Kicked for lolhitler.
No ban, yet.
I'm getting real sick of this "let's do something that's so blatantly dumb that I clearly didn't mean it" shtick.
Is he really getting exceptionally bad here? It's totally possible, I just hadn't noticed, and therefore am obliged to ask given that the above would've been totally fine outside that context. So just askin' for clarification XD;
I'm with moose here, to be honest. I definitely wouldn't have kicked for that unless it was part of a larger pattern of behavior. Was it?
It kinda is on the chat, yes.
Living the dream, or dreaming the life?
Gonna being up Smapti again. Smapti about a week ago made a user so uncomfortable that they were made to leave the chat. Smapti has a history of making people repeatedly uncomfortable and this is merely a recent example in which a user said in a side-chat that Smapti's anti-trans stance made them so uncomfortable that they had to leave chat.
Dec 28 14:33:57 <droc> I really wish the Wikia had a gender option that was neutral, but noooooo, only binary.
Dec 28 14:33:59 <Decibelle> the dreams dont do anything in the real world, but correlate to stuff that happened/is happening in the real world
Dec 28 14:34:05 <Dr_Frank> <3
Dec 28 14:34:08 <Decibelle> droc: i feel u
Dec 28 14:34:22 <droc> like wikidot can u not
Dec 28 14:34:33 <Smapti> …There are only two genders.
Dec 28 14:34:39 <Dr_Frank> Too many gender-unspecific people!
Dec 28 14:34:42 <AntlerContext> .tell kaktus Sunny drew your 715 rewrite, just in case you didn't know. It's fucking amazing.
Dec 28 14:34:43 <Alexandra> AntlerContext: I'll pass that along.
Dec 28 14:34:44 <Dr_Frank> HALP!
Dec 28 14:34:47 <Riemann> Oh hell no
Dec 28 14:34:50 <Riemann> This is not happening
Dec 28 14:34:51 <droc> Then there are mixes of the two, or people who are not gendered.
Dec 28 14:35:18 <Tagliafierro> Smapti: Sexes
Dec 28 14:35:25 <Dr_Frank> Pansexuals are sexually attracted to all genders
Dec 28 14:35:28 <Tagliafierro> Or am I confusing…
Dec 28 14:35:29 <Tagliafierro> No
Dec 28 14:35:31 <Dr_Frank> Even ones without a sex
Dec 28 14:35:42 <droc> Even sexes aren't black n white.
Dec 28 14:35:42 <Armstrong> There are two biological genders. Male and female.
Dec 28 14:35:42 <Tagliafierro> Those are sexual orientations
Dec 28 14:35:42 <Smapti> You can call yourself whatever you want and live in any way you want, but you are biologically one of two things.
Dec 28 14:35:45 <AntlerContext> I'm pansexual, hooray for me!
Dec 28 14:35:46 <droc> People can have no genetalia, people can have both.
Dec 28 14:35:53 <Tagliafierro> I was confused with sexual orientations
Dec 28 14:35:54 <Dr_Frank> Really?
Dec 28 14:35:55 <Smapti> Except in certain very rare cases.
Dec 28 14:35:57 <droc> Yeah.
Dec 28 14:36:07 <droc> No, it's not that rare.
Dec 28 14:36:07 <TheeDarkAges> me/ rubs eyes and sighs
Dec 28 14:36:16 * TheeDarkAges rubs eyes and sighs
Dec 28 14:36:21 <Dr_Frank> What about gays?
Dec 28 14:36:27 <Dr_Frank> Is anyone here gay?
Dec 28 14:36:29 <droc> Intersex people are generally just operated on, or told they are a boy or a girl.
Dec 28 14:36:31 <Dr_Frank> We had asexuals
Dec 28 14:36:34 <Smapti> If you have a Y chromosome, you're male. If you don't, you're female.
Dec 28 14:36:34 <Dr_Frank> Pansexuals
Dec 28 14:36:40 <Smapti> The exceptions are few and far between.
Dec 28 14:36:45 * Djoric (~ten.tenretnimooz.08DCE2AD-CRInys|alliztahc#ten.tenretnimooz.08DCE2AD-CRInys|alliztahc) has left
Dec 28 14:36:54 <droc> No, they just aren't brought up.
Dec 28 14:36:57 <Dr_Frank> Heck we got fucking cisssexuals
Dec 28 14:37:11 <Tagliafierro> But I am cissexual :c
Dec 28 14:37:11 <Armstrong> Smapti is right. The only accepted biological exception to the binary rule is hermaphroditism.
