One random character every minute. Probably a bot. Perma'd unless a coherent appeal happens.
19:55 DrStien Djoric: I keep finding these awesome ones though where I love it but the author is on break
19:55 Wolfenmaus Oh hey, guys.
19:55 NOtE .
19:55 DrStien Djoric: I've got like 3 or 4 comics right now where they ain't updating
19:55 Djoric Thekillerax: well, the whole basis is some researchers were like "it's been 90 years, we shouls send some people out to do research."
19:55 Djoric "And maybe also looting"
19:55 DrStien Djoric: I'm just like T_T srsly
19:55 Djoric "But keep that on the down-low"
19:55 Wolfenmaus Finished the first full draft of that washing machine SCP.
19:55 Tagliafierro Oi Voct, did you think of it?
19:55 Djoric But they didn't have enough money for professionals
19:55 Wolfenmaus Wanna review it?
19:55 * Dr_Kens is now known as Kens_Away
19:55 Djoric So they were able to hire five people and a cat
19:55 Djoric none of whom are experienced
19:56 Thekillerax Djoric: cats. Good
19:56 Djoric Thekillerax: so many cats. The headlights on the tanks are shaped like cat faces to scare away trolls
19:56 Wolfenmaus
19:56 Voct haven't looked
19:56 Thekillerax Djoric: cats are scared of trolls?
19:56 Djoric No
19:56 Bennings Djoric: We should try that on Site19.
19:57 Djoric cats are like, anti-troll weapons
19:57 Djoric you always gotta have a cat with you
19:57 NOtE f
19:57 Thekillerax Oh I meant the other way around
19:57 Thekillerax Whoops
19:57 * zaratustraII quit (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
19:58 Thekillerax Djoric: so if I go on like reddit or 4chan with a cat in my lap I won't lose faith in humanity
19:58 * zaratustra joined #site19
19:58 Djoric DrStien, Thekillerax : I look forward to seeing your reactions to it
19:58 DrStien Djoric: on page 4 and already digging this thing
19:58 NOtE u
19:58 Djoric DrStien: it will only get better
19:58 MouseMats You can't go on reddit and not lose your faith in humanity. It just can't be done.
19:58 Djoric she has this shit planned
19:58 DrStien Djoric: I can only imagine
19:58 MouseMats You just lose it to varying degrees each time.
19:58 Djoric NOtE: having a bit of trouble there?
19:59 NOtE e
19:59 Bennings Ops
19:59 Djoric Oi, ops, get your shit together
19:59 Thekillerax MouseMats: I don't even go there don't want to risk havign to stab my eyes out
20:00 kaktus NOtE: you there?
20:00 Tuomey NOtE: cut out the spamming one letter every so often shit
20:00 MouseMats If you like pseudo-intellectuals you'll love reddit.
20:00 Djoric DrStien: just wait until you meet the main cast. They're fantastic
20:00 - Fantem is away (Auto away)
20:00 NOtE n
20:00 Thekillerax Djoric: "Goran Andersen: Thinks his beard is awesome." Implying that the beard isn't awesome
20:00 MouseMats Just be prepared to have black and white opinions on everything.
20:00 SoundChaser MouseMats: people love pseudo-intellectuals?
20:00 * Meserach joined #site19
20:00 Djoric Thekillerax: that is not even close to the best beard in the comic
20:00 * Meserach quit (Quit: Meserach)
20:00 Tuomey NOtE: Ok, say something a bot wouldn't say
20:01 Thekillerax Djoric: Dream comic it has beards and cats, I'm all set
20:01 NOtE t
20:01 * NOtE was kicked by kaktus (you've been told)
20:01 MouseMats SoundChaser: Only other pseudo-intellectuals do, but only if they agree with their opinions. Thankfully reddit is set up to cultivate those kinds of people.
20:01 - Tuomey has banned *!*