13:42:27 <kylereeves> .setpronouns him he hey ho lets go
13:42:28 <%Secretary_Helen> kylereeves: Inserted the following pronouns: him, he, hey, ho, lets, go as pronouns
And that was that. Automatic one week ban as per the rules.
13:42:27 <kylereeves> .setpronouns him he hey ho lets go
13:42:28 <%Secretary_Helen> kylereeves: Inserted the following pronouns: him, he, hey, ho, lets, go as pronouns
And that was that. Automatic one week ban as per the rules.
Appealed; basically said "I didn't read all the chat guide."
Denied obviously.
~πΈ~Flower Power~πΈ~
This user has come to chatstaff attention before, largely for lolrandom.
Earlier in the evening they linked a survey asking if RPC or SCP is better, their behaviour throughout the evening only cements their status as a troll in my opinion.
Long logs are long. Skip to the end for the worst bit.
Additional logs of earlier stuff, including a google form about RPC for some reason, going from my first log of kyle this evening to the start of the next block.
22:24:36: <kylereeves> ay
22:24:52: <Proasek> Eyup Kyle, how is?
22:24:57: <kylereeves> is kaktus on
22:24:58: <spikebrennan> i call bullshit on that: "johnson" was used as a euphemism for penis since the 19th century
22:24:58: <Jazstar> Tbf Trump didn't have to ruin trump. It was already ruined
22:25:10: <Jazstar> In the UK trump is another word for fart
22:25:21: <Proasek> And we have memed the shit out of this fact.
22:25:30: <spikebrennan> the idea that "trump" would be in the casino business is thematically appropriate
22:25:33: <Jack518> Yo guys. I was looking at the RCP authority and… they format is cooler imo, with the classes being symbols and signs and shit
22:25:48: <Jack518> their*
22:25:52: <mcb> scp-2521
22:25:53: <Secretary_Helen> McB: ββ|βββββ|ββ|β (Rating: +2974. Written 3 years ago By: LurkD) - http://scp-wiki.net/scp-2521
22:25:58: <RockTeethMothEyes> .au
22:25:59: <mcb> ya want symbols?
22:25:59: <Secretary_Helen> RockTeethMothEyes: RockTeethMothEyes - (http://www.scp-wiki.net/researcher-mathias-s-colleague-protocol) has 11 pages. (7 SCP articles, 0 Tales, 3 GoI Formats, 0 others.) They have 513 net upvotes with an average of 46. Their latest page is Goliath, Circa 1505 at 14.
22:26:05: <spikebrennan> people in the uk are very amused that people in america might be named "randy" or "fanny"
22:26:11: <bluesoul> oh wow, hi spike
22:26:12: <bluesoul> long time
22:26:13: <Jazstar> Jack518: Okay then go ther
22:26:18: <Jack518> Nah
22:26:23: <kylereeves> How do I make this? I need it https://usercontent.irccloud-cdn.com/file/Lv8K24HM/Screenshot%202019-03-06%20at%208.50.47%20AM.png
22:26:25: <Jazstar> Then why bring it up
22:26:39: <mcb> .s style resource
22:26:39: <Secretary_Helen> McB: SCP Style Resource (Rating: +154. Written 1 year ago By: 7happy7 and shaggydredlocks) - http://scp-wiki.net/scp-style-resource
22:26:48: <Jazstar> spikebrennan: Where did you get that fact from, the Johnson one?
22:26:51: <mcb> Code should be in there kylereeves
22:26:59: <kylereeves> i know
22:26:59: <spikebrennan> from me being really fucking smart
22:27:04: <kylereeves> but its an image
22:27:07: <pie> .au ResearcherPie
22:27:08: <Secretary_Helen> pie: ResearcherPie - has 2 pages. (1 SCP articles, 0 Tales, 0 GoI Formats, 1 others.) They have 48 net upvotes with an average of 24. Their latest page is SCP-4944: A Coffee Machine, Except It's Literally Just A Cargo Ship at 26.
22:27:13: <Jazstar> Wow great evidence I totally believe you
22:27:13: <weryllium> Technically there's nothing stopping you from adding whatever ridiculous decorations you want to your articles
22:27:16: <mcb> kak photoshops his own iirc
22:27:23: <Jazstar> You will do super well if you ever go to uni!
22:27:24: <Jack518> Jazstar chill, it's just a random thought. i heard they are quite racist and homophobic anyways
22:27:33: <Jack518> But their format is cool, just saying…
22:27:44: <kylereeves> should i contact kaktus
22:27:50: <kylereeves> to help
22:27:54: <weryllium> He has a guide for those I think
22:27:56: <Jazstar> Jack518: RCP is a touchy subject here, /because/ they are racist and homophobix
22:28:02: <Jazstar> wow I cannot type today
22:28:08: <kylereeves> weryllium: WHERE
22:28:14: <spikebrennan> https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/johnson?utm_campaign=sd&utm_medium=serp&utm_source=jsonld#h1 cites to 1863 as the first known documented use of "johnson" = "penis"
22:28:32: <bunton> Wasn't RCP founded specifically because the SCP Foundation wasn't homophobic enough?
22:28:38: <spikebrennan> ascii plaintext for the win
22:28:40: <kylereeves> RPC*
22:28:41: <bunton> *homophobic and racist
22:28:43: <weryllium> .s guide to formatting
22:28:43: <Secretary_Helen> weryllium: djkaktus' Guide to Article Formatting (Rating: +69. Written 155 days ago By: djkaktus) - http://scp-wiki.net/djkaktus-guide-to-article-formatting
22:28:45: <bunton> Also it's shit
22:28:50: <bunton> I've looked on it and it's laughably bad.
22:28:52: <kylereeves> how
22:28:58: <Jazstar> spikebrennan: I hate to break it to you
22:28:58: <kylereeves> whats d=bad
22:29:16: <Jazstar> spikebrennan: On this very page "Andrew 1808β1875 17th president of the U.S. (1865β69)"
22:29:22: <Jazstar> Note the timing
22:29:25: <bunton> lol
22:29:37: <bunton> kylereeves: ?
22:29:42: <spikebrennan> 1863, in the meaning defined above is specifically referring to definition (1)
22:29:54: <Jack518> Well, I apologize then
22:30:02: <spikebrennan> i don't have the OED within arms reach - is there anyone here who does?
22:30:26: <Jazstar> Okay so you're missing this clearly
22:30:52: <Jazstar> Andrew Johnson was politically active in 1863, which is the first known use of Johnson as penis
22:31:05: <RockTeethMothEyes> tee hee
22:31:25: <spikebrennan> i thought you were referring to _lyndon_ johnson who was the POTUS known for waving his wang around
22:31:25: <Jazstar> Thus, the evidence you have provided actually makes the theory I proposed plausible
22:31:42: <Jazstar> Ffs america had two johnsons
22:31:52: <mcb> same family iirc
22:31:54: <RockTeethMothEyes> We do like our johnsons yeah
22:32:04: <spikebrennan> yeah, but lyndon was the one specifically noted for dong-related anecdotes
22:32:05: <Proasek> Look on the bright side, at least you're not dealing with Roman politics
22:32:13: <Jazstar> Okay new theory
22:32:13: <Proasek> Where 90% of emperors were named Gaius
22:32:25: <mcb> 2 johnsons, 2 adams, 2 harrisons, 2 roosevelts
22:32:26: <Proasek> RockTeethMothEyes: cheeky
22:32:30: <RockTeethMothEyes> :P
22:32:35: <mcb> I think that's all of em
22:32:42: <Gishface> also "Boris Johnson" is slang for an unusual sexual act involving two buckets and a large mime
22:32:47: <Jazstar> All American presidents from Andrew Johnson onwards were legally required to show off their dick, which is why penis = Johnson.
22:33:11: <Proasek> I can believe that.
22:33:43: <Jazstar> Tbf, Lyndon Johnson definitively contributed to the popularisation of the term in modern language
22:33:44: <Gishface> it's how they swore in on the bible
22:33:51: <Gishface> just flopped it on and held their right hand up
22:33:54: <bunton> Proasek: yeah tell me about it.
22:33:56: <RockTeethMothEyes> So did Nixon.
22:34:02: <Jazstar> This is why Clinton lost. No penis.
22:34:07: <bunton> It's like half the Roman Emperors didn't get told they weren't consuls so they didn't have a 1 year term limit anymore.
22:34:16: <bunton> Jazstar: I mean
22:34:26: <bunton> Jazstar: that is genuinely a large part of the reason. :P
22:34:29: <Jazstar> lol
22:34:32: <Jazstar> True
22:34:34: <spikebrennan> i think you might be thinking of the (apocryphal) inspection of a newly-elected pope's ballsack
22:34:39: <Scantron> she lost bc she was too busy chilling in cedar rapids
22:34:49: <Jazstar> cedar rapids?
