Funny story, gather round.
ISP came into chat, generally complaining that we had banner her fiance. After telling her several times that she couldn't talk about banned users in chat, she got shitty with me and blah blah blah. The fulls logs are a lot longer and contain general shittery, but the incident where thinks peaked is documented below.
- ISP (~moc.rr.ser.cs.194D8E7A-CRInys|tibbiM#moc.rr.ser.cs.194D8E7A-CRInys|tibbiM) has joined
<Tread> OK, just read kaktus's scip. Great stuff, upvoted, but though I get the title, it still seems unnecessary
<Metaphysician> Blood, feces, symbols carved everywhere…a secret door in the basement. The entire town is connected like a hive…
<BitVyper-Earth2> aaah, it's a buncha kakapos
<BitVyper-Earth2> in 1782's image, that is
<Thekillerax> Ayup
<ISP> *<Kactus>* Wow dude you are ridiculous I can see why my fiancé don't like you
- ISP has quit (Quit: ISP)
<Metaphysician> What I am working on.
<Thekillerax> *sigh*
- Cimmerian has quit (Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.91 [Firefox 33.1/20141106120505])
<Hexi|Aspire> awww the widdle kiddo is having a hissy fit
- ISP (moc.rr.ser.cs.194D8E7A-CRInys|tibbiM#moc.rr.ser.cs.194D8E7A-CRInys|tibbiM) has joined
<Hexi|Aspire> ISP: you could at least spell his name right :P
- wolfjob (~PI.5241FB9E.F232B274.AEA2D338|A#PI.5241FB9E.F232B274.AEA2D338|A) has joined
<BitVyper-Earth2> wait, what even about?
- Erit_Invictus (~PI.8BD0330D.78663E91.C57C496F|opiuqE#PI.8BD0330D.78663E91.C57C496F|opiuqE) has joined
<Tread> 1782 hit me really hard the first several times, but now I just find myself nodding and going "…yeah" occasionally
<BitVyper-Earth2> I mean if someone's having a fit, I'd like to at least be able to see the drama
<Bob_Esrock> So what's the deal with this illusion?
<BitVyper-Earth2> what's the point otherwise
<kaktus> Tread, there are a couple of reasons for it.
- ISP has quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
<kaktus> whoa ISP pinged me
<kaktus> but not really.
<kaktus> anyway
<Thekillerax> Tread: still scares me after plenty of re reads :p
<Metaphysician> I got a genius loci feel from it, like the Fall of the House of Usher; not sure if that was intentional or not
<BitVyper-Earth2> basically schizophrenia messes with connections in your perception in such a way that those afflicted with it generally don't see the hollow face illusion
<Metaphysician> But I did upvote.
- ISP (moc.rr.ser.cs.194D8E7A-CRInys|tibbiM#moc.rr.ser.cs.194D8E7A-CRInys|tibbiM) has joined
- Joreth has quit (Ping timeout)
<Hexi|Aspire> he's not gonna stop kaktus
<BitVyper-Earth2> that was at Bob
<kaktus> ISP I agree that I am ridiculous.
<kaktus> I've made a life out of it!
<Hexi|Aspire> the moustache and sombrero really are too mcuh kaktus
- ISP has quit (Quit: ISP)
<Bob_Esrock> Ah. I got it now. That's pretty cool.
<Metaphysician> Truly, truly outrageous.
<kaktus> Hexi|Aspire, see? I'll never be as fab as you.
<Cristobal> I find it interesting that in at least one confirmed scenario, schizophrenics beat us sane people at grasping reality.
<BitVyper-Earth2> the music's contagious?
- ISP (~moc.rr.ser.cs.194D8E7A-CRInys|tibbiM#moc.rr.ser.cs.194D8E7A-CRInys|tibbiM) has joined
<Hexi|Aspire> kaktus: well… you could, but changing sexual preferance isnt a choice sadly
<Hexi|Aspire> ooooooooooooooh
<Bob_Esrock> What's the deal with ISP…
<Cristobal> ^ Would've made myself gay a long time ago if I could
- Equipo__ has quit (Ping timeout)
<Hexi|Aspire> Bob_Esrock: he's having a temper tantrum
<Cristobal> :X
<Hexi|Aspire> :D
<kaktus> Hexi|Aspire, this is true
<ISP> Well if he'd spell it the right way we would not have that problem
<kaktus> the best I can hope for is-
<kaktus> ISP stop it.
