Team Captains are now as follows:
Staff Member | Captain Status |
weizhong | Captain of Rewrite1 |
Team Hubs will be modified to reflect this.
The following Junior Staff are Promoted to full Operational Staff:
Staff |
Kalinin |
Riemann |
Anqxyr |
Reject |
weizhong |
Vincent_Redgrave |
If you are still Junior Staff and were not promoted, this is either because we want to see more from you, or you've fallen off the radar (either with or without telling us). This means you may have to get back active and let the team captain (or the go-to admins) of your group see your work. If you're not promoted after the next round, this will mean a "Thank you for your service, but maybe we should see other people" situation.
Team Changes are as follows:
User | Change |
weizhong | -technical |
Devereaux | -technical |
Roget | -rewrite |
Silber | -disciplinary |
Light | -disciplinary |
Dexanote | -community outreach |
Flameshirt | -community outreach, -license |
Tuomey | -internet outreach |
Gaffsey | +disciplinary |
Doctor Anborough | -rewrite |
If this removes you from all teams you're currently serving on, please go and discuss taking on a new team role with team captains who might be actively recruiting. "Adding yourself to reserve" is not an acceptable solution for people who are largely active. Being staff requires that you do something, and "just hanging out in SSSC" is not that something.
Why is Troy doing this: Previous version of moving people around, reassigning, etc. have been responded to with whining and "but I don't liikkkee nutella, I want peanut buttteeerrr!" (What kind of sick bastard doesn't want nutella?) It's as simple as this: If you're not doing your job, we're cutting you loose. It's up to you to find new work that's more to your speed. Anyone who is not on a team in two weeks will be demoted from staff.
Operational Staff Inactivity Status:
These are members of staff whose presence has dropped significantly, either with or without an announcement. These members have been removed from their teams and placed on Inactive Status. Staff Members on Inactive Status have no rights as far as staff members go, but given a return to activity, can become staff again.
User | Status |
Dmatix | -all, +inactive |
eric_h | -all, +inactive |
RhettSarlin | -reserve, +inactive |
The following people are up for promotion to Junior Staff:
Member | Target Team | Yes | No |
Pixeltasim | Technical | ||
djkaktus | Community Outreach, Rewrite | ||
LurkD | Technical | ||
Rioghail | Site Crit, Forum Crit | ||
Kate McTiriss | Internet Outreach, Licensing | ||
Tagliafierro | Internet Outreach |
As usual, if you would 'neutral vote' someone, instead vote 'No.' Someone who you are ambivalent to should not receive your vote of confidence for staff. If you don't know who someone is, then I invite you to educate yourself and get to know their work before voting.