So, Ketchup-Dick joins, kicked a few times, banned.
- Ketchup-Dick (PI.2CBF61F6.20C03FA3.136E08E5|tibbiM#PI.2CBF61F6.20C03FA3.136E08E5|tibbiM) has joined
<SoundChaser> …ops?
<Darlos9Dayjob> not sure how I feel about it to be honest
<Ketchup-Dick> aaayyyyeeee
- ProcyonLotor has kicked Ketchup-Dick from #site19 (Yeah, no.)
<Darlos9Dayjob> wut
<SoundChaser> Thanks
<ProcyonLotor> This is a fucking surreal ass job
<Tuomey> ProcyonLotor: most ass-jobs are
<ProcyonLotor> not if you get a good one
- Dexanote (~ten.elbacogc.emoh.BCC8435C-CRInys|zttuB#ten.elbacogc.emoh.BCC8435C-CRInys|zttuB) has joined
<AndarielHalo> are you saying you would downvote and thus cause the events to become real?
<ProcyonLotor> Well, uh, ping me/other ops if they come back, standard shit
<ProcyonLotor> kthxbye
<Darlos9Dayjob> what? no. just the whole thing
<Cimmerian> YES
<Cimmerian> holy shit Rhea in front of Titan
<Darlos9Dayjob> maybe I'm just slow on the uptake but I didn't quite get what was going on. I got that it was some weird meta thing about writing SCPs but didn't really get the details
<Darlos9Dayjob> its probably the sort of thing that's supposed to dawn on you and make you go "oooooooh"
- Ketchup-DICK (PI.2CBF61F6.20C03FA3.136E08E5|tibbiM#PI.2CBF61F6.20C03FA3.136E08E5|tibbiM) has joined
<Faminepulse> hmm
<SoundChaser> ops
- Tuomey sets ban on Ketchup-DICK!*@*
<Faminepulse> "Kakapopia"
- Tuomey has kicked Ketchup-DICK from #site19 (pick a different name)
<SoundChaser> Thanks Tuomey
<ProcyonLotor> Next time just end him
<Tuomey> SoundChaser: fight me irl
<Darlos9Dayjob> who the fuck is ketchup-dick
<SoundChaser> Tuomey: no u
<Tuomey> Darlos9Dayjob: some asshole
<Darlos9Dayjob> well I got that
<Tuomey> Well then you've got all we know
<Darlos9Dayjob> alrighty then
<Tuomey> If he was a recurring troll, we wouldn't be letting him rejoin
- Tuomey removes ban on Ketchup-DICK!*@*
- t4nk839 (~moc.sulplartnectb.451-68egnar.C6183A2F-CRInys|criigc#moc.sulplartnectb.451-68egnar.C6183A2F-CRInys|criigc) has joined
<Metaphysician> Europa is also neat;
- t4nk839 has quit (Quit: t4nk839)
<Metaphysician> I've seen some great ideas about a drill probe.
<Darlos9Dayjob> so do scientists I'm sure
<AnarchistManifesto> Did you hear about that thing where people are getting sent to live on Mars?
- KEtchup-diCK (PI.2CBF61F6.20C03FA3.136E08E5|tibbiM#PI.2CBF61F6.20C03FA3.136E08E5|tibbiM) has joined
- ProcyonLotor sets ban on *!*@moc.sulplartnectb.451-68egnar.C6183A2F-CRInys|criigc#moc.sulplartnectb.451-68egnar.C6183A2F-CRInys|criigc
- Soulless (||erD) has joined
- ChanServ gives channel operator status to Soulless
<Darlos9Dayjob> I want to see an icy body get bored into just as much as you do
- ProcyonLotor sets ban on *!*@5E80E631.3AF30C02.6F16FBC2.IP
- ProcyonLotor has kicked KEtchup-diCK from #site19 (ProcyonLotor)
Remember when trolls used to be interesting?