22:34:58: <Scantron> .y i'm just chilling in cedar rapids
22:34:59: <Secretary_Helen> Scantron: I'm just chillin' in Cedar Rapids - length 7s - 5502β163β - 458012 views - Xiono - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vbcc8x7j1Lg
22:35:01: <Proasek> I assume it's a kayaking thing
22:35:07: <kylereeves> so
22:35:09: <kylereeves> aaa
22:35:10: <RockTeethMothEyes> It's a city in Iowa.
22:35:21: <RockTeethMothEyes> And other places probably
22:35:23: <Jazstar> Oh god hillary don't
22:35:25: <Proasek> I'm going to continue believing it's a kayaking thing
22:35:31: <RockTeethMothEyes> I only know it as the former because it's two hours from where I live
22:35:33: <spikebrennan> silly rabbit, iowa doesn't have cities
22:35:35: <kylereeves> i live in iowa
22:35:37: <Scantron> some say she's still chilling in cedar rapids to this day
22:35:41: <bunton> Scantron: You know what this somehow makes me want to vote for her.
22:35:44: <bunton> And I'm not even American.
22:36:09: <RockTeethMothEyes> spikebrennan: Sure we do. Just gotta… gotta wade through some couple miles of corn
22:36:23: <Gishface> and then you get to the cows
22:37:05: <Jazstar> If Trump wins a second term, I propose the rest of the world boycott America. We have enough of a diversity here in site19 to make it happen. Just go to your countries leader and be like "someone on the internet told me we have to boycott America now so I guess we have to"
22:37:10: <Jazstar> Flawless plan
22:37:35: <RockTeethMothEyes> But the U.S. President is my country's leader.
22:37:42: <Jazstar> > leader
22:37:44: <Jazstar> > country
22:37:46: <ihp> hellooooo
22:37:48: <spikebrennan> your biggest municipality is des moines, which puts in the same weight class as suburbs like irvine, california or scottsdale, arizona
22:37:49: <Jazstar> > U.S.
22:37:51: <Jazstar> > president
22:38:09: <Jazstar> RockTeethMothEyes: Have I made my point?
22:38:15: <bunton> I genuinely don't know what's going to happen if the Democrats legitimately win in the next US election. He's hinted that he won't accept a peaceful transfer of power.
22:38:16: <Gishface> and irvine sucks so
22:38:23: <bunton> I'm almost certain he's going to pull some shit.
22:38:40: <Jazstar> Bunton: America is good at uprising though
22:38:43: <bunton> At least Clinton announced she won't be running again, and most of the Democrat candidates seem pretty awesome so far.
22:38:43: <RockTeethMothEyes> Jazstar: So go to the president and tell them I'm boycotting the country they run?
22:38:46: <Proasek> I just noticed that I can make my neck thinner at will
22:38:50: <Jazstar> RockTeethMothEyes: Ye
22:38:51: <Proasek> That'll be handy
22:38:53: <spikebrennan> kids… we don't do politics in this chatroom
22:38:53: <RockTeethMothEyes> cool
22:39:00: <bunton> Jazstar: America had one uprising and they not only lost, they were on the wrong side to begin with. :P
22:39:04: <bunton> spikebrennan: do we not? Is that a new rule?
22:39:12: <spikebrennan> well, i'm not a mod…
22:39:15: <bunton> Because I've seen a lot of politics in here in the past.
22:39:22: <Jazstar> spikebrennan: As chat staff I can say I've never heard of that rule
22:39:37: <spikebrennan> i could be mistaken. i thought it was a rule
22:39:44: <Jazstar> It's more, don't be a dick
22:39:44: <wmaitla> yo
22:39:54: <Proasek> Ayup wmaitla, how is?
22:40:00: <spikebrennan> if _that's_ the rule then what am i doing here
22:40:01: <RockTeethMothEyes> If it's no civil discussion then it gets put to a stop
22:40:14: <RockTeethMothEyes> hey there wmaitla.
22:40:23: <Jazstar> Like, if someone came in being all "But I like trump" and then we dogpiled on, I'd issue a move on order because don't be a dick
22:40:53: <Gishface> but I like dick
22:40:58: <Proasek> Clip that
22:41:01: <Proasek> Somebody clip that
22:41:05: <RockTeethMothEyes> no
22:41:08: <bunton> Fortunately discussions about the current US government tend to be uncontroversial here since to strongly hold one stance you kind of have to violate rule 1.
22:41:11: <wmaitla> Hi RockTeethMothEyes! its going great Proasek! I just pubslished my first tale, the Containment Psychiatry Orientation!
22:41:21: <Proasek> Oh good on you!
22:41:24: <RockTeethMothEyes> .lc
22:41:24: <Gishface> .lc
22:41:29: <bunton> I would argue anyone who strongly defends Trump is definitionally either ignorant or a dick.
22:41:30: <RockTeethMothEyes> thats awkward
22:41:32: <mortos> .lc
22:41:35: <Gishface> whose lc goes through
22:41:35: <Proasek> .lc
22:41:36: <spikebrennan> i thought rule 1 was we don't talk about fight club
22:41:38: <RockTeethMothEyes> guys
22:41:39: <Gishface> answer: nobody
22:41:40: <Cutegirl> What's going on here
22:41:51: <RockTeethMothEyes> Helen is going through a delay it looks like
22:41:52: <spikebrennan> rule 2: no running by the pool
22:41:56: <Gishface> helen broke
22:41:56: <Secretary_Helen> RockTeethMothEyes: Containment Psychiatry Orientation (Written 56 minutes ago By: wmaitla) - http://scp-wiki.net/containment-psychiatry-orientation
22:41:58: <Secretary_Helen> RockTeethMothEyes: SCP-3819: I Sing The Particle Electric (Written 4 hours ago By: DrLeibowitz) - http://scp-wiki.net/scp-3819
22:41:58: <Secretary_Helen> RockTeethMothEyes: SCP-4474: Steve, and 0ther Gods (Written 1 hour ago By: Mortos) - http://scp-wiki.net/scp-4474
22:41:59: <spikebrennan> rule 3: there is absolutely _NO_ rule 3
22:42:04: <Proasek> rule 4: no heavy petting
22:42:10: <Gishface> this is bullshit I got my lc in first
22:42:11: <Secretary_Helen> Gishface: Containment Psychiatry Orientation (Written 56 minutes ago By: wmaitla) - http://scp-wiki.net/containment-psychiatry-orientation
22:42:12: <Secretary_Helen> Gishface: SCP-4474: Steve, and 0ther Gods (Written 1 hour ago By: Mortos) - http://scp-wiki.net/scp-4474
22:42:13: <Gishface> I demand a recount
22:42:13: <Proasek> rule 5: no light petting either
22:42:13: <Secretary_Helen> Gishface: SCP-3819: I Sing The Particle Electric (Written 4 hours ago By: DrLeibowitz) - http://scp-wiki.net/scp-3819
22:42:14: <Secretary_Helen> Mortos: I can't do that yet.
22:42:15: <Secretary_Helen> Proasek: I can't do that yet.
22:42:17: <spikebrennan> rule 5: leave room for the holy spirit
22:42:19: <Jazstar> lol
22:42:39: <spikebrennan> rule 3: don't be his friend
22:42:48: <Proasek> rule 7 is void.
22:42:58: <Proasek> rule 8 becomes rule 7 due to the lack of a rule 7
22:43:00: <Proasek> rule 7 is void.
22:43:03: <XilasCrowe> actualy ever rule is "Don't listen to Xilas"
22:43:06: <Proasek> Repeat ad infinitum
22:43:16: <kylereeves> rule 0: fuck oh god oh
22:43:23: <Jazstar> XilasCrowe: Some say that is the only rule
22:43:29: <mortos> oh hey steve is back up a slot
22:43:31: <mortos> go steve
22:43:34: <CryonicAutumn> hey quick question for deletion requests do i just put that in the deletions thread? ive got something that needs a rewrite pretty bad, but has a positive rating rn
22:43:34: <Proasek> That's certainly the rule I use.
22:43:40: <Cutegirl> Wonder how many people I can punch and get away with
22:43:45: <XilasCrowe> if you have to obey one rule make it that one
22:43:50: <XilasCrowe> otherwise thou shalt regret
22:43:51: <Jazstar> CryonicAutumn: What is it?
22:43:53: <Tafbeda> CryonicAutumn: …deletion requests???
