Refused to state age.
21:59 * Guy joined #site19
21:59 Metaphysician Overreaching, but I suppose that is what an -001 is usually like.
21:59 Guy is this real!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
21:59 D-Reach Guy: No it isn't.
22:00 Guy lol
22:00 Guy look at 001
22:00 D-Reach TwistedGears: Actually… it was done!
22:00 SoundChaser D-Reach: scp
22:00 SoundChaser do the scp tag
22:00 Guy 001?
22:00 D-Reach Problem is that something simply busted this .svg list and I had to remake most of these things.
22:00 TwistedGears oh so it is
22:00 D-Reach Guy: Hush.
22:00 Guy .
22:00 * clone quit (Ping timeout: 360 seconds)
22:00 D-Reach SoundChaser: You know that logo with the three arrows and the circle?
22:01 D-Reach /It has been doooone/.
22:01 Tuomey Guy: What about 001?
22:01 Guy what
22:01 TwistedGears D-Reach: Now seeing what the alive tag is, I like the sapient tag more
22:01 SoundChaser D-Reach: whyyyyyyy
22:01 Tuomey sighs
22:01 D-Reach SoundChaser: AH FINE
22:01 + ChanServ has given op to Tuomey
22:01 Dr_Grym the logo of our Glorious Foundation?
22:01 Tuomey Guy: this is a fiction website. How old are you?
22:02 TwistedGears actually that is a good point- you could do GOI tags
22:02 Guy oh i know but still lol
22:02 D-Reach TwistedGears: It's an old placeholder at this time. Alive was meant to look like that, then cognitive and stuff-
22:02 Metaphysician Tuomey: I had noted I was working on an -001 entry, think that is what they were replying to.
22:02 Tuomey Guy: How old are you?
22:02 SoundChaser D-Reach: also how about the game tag? and i figured you'd be doing the GoI logos for their tags?
22:02 D-Reach TwistedGears: … funny you would mention that.
22:02 Guy why
22:02 Tuomey Guy: because telling a chat op your age when asked is a requirement of being in this room
22:02 Metaphysician Keen.
22:03 Guy .
22:03 D-Reach SoundChaser: Done. Look at that list in my last line.
22:03 TwistedGears Is that a… flower on Wondertainment's? I can't tell
22:03 D-Reach XD
22:03 TwistedGears And I feel like the Factory's is a little underwhelming
22:03 Tuomey Guy: Are you going to answer?
22:03 Guy .no lol
22:03 * Wogglebug quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
22:04 Athena_Grey Guy you can pm the chat operators if you like
22:04 Tuomey Guy: in that case, I'm going to have to ban you
22:04 Guy I NOT lol geez
22:04 D-Reach TwistedGears: It's just a W with some flowery bullshit and a nice lollipop. Also, the Factory was meant to look underwhelming.
22:04 Guy *im
22:04 Tuomey So you've got 30 seconds to either state your age or get banned
22:04 D-Reach It's pretty reasonable.
22:04 Dr_Grym y
22:04 Hexi|Aspire1 Faminepulse: >:|
22:04 Guy alright ban me lol i dont care this is all stupid
22:04 D-Reach However, I may just remake the Factory logo.
22:04 - Tuomey has banned *!*
22:05 TwistedGears idk. I mean, the GOI isn't fantastic but it has some nice imagery (which is all it really is)
22:05 * Guy was kicked by Tuomey (as you wish)