General troll.
blueprints (ten.nozirev.soif.ynmcyn.5214554F-CRInys|tibbiM#ten.nozirev.soif.ynmcyn.5214554F-CRInys|tibbiM) has joined #site19
<blueprints> hello?
<Thekillerax> Hexi|Aspire: mammals are magic
<Thekillerax> Hey blueprints
<blueprints> government are u there?
<blueprints> Russia is coming with a new SCP
<Thekillerax> Yo ops
<TwistedGears> ahahaha
<Hexi|Aspire> Thekillerax: my opinion of life in general is "bullshit, that is fucking magic"
<Wcctnoam> ?
<vezaz> bleeee into the night
<TwistedGears> never not bleeee
<Mastersarge> its about this specter like SCP that escaped an Insurgent Research Bunker, trying to find its body. And the Foundation finds backup files on what the CI was doing and how they made this pecter.
<tahugamin> vezaz: Bloop
<vezaz> wow tahugamin you just fucked up big time
<weizhong> blueprints: What are you going on about?
<vezaz> you are in a world of hurt
<Mastersarge> They ripped the soul from the body using supernatural with scientific means.
<tahugamin> vezaz: BLOOP
<TwistedGears> "Insurgent Research Bunker" The hell is this and why's it got caps
<ProcyonLotor> blueprints: SCP is not real. None of this stuff is real.
<Thekillerax> Hexi|Aspire: why did my pug just start barking at a wall? Must be magic.
<vezaz> bleeeeeeeee
<Hexi|Aspire> Thekillerax: he saw a ghost duh
<Mastersarge> TG: force of habit. Sorry.
<Thekillerax> Hexi|Aspire: the ghost of linch's past
<Hexi|Aspire> that or he's a pug and they're just pure derp given form
<Thekillerax> *lunch
<TwistedGears> okay so you want CI to make a spooky ghost
<blueprints> Containment for Russian leader starts now
<TwistedGears> I am with you so far
<Thekillerax> "Pure derp given form" that is the most eloquent description of s pug I've ever heard
<blueprints> Russia needs to be put "down"
<ProcyonLotor> blueprints: This is not a roleplaying chatroom. Stop it.
<blueprints> fuck
<blueprints> i was jk calm down nigga
<Metaphysician> …
anqxyr has quit (Client exited)
<Hexi|Aspire> Thekillerax: pugs are 70% derp by volume, at an average of 40lbs thats a fuckton of derp
<blueprints> …
ProcyonLotor has kicked blueprints from #site19 (And don't use the n-word either.)
<Mastersarge> Yeah. CI trying to make a spooky ghost and use that specter to possess Foundation staff, working as a spy stealing research materials
<TwistedGears> ehhhhhhhh
<Thekillerax> Hexi|Aspire: what's the other 30
<Hexi|Aspire> flesh and stuff
jew (ten.nozirev.soif.ynmcyn.5214554F-CRInys|tibbiM#ten.nozirev.soif.ynmcyn.5214554F-CRInys|tibbiM) has joined #site19
<Live2Die> …
<jew> fuckkkkkkkkk
<TwistedGears> Okay so this is an opinion or whatever
<jew> nigger
- weizhong sets ban on *!*
<Live2Die> this guy isn't very creative
jew has quit (Quit: jew
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