22:43:55: <wmaitla> it feels good to have gotten that thing published. When I wrote 4504 it was a month of writing and then two months of trying to get feedback, this one was less than a week from conception to publishing
22:43:56: <kylereeves> i eat axolotls
22:43:56: <MaliceAF> Rule NaN: My vision is blurry and I can't feel my legs send help
22:43:56: <Tafbeda> Like, for your own thing?
22:43:58: <RockTeethMothEyes> CryonicAutumn: You can self-delete. Just make an announcement in the deletions thread
22:44:01: <pie> rule 69. oh shit oh fuck oh shit oh fuck
22:44:01: <CryonicAutumn> scp-4103
22:44:02: <Secretary_Helen> CryonicAutumn: SCP-4103: Cathedral of the End (Rating: +2. Written 6 days ago By: CryonicAutumn) - http://scp-wiki.net/scp-4103
22:44:03: <CryonicAutumn> k thx
22:44:03: <RockTeethMothEyes> CryonicAutumn: You control your own work
22:44:10: <Jazstar> You can delete your own work
22:44:16: <spikebrennan> rule 6 consists of 242 articles, each of which has thousands of subclauses and is governed by a bureaucratic body that promulgates regulations, all of which are archived in a 600,000 square foot purpose-built building
22:44:23: <kylereeves> rule: you dont recognize the bodies in the water
22:44:23: <XilasCrowe> Kyle i will tear your soul asunder and spread it's pieces throughout the cosmos
22:44:27: <Proasek> MaliceAF: Rule NaN2: knees weak, arms are heavy
22:44:28: <Jazstar> Rule ~ is no more rules
22:44:30: <kylereeves> o k
22:44:36: Jazstar lights 19 on fire
22:44:48: <spikebrennan> rule negative 1 is actually a long-running game of nomic
22:44:50: <ihp> .s goliath
22:44:51: <Secretary_Helen> ihp: Goliath, Circa 1505 (Rating: +14. Written 15 hours ago By: RockTeethMothEyes) - http://scp-wiki.net/goliath-circa-1505
22:44:53: <Proasek> Great, now we can cash in for insurance money!
22:44:55: <spikebrennan> .w nomic
22:44:56: <Secretary_Helen> spikebrennan: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nomic - Nomic is a game created in 1982 by philosopher Peter Suber in which the rules of the game include mechanisms for the players to change those rules, usually beginning through a system of democratic voting. Nomic is a game in which changing the rules is a move. In that respect it differs from almost [β¦]
22:45:00: <Gishface> skynyrd rules
22:45:00: <Jazstar> > we
22:45:01: pie lets out an ungodly amount of saliva and subsequently puts out the flame
22:45:16: <spikebrennan> san dimas high school football rules
22:45:16: <ihp> hmmm
22:45:21: <Jazstar> Proasek: You ain't getting none
22:45:24: <kylereeves> hmmm
22:45:30: <kylereeves> RPC gay
22:45:33: <Proasek> I'll fight you for it
22:45:35: <Proasek> And probably lose
22:45:39: <RockTeethMothEyes> spikebrennan: Party on, dudes.
22:45:40: <Jazstar> Ye
22:45:48: <Proasek> I am not strong.
22:45:57: <spikebrennan> .w rule of st benedict
22:45:58: <Secretary_Helen> spikebrennan: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rule%20of%20Saint%20Benedict - The Rule of Saint Benedict is a book of precepts written by Benedict of Nursia for monks living communally under the authority of an abbot. The spirit of Saint Benedict's Rule is summed up in the motto of the Benedictine Confederation: pax and the traditional ora et labora. Compared to other [β¦]
22:45:59: <Proasek> I also meant to eat two hours ago
22:46:11: <Proasek> Someone shout at me to go make spaghetti?
22:46:18: <Jazstar> I am not strong BUT I'm dragging taff along to the fight due to physical proximity so I'm hoping numbers will win
22:46:21: <kylereeves> go make spaghetti
22:46:22: <wmaitla> Proasek go make spegetti
22:46:41: <kylereeves> B E A T Y O U T O I T
22:46:43: <Proasek> Well if we're going by proximity…
22:46:48: <Proasek> Malice, I'm subbing you in
22:46:51: <Gishface> jesus christ youtube
22:47:02: <Gishface> I just wanted to watch the clip from Bill & Ted
22:47:08: <MaliceAF> Proasek: DO IT YOU WANKER
22:47:11: <kylereeves> 000-0-0-000-0-0-0-0-0-0-00-0-000-0-00-0-0—-
22:47:12: <wmaitla> no u didn't, pluus you didn;t tell pro to, you told everyone to go make pusketti
22:47:18: <Gishface> why are you recommending me a video of how AOC has the body language of a liar
22:47:25: <kylereeves> ok wait
22:47:30: <Proasek> never.
22:47:35: Proasek is now impatient forever
22:47:37: <kylereeves> can we hold a google form
22:47:38: <Jazstar> Proasek: Malice is on my side
22:47:40: <Jazstar> Right Malice
22:47:40: <Cutegirl> I wish you could like
22:47:47: <Cutegirl> Just walk out into the night
22:47:50: <wmaitla> Proasek eat food
22:47:50: <Jazstar> Right malice
22:47:58: <wmaitla> put it in your mouth hole
22:48:03: <Cutegirl> And fucking scream at the top of your lungs til you can't breathe
22:48:03: <Proasek> Alright, I'm getting up, I'm getting up
22:48:16: <wmaitla> cutegirl you can totally do that
22:48:23: <MaliceAF> Jazstar: if I don't say anything I can't be accused of anything
22:48:28: <wmaitla> if its night where you are youu can do that right now
22:48:31: <Gishface> just make sure to use somebody else's lungs
22:48:35: <Jazstar> MaliceAF: That's a yes~
22:48:41: <Cutegirl> wmaitla: without being arrested thx
22:48:44: <Tuomey> cutegirl: relatable
22:48:55: <Cutegirl> Oh fuck hey tuom
22:49:03: <Tuomey> hey dork
22:49:08: <Cutegirl> Don't call the garda for my obvious break down thx
22:49:12: <Proasek> Where I live, you'd probably just get someone to open their window and shout "Same!"
22:49:29: <Tuomey> cutegirl: as if they'd do anything anyway
22:49:43: <wmaitla> I was gonna say you can't be arrested for screaming but cops would probably come to your house to check you're ok
22:50:14: <Cutegirl> You definitely can man
22:50:16: <wmaitla> then you'd have to awkwardly explain to them you're not being axe murdered your just going through some shit
22:50:21: <Tuomey> I'd have to scream loud enough to actually shatter concrete before that happens
22:50:23: <Cutegirl> Disrupting the peace or whatever
22:50:29: <kylereeves> ok
22:50:30: <kylereeves> https://goo.gl/forms/VheavjVR4oxNzhx32
22:50:32: <kylereeves> ther
22:50:41: <wmaitla> you could scream into a pillow?
22:50:55: <Tuomey> you can't get arrested for a lot of things but you can be arrested if a cop decides you can, basically
22:50:58: <Cutegirl> wmaitla: not what I want to do tho but an okay suggestion
22:51:00: <Proasek> Pillows are usually the answer
22:51:24: <wmaitla> or you could go to that one german university that has a screaming hour
22:51:43: <Rounderhouse> hello
22:51:44: <XilasCrowe> pillows are good yes
22:51:47: <Rounderhouse> .s aflame
22:51:48: <Secretary_Helen> rounderhouse: Aflame with the Fires of Delusion (Rating: +11. Written 7 hours ago By: Tufto) - http://scp-wiki.net/aflame-with-the-fires-of-delusion
22:51:51: <Proasek> Dammit Germany, having the good ideas
22:51:57: <Proasek> Ayup Rounder, how is?
22:52:06: <wmaitla> or you could just go for a drive on a back road out to the country, pull over, then scream for a while
22:52:07: <Rounderhouse> would be better if everyone here took a look at that tale
22:52:19: <Cutegirl> Could just like sleep until I die but yolo
22:52:20: <mortos> scp-4474
22:52:22: <Secretary_Helen> Mortos: SCP-4474: Steve, and 0ther Gods (Rating: +24. Written 1 hour ago By: Mortos) - http://scp-wiki.net/scp-4474
22:52:22: <Tuomey> kylereeves: are you trying to troll
22:52:25: <wmaitla> no one around, and when you're done just get back into your car and leave
22:52:26: <mortos> steve needs worshippers!
22:52:37: <Tuomey> like I think you are but you're so bad at it that honestly I can't be sure
22:52:49: <kylereeves> no
22:52:53: <kylereeves> effort
22:52:57: <kylereeves> just want answers
22:53:05: <AlanDaris> How many more "…Aseks" will we witness
22:53:10: <MaliceAF> kylereeves: you know this is the SCP chatroom right
22:53:10: <bunton> kylereeves: answers about what?
