16:43 * budder_cactus joined #site19
16:43 Tagliafierro I don't really see you as a tsundere
16:43 Reach|Mobile terminates MrRonin with extreme prejudice.
16:43 Tagliafierro Since you don't hide your feelings and hit people
16:43 * tylerdp joined #site19
16:43 Tagliafierro Maybe a kuudere
16:43 kaktus …
16:43 Tagliafierro But not even that
16:43 budder_cactus why is scp-001 classified
16:43 kaktus eyes budder_cactus
16:43 kaktus it isn't
16:43 Reach|Mobile Tagliafierro: I just killed Ronin.
16:43 kaktus it's not real, budder_cactus
16:43 Tagliafierro Yandere then
16:44 budder_cactus it is i cheked
16:44 kaktus it isn't.
16:44 kaktus Trust me.
16:44 Tagliafierro We write this stuff
16:44 kaktus It's just a writing trick
16:44 Tuomey budder_cactus: you can scroll down the page and the links to the 001 articles are there
16:44 budder_cactus are you staff?
16:44 kaktus Let's say yes.
16:44 Reach|Mobile Tagliafierro: I didn't kill Ronin because I liked him. Just wanted to murder the guy.
16:44 kaktus Is there something you need, budder_cactus?
16:44 ProcyonLotor I'm staff
16:44 ProcyonLotor Do you have a question for me?
16:45 ProcyonLotor Unlike PUNY KAKTUS
16:45 Reach|Mobile (I'm not staff.)
16:45 kaktus I will smite you, ProcyonLotor
16:45 * Reach|Mobile quit (Quit: Bye)
16:45 Dr_Kens budder_cactus: I'm retired staff.
16:45 kaktus Hey budder_cactus, how old are you, champ?
16:45 ProcyonLotor gets spines in paws
16:45 budder_cactus i will check scp-001
16:45 * Reach|Mobile joined #site19
16:45 * BreadProduct quit (Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.91 [Firefox 33.1/20141106120505])
16:45 budder_cactus oh im 17
16:45 Reach|Mobile Ouch.
16:45 Tagliafierro Timed out?
16:45 Reach|Mobile Crashed and burned. Again.
16:45 MrRonin comes back
16:45 * ArcheKruz joined #site19
16:45 kaktus You're 17, and think that shit is real?
16:45 kaktus what?
16:46 kaktus Come on now, how old are you really.
16:46 Reach|Mobile No, I poked a button I shouldn't have.
16:46 Tagliafierro It happens all the time
16:46 Tagliafierro Can you open more pages with your phone?
16:46 Tagliafierro I can, but I can't listen to music
16:46 budder_cactus if it wasent real why would they post it
16:47 kaktus budder_cactus, because it's a- have you ever been on the internet?
16:47 Tagliafierro Because we write this
16:47 Dr_Kens Because it's fun.
16:47 kaktus Come on, dude.
16:47 DreadLindwyrm The same reason someone publishes a book of fairy tales.
16:47 SillySnowFox isn't that in the Foundation's handbook? "Do not push buttons you don't know what they do?"
16:47 kaktus .g scp faq
16:47 Alexandra kaktus: http://www.scp-wiki.net/faq — FAQ - SCP Foundation: "Oct 15, 2014 … The Site. Is this real? No. This is a collaborative writing website. What is the Foundation? We are the last bastion of security in a world where …"
16:47 SillySnowFox or if you must get someone to write down what happens?
16:47 kaktus budder_cactus, there's the FAQ. If you're not certain about something, you can check there.
16:47 kaktus Trust me, none of it is real.
16:47 kaktus We get this a lot.
16:47 ProcyonLotor Not a bit
16:48 Reach|Mobile Kaktus: That actually is sort if flattering.
16:48 budder_cactus farytails are diferent becuse they are storys
16:48 Tuomey SillySnowFox: I don't think people would last long as scientists if they pushed buttons that they didn't know what they did
16:48 tylerdp isn't scp-1 the factory?
16:48 kaktus budder_cactus, seriously though. How old are you.
16:48 kaktus Because you're not 17
16:48 budder_cactus 17!