<kaktus> You're just causing trouble now.
<kaktus> Enough.
<Hexi|Aspire> someone has never played mortal kombat
<BitVyper-Earth2> I envy them
<kaktus> Anyway
<Metaphysician> I was there, for the original:x
- Faminepulse (~PI.B0ACA73A.635215AC.0C3671FD|nhguaV#PI.B0ACA73A.635215AC.0C3671FD|nhguaV) has joined
<kaktus> Hexi|Aspire, the best I can hope for is to emulate you
<Faminepulse> dear diary
<Faminepulse> i accidentally flirted today
<Thekillerax> Yay it's FP
<Bob_Esrock> Alright, I'm as new as they come with IRC, so how does one do a message like that?
<Soulless> Faminepulse: do tell
<Hexi|Aspire> Faminepulse: GO OOOOOOOOOON~
- Dillinger_HereButEating is now known as Dillinger
<kaktus> Faminepulse, why would you do that.
<Tread> kaktus: I recommend that you change your name to Kakxtuzz, to accrue some cool points
<BitVyper-Earth2> what sort of message?
- Djoric has quit (Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.91 [Firefox 33.1/20141106120505])
<ISP> Bye then
<Hexi|Aspire> Bob_Esrock: if you mean name completion type a few letters of someones name and hit tab
- BitVyper-Earth2 does a message like that
<BitVyper-Earth2> that sort?
<kaktus> Tread, that's why I go by when I go back to my high school. You know, to impress the kids.
<Metaphysician> Oh, and starting to feel the twinge of ambien…
<Faminepulse> i try to avoid doing such things by principle of highly enjoying alone time
<Faminepulse> now im in a position where i have to pander to not seem like an ass
<Bob_Esrock> Like you just did, Hexi.
<Hexi|Aspire> yeah type hexi then press tab
<Hexi|Aspire> should fill in the rest and ping me :P
<kaktus> ISP bye!
<Thekillerax> Faminepulse: I just don't know how you accidentally flirt. Flirting is a very intentional thing to do :p
<Tread> my version of flirting is just getting to a mutual agreement about how awkward the whole situation is
<Dillinger> Nah.
<Faminepulse> Oh, accidentally flirting is easy.
<Dillinger> Incidental flirting happens all the time.
<BitVyper-Earth2> nah, it's easy to be perceived as flirting when you don't mean to
<Bob_Esrock> Hexi stuff?
<BitVyper-Earth2> I do it all the time
<Silber> yeah, accidental flirting is easy
<BitVyper-Earth2> yeah
<Thekillerax> Oh, like that
<Dillinger> /Like with people you shouldn't be flirting with.//
<Silber> you just trip over your own words in a way that makes it look like you meant to
<Dillinger> gdi
- DrYucatan (~ten.enilnotpo.nyd.FBA3A58E-CRInys|natacuYrD#ten.enilnotpo.nyd.FBA3A58E-CRInys|natacuYrD) has joined
<Faminepulse> Long story short, I open the community locker for the bakery department
<Bob_Esrock> Don't think I did it right.
- BreadProduct (~PI.97CBAB76.92A79E2.A65D0FAD|alliztahc#PI.97CBAB76.92A79E2.A65D0FAD|alliztahc) has joined
<BitVyper-Earth2> coworkers used to accuse me of shamelessly flirting with every girl I worked with
<Faminepulse> /The Simulacra/ by Phillip K Dick falls out
- Athena_Grey has quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
<Faminepulse> girl comes by and picks it up
<Tread> one time, a dude who i had an unrequited crush on just walked up and gave me a 3-minute neck massage out of nowhere
- ISP has quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
<Dillinger> Bob_Esrock: Type in "famin", press your tab key.
- shellshocked has quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
<Faminepulse> "Oh now?" Look to the side
<Dillinger> See the magic!
<Faminepulse> >lowers head, smiles
- Faminepulse fuckfuckfuck
<Thekillerax> Tread: just out of the blue?