22:53:11: <AlanDaris>
22:53:11: <Dinnerasek> At least one
22:53:30: <Bennings> "I ain't trying, I'm just that good"
22:53:36: <MaliceAF> the best way to work out how many people think each of the things is better is to look at the membership numbers for both
22:53:39: <kylereeves> wait
22:53:42: <Cutegirl> Can we just ban this as a talking point
22:53:49: <Dinnerasek> I'm Pro as 'eck, I'm having Dinner as 'eck, I'm probably going to be aSleep as 'eck later
22:53:54: <kylereeves> oh youre just talking about me in general
22:53:55: <Gishface> "Is water or air better? I poll a chatroom full of fish to find out, you won't believe the results"
22:54:04: <wmaitla> cutegirl sure, lets talk about something else
22:54:10: <Rounderhouse> Gishface: Fish #11 will shock you!
22:54:12: <AlanDaris> "Heckasek"
22:54:22: <Dinnerasek> That's my neck
22:54:25: <kylereeves> asekasek
22:54:25: <wmaitla> did anyone catch that sporting event on the channel?
22:54:35: <Gishface> fish 11 is an electric eel so yes, it will
22:55:09: <Bennings> Had someone in history suggest that the Easter Rising would have gone off better if they'd done it during Peacetime because then "the army wouldn't be ready"…genius
22:55:23: <kylereeves> Bunton: Yeah, I'm a piece of shit.
22:55:28: <bunton> kylereeves: ?
22:55:32: <bunton> I literally did not say that.
22:55:33: <kylereeves> I have nothing to do but wait.
22:55:33: <bunton> Not even close.
22:55:40: <bunton> I just asked what the Hell you're going on about.
22:55:43: <kylereeves> whatevs
22:55:44: <Cutegirl> Bennings: lol it only worked cos they were busy
22:55:45: <kylereeves> ok
22:55:45: <wmaitla> kyle what are you waiting for?
22:56:04: <Bennings> cutegirl: I mean it kinda didn't work but you know points for trying
22:56:14: <kylereeves> kaktus to respond OR my collab bud to get done with his stuff
22:56:18: <Cutegirl> Tuomey:
22:56:38: <wmaitla> your doing a collab? cool, whats it about?
22:56:50: <Cutegirl> Bennings: Yeah it went 4 times better than it did for the brits so
22:57:02: <ricky> hello
22:57:51: <kylereeves> im doing a collab about a couple boxes of gum that send you to where you truly desire
22:58:11: <Dinnerasek> Now that's got places it can go
22:58:24: <RockTeethMothEyes> .s goli
22:58:25: <Secretary_Helen> RockTeethMothEyes: Did you mean : SCP-2511: Kappa Population Distribution: More in Mongolia than anywhere else, Goliath, Circa 1505, ?
22:58:38: <RockTeethMothEyes> .sm 2
22:58:38: <Secretary_Helen> RockTeethMothEyes: Goliath, Circa 1505 (Rating: +14. Written 15 hours ago By: RockTeethMothEyes) - http://scp-wiki.net/goliath-circa-1505
22:58:51: <wmaitla> so you eat some gum and then get sent to your bed under the covers?
22:58:52: <Gishface> elon musk takes some gum and is transported into space
22:58:58: <Gishface> or alternately, up his own butt
22:59:05: <Dinnerasek> Gods, I really must pick up the pace
22:59:09: <Dinnerasek> That team's blasting ahead
22:59:11: <XilasCrowe> yea
22:59:12: <Cutegirl> Is the gum gonna kill me
22:59:13: <XilasCrowe> you should
22:59:16: <kylereeves> i mean wherever you TRULY DESIRE
22:59:18: <XilasCrowe> get it together pro
22:59:22: <XilasCrowe> :P
22:59:25: <Dinnerasek> Get off your arse as well, Xilas
22:59:31: <XilasCrowe> no
22:59:33: <RockTeethMothEyes> Dinnerasek: Three entries, friendo~
22:59:34: <XilasCrowe> I write sitting down
22:59:43: <Dinnerasek> I know for a fact that everyone other than Wery has a draft on the go
22:59:59: <XilasCrowe> oh yea totally
23:00:04: <XilasCrowe> like almost done yup
23:00:05: <Cutegirl> kylereeves: my ex will be unimpressed when I turf up in his bed
23:00:29: <Metaphysician> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sjiuD4lzrqs
23:00:30: <Secretary_Helen> Metaphysician: Super Hurricane Said to Be Even More Powerful Than Bogdan, World's Strongest Man - length 1m55s - 1142β30β - 51478 views - The Onion - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sjiuD4lzrqs
23:00:30: <Gishface> turf up, dude
23:00:47: <Gishface> I miss the onion's videos
23:00:48: <Metaphysician> Is that new youth lingo?
23:00:52: <kylereeves> cutegirl: OOF
23:01:08: <bunton> Apparently "shibboleth" is a word in the English language.
23:01:13: <Cutegirl> Turf up means show up
23:01:15: <bunton> Even though it sounds like something from Lovecraft's nightmares.
23:01:21: <Cutegirl> .def turf up
23:01:22: <Secretary_Helen> cutegirl: turf - noun: 1. the upper stratum of soil bound by grass and plant roots into a thick mat 2. a piece of this verb: 1. to cover with turf 2. kick
23:02:27: <Metaphysician> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qcEXMLxESoE
23:02:28: <Secretary_Helen> Metaphysician: Mayan Word For 'Apocalypse' Actually Translates More Accurately As 'Time Of Pale Obese Gun Monsters' - length 1m11s - 1839β101β - 74563 views - The Onion - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qcEXMLxESoE
23:02:48: <Metaphysician> Bunton: I did not know that.
23:02:53: <Metaphysician> What in the world does that mean?
23:02:58: <Metaphysician> Sounds Hebrew.
23:03:00: <bunton> Exclusionary dialects.
23:03:01: <bunton> And it is!
23:03:03: <Metaphysician> Or some sort of Semitic.
23:03:08: <Metaphysician> Ah, that explains that.
23:03:11: <bunton> https://www.wikiwand.com/en/Shibboleth
23:03:27: <Metaphysician> Let me add that to my obscure word lexicon.
23:03:28: <bunton> It's basically a kind of language used to keep out outsiders.
23:03:33: <bunton> Like Cockney Rhyming slang.
23:03:36: <Metaphysician> …Words that are leaking because I am losing my memory but whatever…
23:03:36: <bunton> You have one of those too? :)
23:03:39: <bunton> *:O
23:05:20: <Metaphysician> I like when the Onion goes full cosmic horror.
23:06:03: <bunton> Mood.
23:06:47: <Gishface> sex house was incredible too
23:06:47: <Metaphysician> https://politics.theonion.com/sen-hatch-says-trump-allegations-not-serious-enough-th-1828557273
23:07:08: <Gishface> and the series of articles about the royal baby
23:07:34: <Metaphysician> Yesss
23:07:47: <Metaphysician> https://news.clickhole.com/shaking-up-washington-donald-trump-just-appointed-a-cl-1825122754
23:08:06: <Gishface> I do also like their fun little slice of life articles that go super in depth on a pointless thing
23:08:16: <Tuomey> https://i.imgur.com/X4ZJFLm.jpg
23:08:26: <Gishface> like the one about the city council member building his Dream Team of city council members from history
23:08:33: <Metaphysician> βThe man in the cloak is going to be a fantastic secretary of the Hook. Just fantastic,β said Trump, who added that the secretary will be second in the presidential line of succession. βNo one is better qualified to enforce the covenant than this man. His cloak is dark, he was born before Christ, I donβt know his name, he has the Hook now, and heβs ready to
23:08:35: <Gishface> or the vending machine guy musing about slot b6
23:08:39: <Metaphysician> to fight for us!β
23:08:40: <Gishface> or the bike socks one
23:08:49: <Gishface> have y'all read the bike socks onion article
23:08:51: <Dinnerasek> "Man Says "Fuck It," Eats Lunch at 11:45"
23:09:11: <Gishface> https://local.theonion.com/cyclist-friend-explains-necessity-of-35-socks-1819571834
23:09:17: <Gishface> that's a classic
23:09:32: <Gishface> gets better and better, ending is really incredible
23:09:34: <ricky> t he volgun is a good reader
23:09:41: <bunton> Gishface: the other Onion miniseries were great too.
23:09:45: <bunton> Like Porkin Across America.