Dec 28 14:37:14 <droc> Frank no matter where you go, you will have cis people out the ass
Dec 28 14:37:24 <Dr_Frank> XD
Dec 28 14:37:26 <Tagliafierro> :c
Dec 28 14:37:33 <droc> And what if I have no sexual organs? What would that make me?
Dec 28 14:37:36 <droc> Neither.
Dec 28 14:37:37 <Tagliafierro> Pls stop cis-shaming
Dec 28 14:37:42 <Smapti> Droc, what chromosomes do you have?
Dec 28 14:37:44 <Dr_Frank> SCP-173
Dec 28 14:37:45 <Alexandra> Dr_Frank: SCP-173 (The Sculpture - The Original, Written by Moto42, Rating:+1382) -
Dec 28 14:37:55 <droc> Is that your business?
Dec 28 14:37:57 <Dr_Frank> is Alexandra God?
Dec 28 14:38:00 <Vince> something tells me very few of the people in the room have actually picked up a book on gender or sexual identity or orientation
Dec 28 14:38:05 <Smapti> It is if you're asking me to define your gender.
Dec 28 14:38:06 <Dr_Frank> I have
Dec 28 14:38:07 <Vince> …
Dec 28 14:38:13 <Vince> That was the wrong window
Dec 28 14:38:22 <droc> You don't define my gender. I identifyy my gender.
Dec 28 14:38:27 <Smapti> …No.
Dec 28 14:38:32 <Tagliafierro> Smapti: did you know turkeys had WW and ZW chromosomes?
Dec 28 14:38:32 <Armstrong> droc: That would make you a male or a female depending on your chromosome. This is your biological gender.
Dec 28 14:38:32 <droc> Actually, yes.
Dec 28 14:38:34 <Smapti> /Biology// defines your gender.
Dec 28 14:38:38 <Dr_Frank> Stop it people
Dec 28 14:38:42 <ProcyonLotor> sex and gender are not the same thing
Dec 28 14:38:43 <Smapti> You don't get to veto the laws of science.
Dec 28 14:38:45 <Dr_Frank> Let's all get together
Dec 28 14:38:47 <ProcyonLotor> most of the time, they correlate
Dec 28 14:38:55 <Dr_Frank> And appreciate love
Dec 28 14:39:01 <droc> Gender=/=Sex organs.
Dec 28 14:39:01 <Armstrong> Biological Gender =/= Identification.
Dec 28 14:39:08 <Dr_Frank> Which does not chemically exist
Dec 28 14:39:13 <ProcyonLotor> sex is biological, gender is societal/cultural
Dec 28 14:39:28 <Dr_Frank> Please
Dec 28 14:39:35 <Dr_Frank> Why are we discussing this?
Dec 28 14:39:45 <Smapti> I don't know.
Dec 28 14:39:46 <Armstrong> I think it's a valid topic.
Dec 28 14:39:47 <Smapti> That's why.
Dec 28 14:39:47 <Dr_Frank> People like to fuck different people
Dec 28 14:39:49 <Tagliafierro> Because people talked about it
Dec 28 14:39:52 <Dr_Frank> People sometimes can't
Dec 28 14:39:58 <Dr_Frank> Or don't want to
Dec 28 14:40:02 <droc> ^^
Dec 28 14:40:03 <Dr_Frank> Or prefer other people
Dec 28 14:40:04 <Dr_Frank> Done
Dec 28 14:40:05 <Smapti> Who people fuck has fuck-all to do with what they are.
Dec 28 14:40:06 <Dr_Frank> That's it
Dec 28 14:40:12 <Dr_Frank> Ik
Dec 28 14:40:16 <Riemann> So if no one really wants to talk about this
Dec 28 14:40:17 <Dr_Frank> Sorry
Dec 28 14:40:21 <Dr_Frank> Guys
Dec 28 14:40:24 <Riemann> Let's just mooooooove on
IMO, this is not acceptable if it's making people leave the chat. Smapti should either be severely warned minimum, preferrably a ban but I understand that this was a while ago.
Living the dream, or dreaming the life?
After discussion in opchat, I sent a PM with an official warning.
I'm SoullessSingularity, also known as Soulless in the #site19 channel on IRC. This is a message informing you that you have been given an Official Warning for your behavior in #site19. You have repeatedly shown disruptive and insensitive behavior, most notably as of recent a user left chat from their discomfort at your disruptive and transphobic statements on December 28 (you can find the logs of this here). This behavior excludes members from participating in chat. It is also unacceptable to continue disrupting chat with pedantic and argumentive behavior. If you behave in an exclusionary or disruptively argumentive manner in the future, you will be given a ban from chat.
If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to message me back on IRC or wikidot.
EDIT: Got my response, wondering how to respond.
