You may have noticed that I haven't been here very much lately, other than popping into chat for a bit at odd hours sometimes. I'm more or less OK, but have been working 55-hour weeks and am tired, stressed, and don't have a lot of free time. I'm still writing, but am writing different stuff, and it's hard to explain, but that stuff is what I need to write these days, not SCPs. I have been feeling no real inspiration for writing fiction lately, and you can't force this kind of thing. I don't feel like I have much to say to the writers who need help on the wiki, or the patience to say it. Maybe I'll write up an essay on writing/critique sometime…I was planning to do that.
For the moment, I am requesting being placed into the Inactive/Reserve Staff category. I haven't been posting critique, or even really keeping up these days. I apologize for not saying something sooner…I kept telling myself I would get back into it, but don't have the time/inspiration, and it's time for me to admit it. I don't want to have my name up there on teams, and then be told I'm not doing anything.
Maybe I'll be active again sometime. I go through phases in terms of what I write, and where I spend my Internet time.
Nothing personal against anyone on the site, Staff or Member. I'm not pissed off at anyone, or disgruntled over the state of the site, staff, or anything. No hidden drama to ask about. I have enjoyed writing here, and the work I've done as Staff. If you have any "special projects" that you think would interest me, feel free to ask.
If you want to keep in touch, or need to tell me something about the site and have me see it right away, get hold of me on Facebook.
Roget can tell you that I'm actually fairly entertaining over there.
I wish everyone well…
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