<Bob_Esrock> Ah, I see now. Thanks.
<Tread> Thekillerax: yeah, he didn't even say anything
- Dillinger is magic at re-explaining things. Behold his power.
- S049 (moc.rr.ser.cs.194D8E7A-CRInys|tibbiM#moc.rr.ser.cs.194D8E7A-CRInys|tibbiM) has joined
<Faminepulse> >asks to have break with me
<Faminepulse> >panic
<Cristobal> I can feel that >.<
- [ISP] (~moc.rr.ser.cs.194D8E7A-CRInys|tibbiM#moc.rr.ser.cs.194D8E7A-CRInys|tibbiM):
- [ISP] :Mon Nov 24 05:45:08 2014
- [ISP] (moc.rr.ser.cs.194D8E7A-CRInys|tibbiM#moc.rr.ser.cs.194D8E7A-CRInys|tibbiM):
- [ISP] :Mon Nov 24 05:40:03 2014
- [ISP] (moc.rr.ser.cs.194D8E7A-CRInys|tibbiM#moc.rr.ser.cs.194D8E7A-CRInys|tibbiM):
- [ISP] :Mon Nov 24 05:39:03 2014
- [ISP] (~moc.rr.ser.cs.194D8E7A-CRInys|tibbiM#moc.rr.ser.cs.194D8E7A-CRInys|tibbiM):
- [ISP] :Mon Nov 24 05:37:33 2014
- [ISP] (moc.rr.ser.cs.194D8E7A-CRInys|tibbiM#moc.rr.ser.cs.194D8E7A-CRInys|tibbiM):
- [ISP] :Mon Nov 24 05:36:07 2014
- [ISP] (moc.rr.ser.cs.194D8E7A-CRInys|tibbiM#moc.rr.ser.cs.194D8E7A-CRInys|tibbiM):
- [ISP] :Mon Nov 24 05:33:15 2014
- [ISP] (moc.rr.ser.cs.194D8E7A-CRInys|tibbiM#moc.rr.ser.cs.194D8E7A-CRInys|tibbiM):
- [ISP] :Mon Nov 24 04:24:50 2014
- [ISP] (moc.rr.ser.cs.194D8E7A-CRInys|tibbiM#moc.rr.ser.cs.194D8E7A-CRInys|tibbiM):
- [ISP] :Mon Nov 24 04:19:31 2014
- ISP :End of WHOWAS
<Soulless> Faminepulse: Gratzzz
<kaktus> S049, I know that you're ISP.
<kaktus> You can't hide your hostname.
<kaktus> Why did you change your nick?
<Faminepulse> Soulless, fuck no that shit gets in the way of quality me time
<Soulless> Faminepulse: lol oj
<Soulless> ok
- Thekillerax pat pats faminepulse
<Soulless> Also does anyone else like watching miso soup
<Soulless> like just watching it
<Thekillerax> .gis miso soup
<Alexandra> Thekillerax:
<Soulless> the clouds of miso in the water, slowly congealing, and then falling in waves to the bottom like fluffy clouds
<Faminepulse> i look at food sometimes
<Tread> Soulless: tofu or no tofu?
<Faminepulse> im looking at yellow rice
<Soulless> Tread: I add tofu in when I feels like it
<Hexi|Aspire> Soulless: you have a way with words
<Silber> Soulless: the tofu and leaves and clouds just drifting along after you stir?
<Silber> yeah
<Faminepulse> its like marshmallows
<Silber> when I have it
<S049> Remember me? You guys wanna mess with my girl you better watch your back. We will not be returning to this area you have been warned.
<Bob_Esrock> lol
<kaktus> S049, yeah, you sure won't
- kaktus sets ban on *!*
<Silber> Warned… not to have you return?
<Nusquam> hahahaha
<Silber> What?
- kaktus has kicked S049 from #site19 (Not gonna happen.)
Basically the killer is:
<S049> Remember me? You guys wanna mess with my girl you better watch your back. We will not be returning to this area you have been warned.
I'm not big on threats, so I'm gonna go ahead and log this as a perma. They can appeal, I guess, but I'm not holding my breath.