I acknowledge that I made the statements in the log provided above. I apologize if another user felt uncomfortable in the chat as the result of my expressing those beliefs. I do not consider myself "anti-trans" or "transphobic"; the sole extent of my issue with trans-related matters is expressed in the logs above and I do not blame you for labeling it as pedantic, because it pretty much is. You will note that I did not pursue the issue further after the op order to stop the line of conversation as indicated in the logs provided. I will restrain myself from bringing up that particular subject in the chat in the future.
Living the dream, or dreaming the life?
Warning for being intentionally disruptive by talking about something both Procyon, and Smapti himself, said not to talk about.
[18:45] <lurkwork>
[18:45] <Leviathan34> I return from my classes. Hello friends
[18:45] <Smapti> lurkwork; I so do not want to get into that whole can of worms.
[18:46] <Dr_Leonard> hi :)
[18:46] <@ProcyonLotor> yeah
[18:46] <@ProcyonLotor> prolly not a super great conversation in 19
[18:46] * vezaz (ten.nozirev.soif.cdhsaw.D02C1659-CRInys|tibbiM#ten.nozirev.soif.cdhsaw.D02C1659-CRInys|tibbiM) Quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
[18:46] <Illustrio> what can of worms? obviously {My Side} is correct, and the rest of you are evil
[18:47] * %wokbort ductapes Illustrio's mouth
[18:47] <Illustrio> why do people insist on attacking me
[18:47] <~thedeadlymoose> hahahahahahahaha
[18:47] <Illustrio> is it because I are so smart?
[18:48] <ObserverSeptember> .tell kaktus
[18:48] <%Alexandra> ObserverSeptember: I'll pass that along.
[18:48] <@Tuomey> You're not as Illustrious as you think you are
[18:48] <~thedeadlymoose> Illustrio: it's because we can't handle the truth you're dishing out. it always is
[18:48] <~thedeadlymoose> …
[18:48] <~thedeadlymoose> so, show of hands, who wants to ban tuomey
[18:48] <Illustrio> yeah, that happens to me a lot
[18:48] <Smapti> Personally, my feeling is that race is an even more abstract and unquantifiable social construct than certain other categorizations that we've decided as a society to respect people's self-identifications in regards to, so if a white person feels like they're black, then I say more power to them.
[18:49] <@Tuomey> thedeadlymoose: you can't ban me if I can myself
[18:49] * ChanServ sets mode: +b *!*sedillort.sospi.teillort|siuq#sedillort.sospi.teillort|siuq
[18:49] * Tuomey was kicked by ChanServ (Requested (Tuomey))
[18:49] <%Decibelle> ObserverSeptember: lol, already on top of that
[18:49] * Djoric (~ten.tenretnimooz.5A8CCBF7-CRInys|alliztahc#ten.tenretnimooz.5A8CCBF7-CRInys|alliztahc) has left #site19
[18:49] * rumetzen (moc.rr.ser.xtas.B413FC87-CRInys|tibbiM#moc.rr.ser.xtas.B413FC87-CRInys|tibbiM) has joined #site19
[18:49] <@Wogglebug> is
[18:49] <@Wogglebug> is that
[18:49] <Smapti> Dolezal may be an asshole in other regards, though.
[18:49] <@Wogglebug> what
[18:49] <ObserverSeptember> Decibelle y u such a workhorse
[18:49] <~thedeadlymoose> Smapti: Wow, you had to be /that/ asshole
[18:49] <%Decibelle> Smapti: ProcyonLotor said earlier not to have this conversation
[18:49] <~thedeadlymoose> Op order: this conversation is done
[18:49] <Illustrio> Is it really my fault if I am so much better than all of you
[18:49] <%Decibelle> so op order, let's not have this
[18:49] <Illustrio> I was born this awesome
[18:49] <Smapti> Dropping it.
Ok so he messed up here and he also didn't mess up. Procy's suggestion was phrased relatively softly. As a chat op, I understand the intent, but at the same time, I can see a user easily not interpreting that as an official stance/ban of topic.
So he's ok there.
But then he went on and talked about it, soooo….
For what it's worth, that was not (directly intended as) an operative order, but was intentionally phrased in the middle ground in hopes that I would not have to use an op order later.
If that's the case I don't think there's any real issue here. He dropped it after moose gave an op order, as far as I know.
Correct. This is here for logging purposes.
He was being knowingly disruptive, and I'm aware that when this has happened in the past, it tends to get ignored, but ops get put on edge and then kick for something otherwise completely fine — as happened in the first entry in this thread (which wasn't a real offense).
This was, effectively, a warning. No other action needs to be taken.