23:09:51: <Dinnerasek> Ricky: I hope to be too
23:09:57: <bunton> .y expert wastes life studying armadillos
23:09:57: <Gishface> porkin was so good
23:09:58: <Secretary_Helen> Bunton: Paint Protection for Cars - and why you don't need it | Auto Expert John Cadogan | Australia - length 8m46s - 2619β321β - 196115 views - AutoExpertTV - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uw3eO1rI6Eo
23:10:02: <Metaphysician> Oh, I am remembering a good one…
23:10:10: <bunton> What no
23:10:17: <bunton> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qXD9HnrNrvk
23:10:18: <Secretary_Helen> Bunton: Expert Wasted Entire Life Studying Anteaters - length 2m55s - 23021β352β - 897257 views - The Onion - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qXD9HnrNrvk
23:10:57: <Metaphysician> https://lifestyle.clickhole.com/dating-bad-boys-vs-dating-the-one-bad-man-1825125354
23:11:08: <kylereeves> ever had assorted gum
23:11:13: <kylereeves> its good man
23:11:55: <kylereeves> https://www.irccloud.com/pastebin/VTL6eGGH/
23:11:57: <bunton> That guy looks like a buff David Tenant.
23:12:05: <Metaphysician> I can see it.
23:12:23: <CryonicAutumn> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jjonGtrCyVE can we appreciate how the onion predicted the 2016 election back in 2014
23:12:24: <Secretary_Helen> CryonicAutumn: After Obama Victory, Shrieking White-Hot Sphere Of Pure Rage Early GOP Front-Runner For 2016 - length 2m38s - 8889β231β - 360274 views - The Onion - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jjonGtrCyVE
23:12:33: <Dinnerasek> A cross between David Tenant and The Beast
23:12:37: <CryonicAutumn> *2012
23:12:47: <bunton> Metaphysician: this is great.
23:13:19: <Metaphysician> https://www.theonion.com/in-final-machiavellian-masterstoke-area-woman-adds-no-1819580166
23:13:26: <bunton> I love how this reads like it's out of Fallen London. :P
23:14:30: <TyvanDelfar> ouch I went down to -3
23:14:36: <Metaphysician> https://politics.theonion.com/melania-trump-stumbles-upon-dozens-of-husband-s-hauntin-1819579168
23:14:37: <TyvanDelfar> I don't think I'll be able to edit it before it's fixed
23:14:52: <TyvanDelfar> edit it before it's deleted*
23:15:27: <Metaphysician> Delete it and fix it, reposting it later.
23:15:34: <Gishface> https://www.theonion.com/george-w-bush-debuts-new-paintings-of-dogs-friends-g-1819595637
23:15:56: <TyvanDelfar> I was told to try and let it stay up though
23:16:38: <bunton> I love the turn the socks one takes halfway thhrough.
23:16:49: <Gishface> yuuuuup
23:17:01: <Metaphysician> Oh, John Kerry adventures were good.
23:17:13: <Metaphysician> https://politics.theonion.com/shackled-kerry-looks-on-as-chechen-terror-leader-remove-1819579541
23:18:09: <Rounderhouse> .seen North
23:18:10: <Secretary_Helen> I last saw North 5 hours ago saying: I feel you
23:18:23: <north> North is always watching
23:18:28: <bunton> Is this a nod to Pickman's Model? :P
23:18:28: <Dinnerasek> Wowee
23:18:33: <north> You need something rounderhouse
23:18:36: <Rounderhouse> North: you enjoyed Aflame, yes?
23:18:43: <north> Ja
23:19:00: <Rounderhouse> Consider upvoting it on the INt wiki, maybe?
23:19:06: <Rounderhouse> http://scp-int.wikidot.com/aflame-with-the-fires-of-delusion
23:19:14: <north> Hmm tempting
23:19:17: <north> Sure
23:19:21: <Rounderhouse> radical
23:19:22: <Metaphysician> https://www.theonion.com/hundreds-of-blind-pallid-disney-characters-discovered-1819579793
23:20:03: <Bennings> Anyone here read the Girl who played with Fire? Any good? Read the first hundred pages and the actual plot doesn't seem to have started yet
23:20:16: <Gishface> the wildest thing about that article is that it's based on the actual, real pack of feral cats that live in disneyworld
23:20:49: <kylereeves> i never got the inner circle
23:20:56: <kylereeves> explain plz
23:21:00: <Rounderhouse> kylereeves: what
23:21:30: <Metaphysician> https://politics.theonion.com/gop-gasps-as-red-eyed-shadow-counsel-smashes-out-of-ges-1828561995
23:21:37: <kylereeves> kaktus kontainer
23:21:45: <kylereeves> firedawn folder
23:23:30: <JackIke> .l
23:23:32: <Secretary_Helen> JackIke: Containment Psychiatry Orientation (Written 1 hour ago By: wmaitla) - http://scp-wiki.net/containment-psychiatry-orientation
23:23:33: <Secretary_Helen> JackIke: SCP-4474: Steve, and 0ther Gods (Written 2 hours ago By: Mortos) - http://scp-wiki.net/scp-4474
23:23:34: <Secretary_Helen> JackIke: SCP-3819: I Sing The Particle Electric (Written 5 hours ago By: DrLeibowitz) - http://scp-wiki.net/scp-3819
23:23:46: <Gishface> they're just other sandboxes
23:23:47: <Dinnerasek> Ayup Jack, how is?
23:24:04: <bunton> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xOVQPtuKRs4
23:24:05: <Secretary_Helen> Bunton: Political Talk Show Host Suddenly Very Interested In Manslaughter Law Loopholes - length 2m26s - 14413β214β - 733498 views - The Onion - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xOVQPtuKRs4
23:24:09: <Proasek> kylereeves: they're like sandboxes, but cooler(tm).
23:24:15: <kylereeves> hm
23:24:23: <kylereeves> in te re st in g
23:24:24: <JackIke> Ok
23:24:54: <TyvanDelfar> mm yeah think I'll just take down my article for now
23:25:13: <north> firedawn is the coolest we have Proasek and XilasCrowe
23:25:25: <XilasCrowe> who speaks of me
23:25:30: <Proasek> [citation needed]
23:25:55: north pokes XilasCrowe
23:26:00: <XilasCrowe> how dare
23:26:11: <Proasek> Verily.
23:26:22: <Proasek> I think this is North for "Xilas, do something"
23:26:30: <Metaphysician> A good video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NOHjMwPTCXQ
23:26:36: <north> Perhaps
23:26:39: <XilasCrowe> I am doing something
23:26:53: <XilasCrowe> procrastinating
23:26:54: <kylereeves> north
23:26:59: <kylereeves> help
23:27:01: <north> What
23:27:06: <kylereeves> are you good with css
23:27:15: <north> Hell no, well it depends
23:27:19: <north> what do you need
23:27:19: <kylereeves> http://scp-sandbox-3.wikidot.com/collab:reeves-and-traks
23:27:26: <kylereeves> i cant the header to work
23:27:26: <Metaphysician> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fc9JzvuvNkA
23:27:27: <Secretary_Helen> Metaphysician: Do Glass Pipes, Incense Prove Teens Are Practicing Shamanism? - length 2m54s - 7454β197β - 357380 views - The Onion - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fc9JzvuvNkA
23:27:35: <north> kylereeves: it's just like that on the sandbox
23:27:40: <kylereeves> oh
23:27:40: <north> it will fix itself on the main site
23:27:42: <TyvanDelfar> if I delete an article to do I change the series page back to [ACCESS DENIED]
23:27:43: <kylereeves> well
23:27:49: <kylereeves> im big dumb
23:27:52: <north> :D
23:28:00: <kylereeves> TyvanDelfar: YES
23:28:32: <TyvanDelfar> ight
23:28:35: <TyvanDelfar> It's gone now
23:28:35: <TyvanDelfar> :(
23:28:47: <kylereeves> oof
23:28:53: <JackIke> SCP-4329
23:28:53: <kylereeves> how bad was rating
23:28:54: <Secretary_Helen> JackIke: SCP-4329 (Rating: +9. Written 18 days ago By: Jack Ike) - http://scp-wiki.net/scp-4329
23:29:00: <TyvanDelfar> It was only at -3 at the time
23:29:05: <kylereeves> oh
23:29:07: <TyvanDelfar> But I know it was just going to keep going down anyways
23:29:18: <kylereeves> w e l l
23:29:19: <TyvanDelfar> It does need fixed
23:29:35: <kylereeves> w e d o n t n e e d t h a t n e g a t i v i t y
23:29:39: <Proasek> On the plus side, it was only controversial rather than universally downvoted
23:29:40: <kylereeves> g e t o u t
23:29:53: <CaptainKirby> .s many portraits
23:29:54: <Secretary_Helen> CaptainKirby: The Many Portraits Of Jack Bright (Rating: +46. Written 2 days ago By: Captain Kirby) - http://scp-wiki.net/the-many-portraits-of-jack-bright
23:29:59: <TyvanDelfar> Yeah it did last over 24 hours
23:30:00: <CaptainKirby> ^^^ only 4 more votes to 50! :D
23:30:01: <kylereeves> just joking
23:30:06: <JackIke> Yeah, trust me, -3 is far from the worst rating
23:30:15: <JackIke> I've seen a page hit -30 once
23:30:18: <TyvanDelfar> I know, but it wasn't going to get better
23:30:20: <kylereeves> djkaktus:
23:30:26: <kylereeves> wait
23:30:29: <kylereeves> misclick
23:30:31: <kylereeves> oh god
23:30:36: <Metaphysician> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=84phU8of02U
23:30:36: <Secretary_Helen> Metaphysician: Judge Rules White Girl Will Be Tried As Black Adult - length 1m54s - 29795β822β - 2149450 views - The Onion - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=84phU8of02U
23:30:38: <north> rip
23:30:46: <JackIke> The worst part was I wrote it
23:30:48: <Tuomey> kylereeves: calm down my dude
23:30:55: <Tuomey> maybe lay off the caffeine a little
23:30:56: <TyvanDelfar> And I want to say majority of the downvotes were because of the poor formatting and grammar in some spots
23:30:58: <north> Anyone want to do a draft swap with me?
