- ShRrOoMz (ten.labolgcbs.rakrtl.deepsthgil.B66AE073-CRInys|tibbiM#ten.labolgcbs.rakrtl.deepsthgil.B66AE073-CRInys|tibbiM) has joined
<ShRrOoMz> all i want for christmas is a big booty hoe
<DevFox> Conwell: Sorry to be an ass about it, but I don't think "thirty's" is an acceptable spelling of "thirties." If I'm wrong feel free to call me an ass.
<MrRonin> ShRrOoMz I admire you already
- Sax has kicked ShRrOoMz from #site19 (Sax)
<Conwell> DevFox: You're not an ass. Herp derp I can't into typing on this one apparently.
- ShRrOoMz (ten.labolgcbs.rakrtl.deepsthgil.B66AE073-CRInys|tibbiM#ten.labolgcbs.rakrtl.deepsthgil.B66AE073-CRInys|tibbiM) has joined
<ShRrOoMz> awh. im a sad panda now
<Sax> ShRrOoMz
<Sax> How old are you?
<ShRrOoMz> 24 next month. and i enjoy cultural irony
<ShRrOoMz> forgive me
<Sax> Cultural irony is tasteful at times.
<Hexi|Aspire> is that what it is called.
<Sax> However, barging into foreign territory spewing that will probably get you banned.
<ShRrOoMz> speaking of tasteful i made some kickass chilie colorado burritos tonight
- agente has quit (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client)
<ShRrOoMz> apologies
<DevFox> Sorry, it's a compulsion. When I see grammar errors I black out and when I wake up I've complained about it to the person responsible :p
<Conwell> Nah. You're good
<TheGameFreak> I was gonna write an SCP that makes people's anuses bleed while others cheer and laugh for no reason, until I realized that bleeding anuses wasn't really an anomaly.
<ShRrOoMz> would a poly dimensional squid capable of reinarnating subject it captures infinitly be a terrible scp>
- DrYucatan (~ten.enilnotpo.nyd.412FD5D4-CRInys|natacuYrD#ten.enilnotpo.nyd.412FD5D4-CRInys|natacuYrD) has joined
<Athena_Grey> well
<MrRonin> .y abraxi 3.0
<Alexandra> MrRonin: Nexaka - Abraxi 3.0 (Rainbow and Rooted) - length 4m 6s - rated 5.00/5.0 (57) - 1 273 views - thenexaka on 2013.06.08 - http://youtube.com/watch?v=JlNsTuHF5cc
<DevFox> Conwell: I like this tale. Thumbs up.
<Athena_Grey> .s the old man
<Alexandra> Athena_Grey: The Old Man(SCP-106, Rating:483), The Old Man from Nowhere(SCP-1440, Rating:358)
<Conwell> Huzzah!
<Hexi|Aspire> no but we do already have a polydimensional squid
<TheGameFreak> Anal bleeding is actually caused by hemorrhoids.
<Athena_Grey> ShRrOoMz we have SCP-106, which is already a
<DreadLindwyrm> Or tears.
<DevFox> I like how SCP opens opportunities for writers like Conwell and Djoric to really work outside the box.
**<ShRrOoMz> *table commences flipping* **
<Athena_Grey> sadistic predator who has total control of his pocket dimension
<DevFox> It's an interesting way to tell a story.
- gum|logging is now known as gumbal1
<DreadLindwyrm> Or ulceration of the rectum.
<DevFox> ewwww
<DreadLindwyrm> Sorry. I'll stop.
<Athena_Grey> which includes fudging the physics so that the victim will continue on living for longer than possible
<Athena_Grey> so it can continue torturing them
**<ShRrOoMz> imagine an scp that switchs your cells in your anus with tastebuds **
<MrRonin> Is it possible to write something like SCP-106 and have it survive? (In the sense that you write an eldritch abomination straight)
<kaktus> ShRrOoMz, you gonna do this all night?
<kaktus> Cause that really isn't funny.
<DreadLindwyrm> ShRrOoMz: I've got bad news for you. You already have tastebuds there.
<DevFox> ShRrOoMz: It wouldn't work anyway, because there are already tastebuds and smell receptors in most of your major internal organs. They're designed to sniff out toxins.
<ShRrOoMz> oh noe
<Sax> ShRrOoMz
<DevFox> Damn it, DreadLindwyrm, you beat me to it.
<ShRrOoMz> yes?
<Sax> This room doesn't allow for controlled substances.
- [ShRrOoMz] (ten.labolgcbs.rakrtl.deepsthgil.B66AE073-CRInys|tibbiM#ten.labolgcbs.rakrtl.deepsthgil.B66AE073-CRInys|tibbiM): http://www.mibbit.com
- [ShRrOoMz] #site19
- [ShRrOoMz] fluffypony.nl.eu.synirc.net :Ride the pony!
- [ShRrOoMz] idle 00:00:08, signon: Sun Dec 14 20:51:39
- [ShRrOoMz] End of WHOIS list.
- Sax sets ban on *!*@synIRC-370EA66B.lightspeed.ltrkar.sbcglobal.net
- Sax has kicked ShRrOoMz from #site19 (Courtesy of the DEA)