logs from 19:
13:13 * marsdenisarobot joined #site19
13:13 marsdenisarobot Any staff on chat?
13:13 Prior Clone what is that?
13:13 Prior Like, spelled out
13:13 Sinchu9 Tuomey Wut
13:13 Tuomey marsdenisarobot: I'm here, but for staff questions #site17 is the appropriate channel
13:13 marsdenisarobot Okay, thank you.
13:13 Prior Tagliafierro how's your canon coming along?
13:13 * marsdenisarobot quit (Quit: marsdenisarobot)
logs from 17:
13:14 * marsdenisarobot joined #site17
13:14 Tuomey marsdenisarobot: state your age
13:14 marsdenisarobot
13:14 JamJam66 Oh never mind
13:14 JamJam66 That was it
13:14 * JamJam66 left #site17 (Wheeeeee)
13:14 Tuomey > What does 3 years difference mean anyway?
13:14 * marsdenisarobot quit (Quit: marsdenisarobot)
13:14 Tuomey It means come back in three years, marsdenisarobot
Banned in 19: - Tuomey has banned *!*
EDIT: Admin please deal with siteban
EDIT: Return to 17
13:20 * Cryosis joined #site17
13:21 Cryosis This is marsdenisarobot speaking. For some reason my normal name isn't working. So, I'm using my regular chat name to talk.
13:21 * discopig joined #site17
13:21 Tuomey You're 12. Come back in three years.
13:21 Cryosis I've un-registered myself from the site.
13:22 Cryosis Yes, I will probably come back to the site in three years.
13:22 Cryosis I was just feeling guilty… and had to tell someone.
13:24 Cryosis Goodbye for now. I'm going to sleep.
13:25 * Cryosis quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)