Even after this exchange, went on to:
- Add the gru-division-p tag to SCP-1994 which, while the GoI is mentioned as having helped with containment, isn't applicable as a content tag.
- Unnecessarily added hyphens to site designations on SCP-479 and on the title for that on the original series page.
- Added an unnecessary "in" to the image caption for SCP-1514.
- Added a bunch more unnecessary hyphens, on SCP-1099, SCP-1500 and SCP-2236.
I think it's time for that official warning now.
Edit: PMed them, didn't give an official warning pending consensus. PM and replies are below. Right now, I'd advise going for at least a 24 hours ban for the user's poor attitude and inability to follow staff orders.
Initial PM:
Hi there,
My name is Crayne and I'm a moderator for the SCP wiki. You've been performing a large number of unnecessary edits over a very short period of time. Things like hyphenating Site designations are optional, even if they're mentioned in one of the essays linked of the guide hub. Please stop making these types of edits to articles; they are the author's prerogative.
Only edits for grammar, spelling and/or punctuation are allowable, and even then one always has to keep in mind that they might be intentional.
Thank you.
Soooo let me get this strait something in the how to write a scp something that is REQUIRED for all people to read in case they want to write a scp is completely optional. THAT makes perfect sense!
Second PM:
Hi there,
Soooo let me get this strait something in the how to write a scp something that is REQUIRED for all people to read in case they want to write a scp is completely optional. THAT makes perfect sense!
There is absolutely nothing in the How to Write an SCP guide that talks about hyphenating Site designations. Your passive-aggressive behavior when called out by staff is not doing you any good, so please stop behaving like a petulant teenager.
I expect you to stop making these edits, as you have been requested to do.
In the interest of full disclosure, your current 05 thread is here: http://05command.wikidot.com/forum/t-1050936/agent-beanners
Second reply:
honestly to me is seriously feel like staff are being biased towards me. seriously nearly every single edit i"ve made has been reverted by staff and they always use the same reason ITS THE AUTHOR"S RIGHTS HURRRR
Not going to reply until I've heard from other staff.
Yet another reply:
Okay i just wanna say that I"m sorry for this whole thing and I"m most likely making myself look like a complete ass. and i also wanna say that the reason for my negative behavior is not only because of the recent death of my grandpa and my girlfriend breaking up with me but also because i just recently attempted suicide via slitting of my wrists. this attempt at suicide has had a massive negative impact on both my social and personnel life and when i joined this wiki i guess that letting my anger out on the wiki was a bad idea never crossed my mind. And before you ask no i did not make up these things just to make staff sympathize with me but i guess that there is no way of proving it to you guys.
Did reply to this one with the following:
I'm sorry to hear that your life has been in a state of upheaval lately. I will post the PM to the thread so everyone weighing in on the issue has the same context to work from.
That said, I'd advise you to get help in dealing with the obviously severe issues you're facing right now. This wiki can't help you, and if you want to be able to be a constructive member here, you'll have to learn to deal with your emotions in a more adult way.
Reply the xth:
Yeah whenever I"m in a bad mood i always turn to reading stuff like creepypasta but i guess its not a good idea to join the site when your in my current situation. Also i just wanna say that I"m aware that my PM will most likely not get me not banned.