23:31:07: <TyvanDelfar> Only a couple of them were from the concept
23:31:10: <Proasek> I look forwards to the day a page legitimately reaches the stage that Crockett's has.
23:31:12: <kylereeves> Tuomey: but i run on that
23:31:12: <Proasek> -69
23:31:35: <kylereeves> who remembers SCP-4115
23:31:35: <TyvanDelfar> Maybe I can sway some of the concept votes after I adjust it
23:31:43: <kylereeves> we have now got the big yes
23:31:43: <TyvanDelfar> Because it didn't come out quite right
23:31:49: <JackIke> Mind you, there's an extant article with like, neg 1k or something
23:32:05: <TyvanDelfar> Don't they get auto deleted after -10?
23:32:12: <Secretary_Helen> JackIke: SCP-1848 (Rating: +202. Written 4 years ago By: TroyL) - http://scp-wiki.net/scp-1848
23:32:12: <JackIke> SCP-1848
23:32:12: <Proasek> Not automatically
23:32:16: <JackIke> Oh
23:32:24: <JackIke> … damnit, they removed the trickery
23:32:41: <TyvanDelfar> Oh do mods and stuff just delete the low ones when they get time
23:32:53: <Modern_Erasmus> .s deletion guide
23:32:54: <Secretary_Helen> Modern_Erasmus: Deletions Guide (Rating: +27. Written 7 years ago By: tunedtoadeadchannel) - http://scp-wiki.net/deletions-guide
23:33:07: <Modern_Erasmus> TyvanDelfar: ^
23:33:23: <kylereeves> imagine if the theme page got -10 upvotes lol
23:33:34: <Proasek> That would be hazardous
23:33:42: <Metaphysician> I remember a lot of people offended in the belief that this one was real.
23:33:44: <Metaphysician> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MGXSPf9b-xI
23:33:45: <Secretary_Helen> Metaphysician: Brain-Dead Teen, Only Capable Of Rolling Eyes And Texting, To Be Euthanized - length 3m10s - 206177β30713β - 16337680 views - The Onion - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MGXSPf9b-xI
23:34:14: <Modern_Erasmus> kylereeves: Component pages, guides, author pages, and the like aren't eligible for vote based deletion
23:34:26: <Proasek> I do love when people mistake the Onion for an actual news source
23:34:33: kylereeves mumbles
23:34:35: <Metaphysician> Ate the onion.
23:34:48: <Modern_Erasmus> The -10 standard applies to all fiction, as well as some other bits like art pages
23:34:50: <TyvanDelfar> There's a dead link on that guide
23:34:56: <TyvanDelfar> Is there even a deletion announcement page anymore
23:34:58: <XilasCrowe> Modern_Erasmus: what about the forums
23:35:08: <XilasCrowe> if we get the forums tp -10 can they be delted
23:35:25: <Proasek> It's on the forum, Tyvan
23:35:34: <Modern_Erasmus> TyvanDelfar: There's no dead link
23:35:46: <TyvanDelfar> I'm not finding it
23:35:49: <kylereeves> lets do it
23:35:54: <Modern_Erasmus> XilasCrowe: Forums can only be deleted as part of the new mod right of passage
23:36:00: <Gishface> http://literallyunbelievable.tumblr.com/
23:36:04: <TyvanDelfar> It says after you delete to post it in a deletion thread
23:36:09: <TyvanDelfar> But it links to an archived forum
23:36:14: <moreworldliness> Hello, all!
23:36:17: <moreworldliness> How are we?
23:36:33: <Modern_Erasmus> TyvanDelfar: the thread is in announcements
23:36:34: <ricky> i'm tired
23:36:34: <kylereeves> good
23:36:35: <Proasek> Ayup Worldliness, how is?
23:36:46: <moreworldliness> Heya, Pop! I'm good! You?
23:36:52: <TyvanDelfar> Is it the misc announcements thread
23:37:10: <Proasek> There's an announcements thread for deletions
23:37:19: <TyvanDelfar> Oh I found it
23:37:23: <TyvanDelfar> I didn't see that earlier wtf
23:37:28: <Proasek> moreworldliness: Decent, throat doing weird things, but I'm drafting a script for doing SCP readings anyway
23:37:35: <Proasek> Because I dislike my neck, apparently.
23:37:38: <moreworldliness> hey, good for you!
23:37:53: <moreworldliness> not the neck thing, the script-
23:38:06: <moreworldliness> I'm finally getting around to writing some characters
23:38:12: <Proasek> My throat's doing weird things because of voice training stuff
23:38:16: <Proasek> So it's all on my head.
23:38:20: <Proasek> or rather, directly under it.
23:38:33: <moreworldliness> *rimshot*
23:38:47: <kylereeves> hey guys
23:38:52: <kylereeves> cronch
23:39:14: <XilasCrowe> monch
23:39:18: <Proasek> Munch
23:39:27: <kylereeves> le peanut has arrived
23:39:42: <Proasek> .s crunch beautiful
23:39:42: <Secretary_Helen> Proasek: Crunch Is A Beautiful Sound (Rating: +22. Written 1 year ago By: DrChandra) - http://scp-wiki.net/crunch-is-a-beautiful-sound
23:40:08: <kylereeves> nice one chandra
23:40:42: <Proasek> They know what they're doing.