16:48 Reach|Mobile That we are capable of fooling so many people.
16:48 Tuomey tylerdp: 001 isn't any one thing, there are several different proposals for it
16:48 * Zanadu joined #site19
16:48 kaktus budder_cactus, Tagliafierro is a year younger than you
16:48 SillySnowFox that's kinda my point
16:48 DreadLindwyrm budder_cactus: so are the stories on site here. *We wrote them* so we know they're stories.
16:48 ProcyonLotor You're not acting 17
16:48 Reach|Mobile Tylerdp: Might be several, might be none.
16:48 kaktus and didnt walk in here believing this was real.
16:48 ProcyonLotor You're not typing like you're 17
16:48 Tagliafierro I am
16:48 ProcyonLotor You're more easily fooled than a 17 year old
16:48 * zaratustr joined #site19
16:49 ProcyonLotor You're either not 17 or do not have maturity of same
16:49 kaktus tylerdp, how old are you?
16:49 Dr_Kens budder_cactus: I…really don't believe you're 17. Any 17 year old can spell "stories"…
16:49 budder_cactus i have spelling ishuses <—-see
16:49 kaktus that's lol
16:49 * zaratustra quit (Ping timeout: 183 seconds)
16:49 ProcyonLotor is 18, for reference
16:49 kaktus not an excuse.
16:49 ProcyonLotor ^
16:49 ProcyonLotor At all
16:49 Dr_Kens Mmm.
16:49 budder_cactus who cares
16:49 ProcyonLotor You're also not using capitalization or grammar
16:49 kaktus budder_cactus, if you don't think you can take the time to spell correctly, for a start, in this room
16:49 kaktus then-
16:49 kaktus bro
16:49 Tuomey Having spelling issues doesn't make you think that clearly fictional shit is real
16:49 kaktus it's a creative writing website.
16:49 kaktus We're writers
16:49 kaktus we care
16:49 ProcyonLotor All of us do.
16:49 SillySnowFox are we talking about ages again?
16:49 kaktus If you don't, this isn't the room for you.
16:50 Reach|Mobile We're writers, bud-that
16:50 kaktus SillySnowFox, shhh
16:50 * Valerie quit (Operation timed out)
16:50 budder_cactus ok i dont care about it
16:50 kaktus Ok
16:50 kaktus Well.
16:50 SillySnowFox goes hunting.
16:50 kaktus Then why are you still here?
16:50 budder_cactus well nothing
16:50 Tuomey Ok, this has gone on long enough
16:50 kaktus Aye.
16:50 ProcyonLotor Yep
16:50 Tuomey budder_cactus
16:50 kaktus budder_cactus, I'm giving you three options
16:50 Tuomey your real age
16:51 Tuomey 60 seconds
16:51 tylerdp scp-1 is a bit confusing (to me)
16:51 kaktus tylerdp, I need your age too, bromigo
16:51 tylerdp 16
16:51 Reach|Mobile Sigh.
16:51 kaktus Aight
16:51 Tuomey budder_cactus: 30 seconds
16:51 budder_cactus what is it kaktus?
16:51 Tuomey budder_cactus: 10 seconds
16:51 Reach|Mobile Tylerdp: why do you find 001 confusing?
16:51 kaktus We need your age, first.
16:51 kaktus Like
16:51 kaktus honestly
16:52 kaktus Your age.
16:52 budder_cactus 17
16:52 Tuomey budder_cactus: time up
16:52 Tuomey lies and bullshit
16:52 budder_cactus 17
16:52 Tuomey goodbye
16:52 budder_cactus 17
16:52 budder_cactus 17
16:52 - ChanServ has banned *!*moc.retrahc.nm.htld.citats.7A468682-CRInys|tibbiM#moc.retrahc.nm.htld.citats.7A468682-CRInys|tibbiM
16:52 * budder_cactus was kicked by ChanServ (Requested (Tuomey))
Short version: Dude insisted that he was 17 and that this shit was real
Permaban due to either lying about his age or just plain being less grown up than one should be, but may be revoked upon coherent appeal if anyone feels like it