23:41:14: <TyvanDelfar> Time to wait for a reply from a butterfly
23:41:21: <JackIke> O shit
Original, slightly shorter, much better formatted logs
23:38 | JackIke | O shit |
23:38 | TyvanDelfar | Such a long wait |
23:38 | JackIke | SCP-2439 |
23:38 | Secretary_Helen | JackIke: SCP-2439: [SLOT UNALLOCATED] (Rating: +651. Written 2 years ago By: Jack Ike) - http://scp-wiki.net/scp-2439 |
23:39 | JackIke | Alright uh can everyone like flog this above article for a lil' bit |
23:39 | JackIke | because like, if it gets twenty more updoots, it hits front page of top rated articles |
23:39 | Proasek | Ooh, now that's a good reason |
23:39 | Proasek | And for some reason I hadn't given it the doot |
23:40 | Proasek | I really am bad about doing that |
23:40 | Proasek | I only upvoted Shaggy's Proposal after I uploaded Three Thousand to One |
23:40 | Metaphysician | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jlJdsX181QU |
23:40 | Secretary_Helen | Metaphysician: Semi-Literate Former Gold Prospector Given Own Cable News Show - length 3m57s - 5221β555β - 233810 views - The Onion - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jlJdsX181QU |
23:42 | Ricky | mmm |
23:42 | Ricky | why is the mainsite so against like… fanfic. isn't that all scp is? just one b ig fanfic world |
23:43 | Metaphysician | It's collaborative fiction. |
23:43 | TyvanDelfar | Define fanfic |
23:43 | Ricky | fanmade fiction |
23:43 | Ricky | but like. fanfic isn't necessarily bad? |
23:44 | Ricky | but people kind of just rally against it like "fanfic b ad" and don't read anymore into it |
23:44 | Proasek | Of course not, PokΓ©mon: Origin of Species is one of my favourite works on the internet, but when one's writing for SCP one isn't writing as a fan, they're contributing directly to the original "work," so to speak. |
23:44 | moreworldliness | Depends - I can see people getting really annoyed at 'shipping fics' |
23:44 | Proasek | No SCP writing is a fanfiction of it. |
23:45 | TyvanDelfar | SCP canon is a really woozy tho |
23:45 | Levi | Ricky: As a person who likes Fanfiction, fanfiction is bad |
23:45 | Levi | not ebcause it's bad |
23:45 | Ricky | and i disagree |
23:45 | Levi | but just because we all are fanfic trash |
23:45 | Ricky | honestly? |
23:45 | Levi | /s |
23:45 | Ricky | i'm tired of calling myself trash even as a joke |
23:45 | Ricky | i like the things i like |
23:45 | Ricky | i *like* doing fun SCP stuff that isn't always clinical and serious in tone |
23:45 | TyvanDelfar | But that's liek |
23:46 | TyvanDelfar | The point of SCP |
23:46 | Levi | I mean I'm gonna continue doing it because that's what I am, but if you don't, I understand |
23:46 | Ricky | i feel like… the mainsite isn't really fun enough? i guess? it just seems so rigid and serious |
23:46 | TyvanDelfar | That's the point |
23:46 | Ricky | i disagree |
23:46 | * AbsentmindedNihilist joined #site19 soggod.regnuh.naibsel|203613diu#soggod.regnuh.naibsel|203613diu | |
23:46 | +++ ChanServ has given op to AbsentmindedNihilist | |
23:46 | Ricky | the point of SCP is to hav e a creative outlet and have fun with this giant world we've made |
23:46 | JackIke | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eaDeTV-LLYA |
23:46 | Secretary_Helen | JackIke: LINK RUNNING - length 1m4s - 55678β1152β - 593751 views - MetalKingBoo - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eaDeTV-LLYA |
23:46 | Ricky | so like |
23:47 | JackIke | Mind your volume on that video |
23:47 | AbsentmindedNihilist | ricky what're we talking about |
23:47 | Ricky | why are people so goddamn mean is what i'm trying to ask |
23:47 | moreworldliness | There are several thousand tales that detail how the Foundation can be fun |
23:47 | moreworldliness | But I suppose the mainsite is very rigid but I kind of like that |
23:47 | Ricky | i don't like that. it breeds elitism |
23:47 | Levi | Ricky: As someone who in the past was unnecessarily mean to people trying to write on the wiki, I understand that frustration |
23:48 | Tuomey | there are downsides but I think overall we're better off for having a rigid /baseline/ |
23:48 | Ricky | "ha ha i'm better than you because i don't write shipfic" like… c'mon. there's nice ways to say you don't like something. and just bc you write a scip doesn't make you better |
23:48 | Tuomey | so long as people recognise that it's a baseline |
23:48 | Ricky | i mean yeah i can see why you wouldn't put something that's obviously coldposted on the site |
23:48 | Tuomey | and not, like, something to be adhered to at all times forever |
23:48 | Ricky | but there's a difference between that and say like |
23:48 | Levi | I support creativity as long as it's not obviously bad, even if I personally dislike it |
23:48 | Ricky | something more lighthearted |
23:49 | moreworldliness | It depends, though - what do you mean by lighthearted in the context of the Foundation? |
23:50 | Tuomey | I feel like plenty of fic stuff can fit on the site if people could just calm down when they see it |
23:50 | Ricky | ^ |
23:50 | JackIke | Ricky: Just saying, stigma against fanfic isn't just localised to this site - it's just about everywhere (except in fanfic circles) |
23:50 | Ricky | that's what i'm trying to say |
23:50 | Ricky | okay but not within fandom |
23:50 | TyvanDelfar | Say what's the exact meaning of "coldpost" btw, I have a hunch on what it means but I'm not sure |
23:50 | Levi | Tuomey: no we must all be irrationally angry when new things are made |
23:50 | Tuomey | TyvanDelfar: publishing without getting feedback first |
23:50 | JackIke | TyvanDelfar: Coldpost = Posting without getting feedback beforehand |
23:51 | Levi | if they aren't 100% the same thing over and over again how can i feel comfortable with it |
23:51 | cutegirl | TyvanDelfar: posting your first draft without revision assistance from others |
23:51 | TyvanDelfar | Ah I see |
23:51 | TyvanDelfar | That's not what I thought it meant |
23:51 | cutegirl | Or like your 10th draft but no external help |
23:51 | Tuomey | Typically a problem because SCP is kinda specific |
23:51 | Ricky | like within the danganronpa fandom, fanfic is often read and adored. but when it comes to scp people get irritated with fanfic, or even worse |
23:51 | JackIke | TyvanDelfar: Not to be confused with shitpost, which is a work that's intentionally bad to some capacity |
23:51 | TyvanDelfar | I hope people didn't think mine was a coldpost |
23:51 | TyvanDelfar sweats | |
23:51 | TyvanDelfar | Oh I know it doesn't mean shitpost |
23:51 | TyvanDelfar | I've seen the shitpost SCPs |
23:52 | moreworldliness | Ricky: there is a stark difference between DGR and SCP |
23:52 | moreworldliness | But I do agree with your point |
23:53 | McB | Ricky we have a recurring character called Joey Fucknuts |
23:53 | Ricky | Where |
23:54 | TyvanDelfar | .s joey |
23:54 | Secretary_Helen | TyvanDelfar: Did you mean : Joey Fucknuts Believes In Himself, Joey Makes a New Friend, Joey Fucknuts Builds a Flying Machine, Joey Fucknuts Takes to the Skies, ? |
23:54 | McB | Cad just wrote another tale about him |
23:54 | Ricky | Basically what Iβm saying is like. Idk it feels like if it doesnβt fit the narrow definition of scp people donβt like it automatically |
23:54 | TyvanDelfar | Oh McB I deleted my post btw |
23:54 | TyvanDelfar | It was at -3 last I checked so I figured I'd just put it out of its misery |
23:54 | McB | Aw well good luck on round 2 |
23:54 | TyvanDelfar | mm |
23:54 | cutegirl | Ricky: scp is pretty wide |
23:54 | Ricky | if it's not chock full of scientific talk nobody can understand, that means it's not good |
23:55 | TyvanDelfar | Most of the downvotes I could notice were from formatting stuff |
23:55 | Ricky | that seems to be what a lot of people think |
23:55 | moreworldliness | That's not true at all |
23:55 | TyvanDelfar | A couple on the concept |
23:55 | JackIke | There are like |
23:55 | cutegirl | I've seen creepy smoking dolls and cacti that turn you into Christmas treea |
23:55 | JackIke | Dozens of articles that don't even hint on scientific stuff |
23:55 | TyvanDelfar | But I think if I can work on the execution a lil more they might change their minds |
23:55 | moreworldliness | Too much technobabble and people don't like your work |
23:55 | Mortos | yeah I dont think thats true Ricky |
23:55 | Tuomey | A lot of people do have a narrow view of what belongs on the site but only display it when certain things show up |
23:55 | McB | Scp-3999 |
23:55 | Secretary_Helen | McB: SCP-3999: I Am At The Center of Everything That Happens To Me (Rating: +1266. Written 1 year ago By: LordStonefish) - http://scp-wiki.net/scp-3999 |
23:55 | Ricky | idk. my head hurts so i'm probably not making any sense |
23:56 | McB | Half of this site is format screws |
23:56 | Tuomey | You can do a lot of weird conceptual shit but a lot of the time when people write about relationships someone gets mad |
23:56 | Ricky | why??? |
23:56 | Ricky | that's so silly |
23:56 | Ricky | character studies and relationship studies are so interesting |
23:56 | Tuomey | That said |
23:57 | moreworldliness | The site was originally based off of supernatural creatures so I think there's some kind of prejudice against characters and relationships |
23:57 | Tuomey | There are less people getting mad than enjoying it |
23:57 | Ricky | well we need to change that then |
23:57 | Tuomey | It's just that anger is loud |
23:57 | Ricky | you have a point |
23:57 | Mortos | be the change you want to see etc etc |
23:58 | Gishface | I want to see a quarter |
23:58 | * Mayd quit (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity) moc.duolccri.E0F17B54-CRInys|868022diu#moc.duolccri.E0F17B54-CRInys|868022diu | |
23:58 | moreworldliness | Gishface, get in the bin |
23:58 | moreworldliness | that was terrible |
23:58 | moreworldliness | and I'm disappointed |
23:59 | kylereeves | uh oh |
23:59 | TyvanDelfar | I can smell dinner |
23:59 | TyvanDelfar | I'll brb |
00:00 | Ricky | idk i feel discouraged i guess |
00:00 | cutegirl | I had cereal for dinner because I'm so depressed I'm not hungry but also I'm kinda sick |
00:00 | Ricky | i'm scared i'll fail without people really even caring about the material i write |
00:00 | cutegirl dabs | |
00:00 | cutegirl | Ricky: if you fail you just gotta try again |
00:00 | * cutegirl is now known as CuteGirl | |
00:01 | kylereeves | van. get in |
00:01 | Ricky | the problem is like |
00:01 | CuteGirl | kylereeves: what does that even mean |
00:01 | Ricky | if the reason i fail is bc people don't like the plot |
00:01 | kylereeves | idk |
00:01 | Ricky | what can i do |
00:01 | CuteGirl | Ricky: learn and try something new |
00:01 | CuteGirl | Take it in a new direction |
00:02 | moreworldliness | Read works that people *do* like or are well renouned in the community, take an aspect and run with it |
00:02 | Tuomey | yeah at this point you're just describing the problem of doing art in general |
00:02 | McB | There are relationships in SCP |
00:02 | kylereeves | e p i c |
00:03 | McB | the S&C Plastics stuff has a researcher and a site director boning in secret |
00:03 | Tuomey | kylereeves: stop saying random irrelevant shit |
00:03 | Tuomey | seriously dude |
00:03 | kylereeves | ok |
00:03 | * mlister is now known as mlrAFK | |
00:03 | Ricky | i don't wanna just do what's popular though |
00:03 | kylereeves | you wont |
00:03 | McB | S&C Plastics is very popular |
00:04 | * JackIke left #site19 ~ten.artslet.knl.37BD892A-CRInys|tibbiM#ten.artslet.knl.37BD892A-CRInys|tibbiM | |
00:04 | McB | it isn't built around that relationship, but that relationship is a plot point in a tale or two |
00:05 | Gishface | I've seen very few good articles get deleted off the site; the only ones that fit that description are coldposts that have stylistic errors on purpose that aren't obvious on first read |
00:05 | Gishface | in other words, you may not be ultra successful but as long as your stuff is decent it'll likely survive |
00:05 | Gishface | and upvotes are pointless beyond that |
00:05 | McB | Can confirm. My first SCP is the epitome of mediocrity and is still pretty positive |
00:06 | Ricky | guess i just have to write and pray, then |
00:06 | Proasek | Can confirm. My entire body of work is the epitome of mediocrity and is still pretty positive. |
00:06 | * pie quit (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client) ten.xoc.ko.ko.AF07CA6E-CRInys|tibbiM#ten.xoc.ko.ko.AF07CA6E-CRInys|tibbiM | |
00:07 | * pie joined #site19 ten.xoc.ko.ko.AF07CA6E-CRInys|tibbiM#ten.xoc.ko.ko.AF07CA6E-CRInys|tibbiM | |
00:07 | moreworldliness | Mood Pro |
00:07 | Gishface | well my body of work fucking rules so |
00:07 | moreworldliness | Mooood |
00:07 | taylor_work | Butt |
00:07 | Elisabot | Hello. |
00:07 | * taylor_work is now known as taylor_iOStkin | |
00:07 | Gishface | good point taylor |
00:07 | Bunton | Proasek: maybe your mediocre is just other people's good. |
00:08 | CuteGirl | taylor_iOStkin: yes |
00:08 | pie | hee hee |
00:08 | taylor_iOStkin | I have twenty minutes till my next lesson |
00:08 | taylor_iOStkin | And Iβm already asleep |
00:08 | Proasek | Bunton: (x) |
00:08 | taylor_iOStkin | CuteGirl: kill me |
00:08 | Bunton | Wha? |
00:08 | ihp | .l |
00:08 | Secretary_Helen | ihp: Containment Psychiatry Orientation (Written 2 hours ago By: wmaitla) - http://scp-wiki.net/containment-psychiatry-orientation |
00:08 | Proasek | Ayup Elisabot, how is? |
00:08 | Secretary_Helen | ihp: SCP-4474: Steve, and 0ther Gods (Written 3 hours ago By: Mortos) - http://scp-wiki.net/scp-4474 |
00:08 | Secretary_Helen | ihp: SCP-3819: I Sing The Particle Electric (Written 5 hours ago By: DrLeibowitz) - http://scp-wiki.net/scp-3819 |
00:08 | Elisabot | Proasek: It is. |
00:08 | Proasek | Bunton: Pressing it to doubt |
00:08 | kylereeves | taylor is a linguist |
00:08 | Gishface | reference to press x to doubt meme |
00:08 | Proasek | Peak |
00:08 | Bunton | oh lol |
00:08 | Bunton | I thought you were ticking a box. |
00:08 | taylor_iOStkin | kylereeves: I mean I am on a writing site |
00:08 | taylor_iOStkin | And I am a musician |
00:08 | taylor_iOStkin | So |
00:08 | taylor_iOStkin | You do the math |
00:08 | Proasek | Bunton: nono, that'd be [x] |
00:08 | taylor_iOStkin | (Because I cant) |
00:08 | CuteGirl | taylor_iOStkin: kill me first |
00:09 | taylor_iOStkin | (I suck ass at math) |
00:09 | taylor_iOStkin | CuteGirl: kill each other? |
00:09 | Proasek | And thus, the Site19 suicide pact was formed. |
00:09 | CuteGirl | taylor_iOStkin: fucking deal |
00:09 | Bunton | Wrecked [ ] Rekt [ ] Tyrannosaurus rekt [X] |
00:09 | taylor_iOStkin | Nice |
00:09 | kylereeves | you entered with "butt" |
00:09 | Proasek | And they all died happily ever after |
00:09 | * FloppyPhoenix joined #site19 moc.duolccri.notlrahc.E6AACF3B-CRInys|165003diu#moc.duolccri.notlrahc.E6AACF3B-CRInys|165003diu | |
00:09 | taylor_iOStkin | kylereeves: indeed I did |
00:09 | Gishface | also as far as characters go, and I know this is somewhat controversial, but I enjoy the interplay between the GAW members |
00:09 | taylor_iOStkin | Itβs kinda my catchphrase at this point |
00:09 | taylor_iOStkin | I just say butt a lot |
00:09 | taylor_iOStkin | Because butts are awesome |
00:09 | FloppyPhoenix | hi |
00:09 | Proasek | Oy oy Flops, y'aright? |
00:10 | taylor_iOStkin | Hey flops |
00:10 | kylereeves | thats g- |
00:10 | Metaphysician | .lc |
00:10 | Secretary_Helen | Metaphysician: Containment Psychiatry Orientation (Written 2 hours ago By: wmaitla) - http://scp-wiki.net/containment-psychiatry-orientation |
00:10 | Secretary_Helen | Metaphysician: SCP-4474: Steve, and 0ther Gods (Written 3 hours ago By: Mortos) - http://scp-wiki.net/scp-4474 |
00:10 | Secretary_Helen | Metaphysician: SCP-3819: I Sing The Particle Electric (Written 5 hours ago By: DrLeibowitz) - http://scp-wiki.net/scp-3819 |
00:10 | McB | heya floppy |
00:10 | Mortos | Steeeeeeeeve |
00:10 | Mortos | worship steve |
00:10 | CuteGirl | I hate the universe. I hate the earth |
00:10 | CuteGirl | I cannot wait for the heat death |
00:11 | Bunton | Mood. |
00:11 | Bunton | Unfortunately you have to because actual death will come first. |
00:11 | Proasek | The earth is a shit, but the universe as a whole seems pretty chill |
00:11 | kylereeves | CuteGirl: fork+socket |
00:11 | Proasek | Apart from the many thousands of ways it could easily swat my life away |
00:11 | Ricky | kylereeves: how about we don't |
00:11 | Bunton | I mean the universe as a whole just is. |
00:11 | Bunton | It doesn't care if it is or not, it just is. |
00:12 | kylereeves | the universe exists but doesnt |
00:12 | Gishface | We Stuck This Fork Into 12 Electrical Sockets. Number 8 Will Shock You! |
00:12 | Proasek | And by that logic, it's the chillest motherfucker to ever walk the planes of existence. |
00:12 | Tuomey | kylereeves: yeah you're done |
00:12 | kylereeves | its everything that will be, is, and was |
00:12 | —- ChanServ has banned *!*cipe.oripahs|neb#cipe.oripahs|neb | |
00:12 | * kylereeves was kicked by ChanServ (Requested (Tuomey)) |
TLDR: Failed to knock off the lolrandom shit, told a user who was clearly going through something "fork+socket"
Permanent ban.